Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kaesha Thalen


Kaesha Thalen

    • ALIASES: Kae, Kaesha
    • AGE: 20
    • PROFESSION: Slicer
    • HOME WORLD: Coruscant

  • __tifa_lockhart_final_fantasy_and_2_more_drawn_by_ranh__c668e2d4d09dfa35009a530991f837d7.jpg

    • SEX: Female
    • SPECIES: Human
    • EYES: Reddish Brown
    • HAIR: Dark Brown/Black
    • SKIN: Pale
    • HEIGHT: 5'6"
    • WEIGHT: 145lbs
    • BUILD: Average

    • FAMILY
    • MENTOR(S)
      • N/A
      • N/A
    • ALLIES
      • N/A
    • RIVALS
      • N/A
      • N/A
      • N/A

      • N/A
      • N/A

  • Kaesha grew up on the streets of lower level Courscant, an orphan, homeless, doing whatever she could for food and shelter. The only person she felt she could trust was another orphan like herself, Jorrann Lanchur. They depended on one another for survival on the streets, well, she depended on him mostly; there wasn't much Kaesha was capable of in her younger years other than being a good friend.

    As time passed the two grew older, each beginning to find their own special talents; Jorrann was quite the smuggler, and Kaesha had a knack for slicing. Before long they found themselves under the employ of Jeeli, a Hutt that ruled part of the lower levels of Coruscant. Kaesha started with droid maintenance, mostly, until Jeeli discovered she was able to retain some of the words spoken in various languages that she'd overheard from the protocol droid.

    From then she was taken under the protocol droids wing, learning as many languages from the hutts translator as she could, sometimes even putting those lessons to the test when Jeeli had visitors, though the protocol droid always stood there watching, in case it needed to intervene for the sake of its master. Luckily the mistakes Kaesha made were more laughable than offensive, so she could get away with a dock in pay or a scolding at the most.

    Jorrann being employed by the same crime lord made working for the hutt a little more bearable, given she took every available (and free) moment she had whether it was a day off or a break to see her childhood friend, well, so long as he had the free time as well. Kaesha had grown attached. She enjoyed Jorrann's company, his quick wit, humor, and zany ideas. It wasn't far fetched to say she loved him, not after the year or more they spent together on the streets; he'd always been there for her.

    Even as one of his zany get-rich-quick schemes pitted them against their very own employer, pushing the two young adults to go on the run, she would still follow him, support him, and stand behind his decisions (though she might scold or nag him about the more dangerous ones.) No longer employed by Jeeli, and unable to return to Coruscant due to the targets on their backs, the two took to the stars, eager to explore the galaxy together, out from under the thumb of a crime lord, their own people doing as they wanted. Though.. they might have to get their own ship first to truly follow that dream, but that's just a minor detail.

    • Fast Read: Kaesha is a quick learner and retains knowledge quite well, though anything a bit more complicated needs either practice or notes.
    • Life Hacks: Kaesha is quite the slicer, well, better than average any way for someone who self taught.
    • Multilingual: Being employed by a Hutt meant that her quick learning skills were quickly put to use; she effectively was learning/working with a protocol droid just in case one might not be available.
    • Supporter: Kaesha is incredibly supportive when it comes to Jorrann, even if his ideas are just a little far fetched. This also means that she is ready with a med pack and basic skills if he gets into any danger.

    • Just Human: Kaesha doesn't have an special physical traits or resistances.
    • Not Combat Ready: Kaesha might have watched others fight, but strength is certainly not one of her greatest traits and she's never been trained in how to properly defend herself.
    • Cowardly Creature of Habit: Kaesha might act tough, but she has almost no courage. If she can hide or run, she'll do so, without a second thought, though she screams for help from Jorrann first.

    • Personal Ship
      • N/A
    • Personal Droid
      • N/A
    • Weapons
      • N/A
    • Armor
      • N/A
    • Miscellaneous
      • N/A

  • TBD

  • Act I:

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