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Kango Fett's Armor

(Not Final Image)

Image Source: Me
Intent: To create Kango Fetts Beskar'gam and equipment
Development Thread: From Death Shall Rise a Man and the Shell Reclaimed

Production Information
Manufacturer: Chai La Armory
Model: Beskar'gam
Affiliation: Mandalorian & Bounty Hunter
Modularity: Yes, components can be updated, replaced, added on all gear
Production: Unique
Material: Beskar Iron, Durasteel, Alum, Stygia-triprismatic poylmer.

Technical Specifications
Classification: Beskar'gam
Weight: 18kg
Plates: 10
Armor Weave: 7

Special Features
Lightsaber Resistance (Plates are resistant, Armorweave can survive a glancing blow)
Blaster Resistant and Slugthrower Resistant (Plates create a solid barrier that is resistant to most forms of blaster fire, as well as many slugthrowers)
Fire Resistant (Thermal gel from within the armor shields the wearer's body from external heat and flame)
Stealth dampening systems (Scanner Proof)
EMP/Ion Resistant Helmet

Power Armor Liner, Thermal Gel
Temperature Regulator, Climate Control
Hermetically Sealed, Sealing Foam
Power Pack
Digital Life Support System
Sensor/Camouflage Coating
Internal heating / cooling system
Portable Oxygen Tank (2 hours)
Waste Recycling System
Armorweave bodyglove
Padded Flight Suit

Helmet Components
Internal Comlink
Infrared / Ultraviolet / Nightvision
Audio / Visual Recorder
Voice/Blink Control Interface
Vehicle Slave Control
Weapon smart link capabilities
Advanced Penetrating Radar
Infrared, Echolocation, Radar, X-Ray, Life Form Scanners
Polarizing Visor
Broadband Antenna (Built into helmet)
Oxygen Filtration System (Under Helmet heading)
Emergency Vacuum Seal (10 mins oxygen supply on its own)
Extendable hydration straw for external use
Internal Microcomputer
50x Zoom
360° view
Macrobinoculars/Electrobinoculars (Helmet mounted)
Small Satchel (back of helmet)

Knife sheath (upper left) [Ori'buyce Kal]
Pistol holster (Ranger's Field Pistol)
x3 ammo pouch (stomach)

Ranger's Compacted Pack
x2 Back-Mounted Magnetic Rifle Holster
Medkit (Lower back)

Mechno arm
More armor plating mounted to the mechno arm

Smaller reduced plating
Extra padding to pad for extensive uses of shouldering rifles

Gauntlet Components
ZX Miniature Flame Projector
MM9 Rocket System
Fibrecord Whip
holo projecter
vehicle slave controller

Dur-24 Wrist Laser
Ranger's Multi-Tool
Electronic Lock Breaker
Anti-security blade

Knuckleplate vibroblade
fingertip and hand taser
holo projector

Knuckleplate vibroblade

Tactical Belt/Bandolier
Personal Shield Generator
Large satchel (front)
Bag satchel (left side)
Knife sheath (rear)
Ammo and other pouches [Ion Flares (3), Grappling Hook Launchers (2), High Tension Wire, Combat De-Ionizer, Energy Rations, Canteen, EMP Disruptor Stylus, Field Disruptor Overloader]
x3 Grenade Hooks

Weapon Holster [ Rin'hi OR Ambassador Revolver, Ranger's Field Pistol, or MP-77 Heavy Blaster Pistol]

x2 ammo pouch

Magno-Grip Soles
Retractable Combat Blade

Kango Fetts armor is made for bounty hunting and long range engagements. The armor is able to carry any item needed for any mission. Being highly adaptive body armor it consist of an array of protective plates, pouches and other accouterments over a custom Armorweave jumpsuit letting Kango choose what he will carry into each mission. Taking full advantage of his bionic left arm the left side of body is more armored and able to take more damage. With this the right side of the armor has been lightened and more padding has been added to compensate for extended periods of resting the body against a rifle stock and to prevent bruising caused by the recoil of weapons. The armor is coated in special paint and has special systems added to reduce being seen by radar and on the battlefield. The armor also has a waste recycling system and hydration system in armor for long periods of time on the battlefield. The armor has many pouches, including space in the jetpack, and the outfit is able to carry much of what is needed without resupply for a while if needed.
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Kango Fett said:
Material: Beskar

Kango Fett said:
Development Thread: N/A
Beskar is a restricted material and requires a development thread, in this particular instance somewhere between 10 and 15 posts. Below is a quote from the restricted & banned materials list:
Beskar (( Objective: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain Mandalorian Iron Ore from any of the following planets: Mandalore, Concordia, Echo'lya –OR— inflict a devastating defeat on a Mandalorian character and have them verify it. Characters belonging to the Major Faction whose influence covers Mandalore and/or Concordia are exempt from fulfilling this objective.
All tech submissions involving Mandalorians using Beskar will require a forging or construction thread of at least 10 posts where the item is made. Limited or minor production items will require longer dev threads of 20 and 30 posts respectively, or at the discretion of the Factory Judge. ))
Braith Achlys said:
Beskar is a restricted material and requires a development thread, in this particular instance somewhere between 10 and 15 posts. Below is a quote from the restricted & banned materials list:
That is completely my fault and I'll get right to it. Thank you and I'm sorry
[member="Kango Fett"] I have moved this from the archives. Please update the template to the newest version to conform to current factory standards, make any other edits necessary, and then tag [member="Darth Ananta"].

Thank you.

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