Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Katya Zinovia (Heavily W.I.P.)

Katya Zinovia

Basic Information

Name: Katya Zinovia
Faction: The Jedi Praxeum
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Species: Human-Echani Hybrid
Sex: Female
Age: Young Adult
Hair: White
Eyes: Amber
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 1.7m
Weight: Rude
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: Apprentice
Force Alignment: Light-Sided

  • Heavy Weapons Jedi - Katya eschews traditional Echani martial doctrine in favor of using the biggest, kark-offest weapons she can get her hands on. When fighting psychopathic, sadistic Sith, staying out of range of their lightsabers is key.
  • I Know Echani - It's true, she does. Katya certainly isn't a master practitioner of the art, but she can take more than a few hits and dish out just as many. Befitting her Jedi-ish tendencies, she prefers not to go for the kill, and instead focuses on disabling her opponents, whether through broken bones or sheer pain.
  • Chaotic Good - Katya has what some might call 'authority problems.' While she won't disobey orders out of spite or for no good reason, she also has absolutely zero reservations about doing so if she thinks it's the right thing to do.
  • Banned in China - Katya may or may not be banned from visiting a number of more conservative Jedi worlds. She maintains, however, that all of these bans are unjust. Except for Ach'To. She's sorry about that one.

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