Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kao Xusros

(Kao without Armor)​

(Kao with Armor)​


NAME: Kao Xusros


RANK: Knight


AGE: 28

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6’2”

WEIGHT: 170 lb

EYES: Yellow Bronze


SKIN: Red and Black, with a Bronze-like sheen.





  • Extremely Potent Connection to the Force, and more so to the Dark Side, such that it can kill him too, as accidentally Force Pushing someone can result in both him and his target to be pushed. (Telekinesis is stronger than most Force-Users', Sith Lightning is semi-weak, only being able to be used if grasping someone with hand)

  • Natural Fighter & Duelist, has ease incorporating Form II in Form VII and likewise. Both are at a Knight's level of mastery.

  • He is a Zabrak (does this count?)

  • Ability to improvise

  • Strange Affinity towards Sith Sorcery, mainly Pyrokinesis, which will be realized when he starts training.

  • Dislikes / horribly uses straight hilts on lightsabers, can only be efficient with double lightsabers or curved hilts.

  • Hates the cold as he may be stuck shivering more than he will be stuck fighting.

  • A bit unfeeling / over-serious at times, which can lead to him overlook crucial opportunities.

  • Fear of defeat. And of death.
 Kao has a body complexion that is muscular but more on the lean side. It seems as though he never scowls or frowns, but at the same time does not smile. His eyes are piercing, and his vestigial head horns are very well grown, unlike him as he is still in his adolescence. He normally wears clothing appropriate to the region, but will wear Sith Apprentice robes when necessary, which just happens to be almost always. He is of average height and his weight is almost completely muscle. He has no hair, like most Zabraks, and he does not like those with overly crazy hairdos. He does have a piercing above his eye, and it does not create any pain for him at all. His skin is very bronze like, due to the muscle lying underneath, but his skin coloration consists of red and black.

The birth of Kao Xusros was an odd one, as from his first breath he was marked for the Darkside. Instead of being covered in the bit of blood which was normal, Kao left the womb covered in a tar-like substance which was quickly absorbed either into the air or into the newborn's body. The mother had died through childbirth, but only right after Kao had been born. He took his first breath, and then suddenly she gasped as all of the air went out of her lungs and she suffocated to death. Her gasp got Kao to open his eyes, and they had color in them. A yellowish gold, they began to flake with black until completely darkened, all while his mother died beside him. This entire ordeal was covered up and the newborn was sent to live with an Sith Academy instructor. When Kao was around 6 years of age, the instructor disappeared only to reappear later hanging by his skin atop of part of the Academy, with his insides all boiled to mush and his heart with a bite mark in it. His origins are unknown to him, as other Sith feared what he could and would become if his potential were utilized from that young age.

He was Force Sensitive for as long as he could remember, potently so, and around his neck hung a metallic chain upon which were two bronze-colored kyber crystals. These crystals are real, and for all his life, he has been attuned to them and only them. No training lightsaber, even the curved ones, ever felt truly right for him. Kao is adept at lightsaber combat, and his training saber, being the one which he used, had been bent into a curved shape using minute force push and pull, which also required him to rearrange some of the internals. He understood that this is how life must be then, and until he became an apprentice, he did not make his lightsaber. He has a knack for pushing people around, telekinetically through the force, and can do so on multiple people without even having to blink twice. As a Zabrak he has always been both mentally and physically tough, and this has helped him overcome obstacles, both living and nonliving which he should not have. This lead to him being at the top of his class at the Sith Academy on Korriban, surpassing the others and yet still yearning for more. All that he needed was for him to be taken as an apprentice by a strong master and to be able to build his lightsaber, train and learn more about the dark side of the Force, and to truly become a Sith.

He was apprenticed to Darth Pyktis, and quickly proved his worth through multiple battles, campaigns, and wars in which he fought both valiantly and destructively. He forged his dual curved lightsabers, and with each having bronze colorations, he stood out even more. But this attention was good for him,as it lead to him gaining more respect and being able to barter for more knowledge into the Force. His apprenticeship included him learning how to command troops and fight effectively in battle. He focused on his swordsmanship, and yet at the very same time on the Force, intertwining the two of them into a potentially deadly mix. During his apprenticeship, Kao Xusros became the only living person to have partaken in a ritual with the Sith Emperor in which he and his Emperor were the only ones doing the ritual. And against all odds, Kao managed to survive the normally fatal ordeal. His connection to the darkside of the Force increased drastically as he felt the power of the death and fear of the ritual pound into him. His aura darkened considerably that when it used to be reddish at the slightest rage was now darkest of blacks during battle.

Once his Master deemed that his apprenticeship was over, Kao undertook the Sith Knight Trials. During these, he dueled with an illusion of a dark councillor, fought and killed a Greater Krayt Dragon, and survived tests of fear and power. Once becoming a Knight, he fashioned for himself a pair of Sith Swords, each with sith amulets in their hilts and Soul-Snares for their pommels. He alongside Imperial armor-smiths created for himself a full set of armor made of Songsteel. His mastery of the Force growing, Kao was allowed to start studying Sith Sorcery and Alchemy, but he has angled a bit more towards Sorcery. A pyrokinetic, he can utilize his swords as conductors for his flames, or he can use his hands to send out jets of fire created through the Force.

(Basically anything telekinetic or related, Kao will be stronger in)

Force Storm - Currently Impossible
Force Storm (Weather) - Currently Impossible
Force Storm (Wormhole) - Currently Impossible
Force Maelstrom - Currently Impossible
Force lightning - Knight
Telekinesis - Master
Force Rage - Master
Mind dominance/Qazoi Kyantuska - Apprentice
Spirit Walker - Currently Impossible
Force Sight - Currently Impossible
Memory Walk - Currently Impossible
Mind Shard - Currently Impossible
Force Shadow - Currently Impossible
Hatred - Master
Eternal Hatred - Knight
Deadly Sight - Master
Dark Transfer - Currently Impossible
Dark Illusion - Apprentice
Dark Energy Trap - Apprentice
Dark Aura - Master
Consume Essence - Apprentice
sutta Chwituskak - Currently Impossible
Odojinya - Currently Impossible
Inertia - Master
Blind - Apprentice
Force Scream - Master
Force Repulse - Master
Knowledge Drain - Apprentice
Force Drain - Knight
Force corrupt - Apprentice
Force Insanity - Apprentice
Force heal - Apprentice
Force speed - Master
Force choke - Master
Force slow - Apprentice
Alter Environment - Master
Force Deflection - Master
Force Fly - Knight
Force Teleportation - Apprentice
Force Pull - Master
Force Push - Master
Force Destruction - Master
Force Burst - Master
Force Disarm - Master
Force Blast - Master
Saber Barrier - Knight
Force Throw - Knight
Force Crush - Master
Rend - Master

Dark Side Tendrils - Master
Animate Dead/Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut - Currently Impossible
Bolts of Hatred - Master
False Light Side Aura - Impossible
Illusion casting - Currently Impossible
Force Phantom - Currently Impossible
Will Breaking - Currently Impossible
Force Destruction - Master
Summon Fear - Apprentice
Waves of darkness - Master
Force Wind - Apprentice

Form I: Shii-Cho - Master
Form II: Makashi - Master
Form III: Soresu - Master
Form IV: Ataru - Master
Form V: Shien/Djem So - Master
Form VI: Niman - Master
Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad - Master







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