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Approved Location Kallarn Flats

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  • Landmark Name: Kallarn Flats/Kallarn vadis
  • Classification: Desert/Wasteland
  • Location: Tythe
  • Affiliation The land is under the leadership of the Imperium of Tythe
  • Size: Massive- The desert and it's steep the steep like areas around it span several hundred kilometers in diameter and length
  • Population: Sparse- One major military base near the northern part of the flats some nearby smelting plants on west and eastern side
  • Demographics: Humans, Twileks and immigrant Jawas which help out with vehicle repairs after mock battles and training
  • Accessibility: The flat desert is easily accessible though navigating through it without proper equipment can prove to be rather troublesome due to no distinct land marks, terrain and weather
  • Description: Most if not all the area referred to as Kallarn is made up of slowly rolling sand dunes and the occasional rocky formation, only the outer steep rings bar any noticeable different being made up of hard dirt and rocky surface forming a semi circle around the entire region.


  • Medio Deserto Iudaeae: As it is known in basic as 'Middle Desert' is the main flat spanning landmass void of most life and heavily sandy with man rising and falling dunes. It lacks any real use besides being an area for military personal to practice mock battles. It also serves as a recourse for making glass as the heavy mining activity from the clone wars had infused the the
  • Surrounding Steeps: A large circling, slightly hilly table lands that surrounds the majority of the desert flat lands that holds most of the sparse civilian area and the several glass making factories, mainly formed from the little rain that manages to get past the Great Peaking Range, preventing it from becoming fully desert, though little vegetation is able to grow here.
  • L'R'lamein: The regions main military base an almost city size complex that is responsible for the mock battles and exercises that take place in the nearby deserts, it also serves as the main base for the Kallarn Desert Rangers.


To the immediate east of the Great Peaking Range stews a large expansive desert caused by the rain shadow effect of the mountainous region, such an area after so many years having become a sandy hot and barren desert with no live, no animals and not real land marks. For the restoration project hoping to bring the planet back to it's lush green and Naboo like features such an area was a lost hope, natural causes and the shear size making it almost impossible or too costly. Even so the large sandy dunes of Kallarn did not go unnoticed by the Empress or the military heads, both noting the value in a large flat and uninhabited landscape wit no hope of rebuilding.

It was ultimately decided to designate the Kallarn Flats as a military training ground, around half of it becoming ares for conducting weapons testing, mock battles and training regiments, though it was soon discovered that the sand had a interesting quality. As a result of strip mining minute iron ore integrated into the dune sands and when smelted down can be used to make a high quality glass steel due to this added strength. As such the other half of the desert was allocated for manufacturing purposes, going so far to hire Jawa's from Tatooine and their experience in desert travel to help set up said factories and their nearby settlements for the workers.

So far the desert landscape has served it purpose well, even going so far as to raise several native regiments going by the name of the Kallarn Desert Rangers, easily being the best troops Tythe can give for harsh and barren environments. Though the immediate future is not set in stone the Flat Sand range is not considered a waste of time or resources as most would think, those that live in it's borders being a proud and hardy people.
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