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Kaelin Isandros

Aeda Shaytari

We all wear masks....
NAME: Kaelin Isandros
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith
AGE: 29
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 140lb
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Pale.

  • Kaelin is a skilled user of the Force in certain areas. Applications of the Force dealing with misdirection, deception and manipulation she is especially skilled. Using the Force she is able to shield her Force abilities from others, except those of greater power than her. She is also able to use the Force to attack, choking the life from an opponent or summoning lightning to strike them.
  • Kaelin is an utterly amoral person who thinks of nothing but herself and her own advancement. This means she will do anything to get her way, and feels neither moral or philosophical limitations in the way she acts. This all means that even without the Force she is a brilliant manipulator, liar and exploiter of others. This also manifests in her ability to disguise herself as an ordinary person.
  • Kaelin is highly intelligent, and is remarkably adept at both strategic and bureaucratic administration. Of course, in areas of tactical and personnel she is less skilled.
  • Kaelin is a very bad fighter, and is a coward. Since her only interest is in herself and her own survival she is quite willing to run away when needed. With a lightsabre she is average as a duellist, but below par against a skilled enemy, or blasters. If she cannot attack enemies when they cannot defend themselves she will use minions or allies to fight on her behalf. Only if cornered will she fight an enemy who can fight back.
  • Kaelin is cruel, untrustworthy, vicious and utterly arrogant. None of this engenders much loyalty or respect from those under her command. While fear is an effective tool, and her skills of manipulation makes her a bad person to cross no one cares for her or would sacrifice anything to save her. She is quite simply a morally corrupt individual whom even Sith find excessive.
  • Kaelin has an unfortunate habit of wishing to make her enemies suffer. Thus she will put off the moment of execution to torment or gloat over her enemy. Added to this is a ruthless sexual deviancy means she takes pleasure from hurting and humiliating others. More than once this has led to her prisoners being rescued or managing to escape.
  • Years of exposure to the Dark Side has started to take their toll on Kaelin. Her hair is whitening, her skin becoming pallid, and her eyes a venomous yellow. By use of makeup, hair dye and contacts she can conceal this, but as time goes on it will become only more of a problem.

SHIP: When needed Kaelin uses whatever transport she can find. Her piloting skills are sub-standard at best, so she employs droids to fly her. She has no permanent craft which she calls her own.

BIOGRAPHY: The story of Kaelin Isandros is a rather sad one about how a normal person can become a monster. While it does not justify the terrible things she has done, it perhaps makes them more understandable.
Kaelin grew up on the rim world of Dantooine. Frequent ravages of the plague and a loss of communications with the rest of the galaxy had severely reduced the planet’s prosperity. Settlements were mainly clumped together where the inhabitants could defend and help each other when needed. Kaelin grew up in a relatively normal family, being the only child of her parents. In the limited prospects of the time her parents still hoped that Kaelin might find a job in the planet’s administration. Kaelin indeed showed that she was highly intelligent, a caring soul who had an easy, almost empathic relationship with others. No one knew it was because she was Force sensitive.

Alas, disaster struck just after her eighteenth birthday. Dantooine was not free from the ravages of banditry and violence which was endemic through most of the galaxy. Kaelin’s settlement was attacked by ‘mercenaries’ who had demanded protection money the community could not, or would not pay. In the battle Kaelin’s family were killed and she was taken prisoner, along with several others.
Her fate was to be sold in the lucrative slavery markets in the galaxy; if she survived her captor’s desires. Beaten, humiliated and raped, Kaelin was almost killed. Oddly it was the sight of another girl she had known being similarly treated while she lay bleeding on the ground that triggered her hatred. When the other girl fought and refused to submit she was killed, and Kaelin snapped.
Without the Force she would have been killed too, but the Force suddenly flowed through her and her fear and anger consumed her. Mercenaries were crushed or torn apart by her newly manifest power until finally she was the only one left alive in the room. There were more mercenaries elsewhere, and her newly found powers had exhausted her so she fell to the ground.

It was then, quite by coincidence, that a saviour arrived. The sound of blaster fire and explosions reached her, and the door opened to reveal an old man in dark robes. He went to her and showed her every kindness, finding her some clothes and tending to her wounds. He introduced himself as Darth Shadow, a Sith Lord, and he offered to take on Kaelin as his apprentice and protect her.
Many suspected, as Kaelin later did, that Shadow had set up the whole incident to provoke the girl’s powers to manifest and then rescued her to gain control of her. How he knew of her abilities is unknown, though it is possible he or one of his spies had been to Dantooine and seen her.

Either way, Kaelin was taken to Korriban where she was put through intense, brutal training. Kaelin though was a changed woman. Her intelligence and empathy was twisted into a sinister and malevolent mould. The attack and rape had changed her profoundly, and she came to believe that she could only trust herself, and she was determined never to be in a position of weakness again.

Still, the Korriban Academy was a place few expected she would survive. With Shadow acting as mentor to many students it was a true cutthroat environment. Kaelin survived not with strength or even the Force, but with deceit and trickery. With each trick, each death, each interrogation her power grew, but so did her isolation. None of the other students trusted her, reinforcing her belief that she alone was responsible for her own fate.

Finally, by murder, deceit and the occasional piece of sabotage, the field was narrowed down to one rival out of a class formerly of ten. Darth Shadow brought them together and they fought before the tomb of Marka Ragnos. Initially Kaelin was outmatched and wounded by her opponent, who was far superior with a lightsabre. However, drawing on her reserves of the Dark Side she used a stone slab to crush her opponent’s legs. She then delighted in tormenting her now helpless opponent until finally Shadow commanded her to kill her foe. This she did without a thought, and her fall to the Dark Side was complete.

In the time after she graduated Kaelin was dispatched on missions by Shadow or the Dark Council. Every time she succeeded, not by rushing in, but by planning and misdirection. When forced to fight an enemy head on she used the Force to destroy them or retreated, awaiting her moment.
It was in the area of intel and interrogation that she discovered her greatest, and most malevolent power though. There, her twisted abilities could be put to full use against opponents who could not fight back. Her skills with torture were matched only for her sexual appetite for humiliation and revenge. Where she could she castrated male prisoners before their execution, or disfigured women.

Now Kaelin stands at the peak of her powers, a woman of malevolence and hatred who helps control the flow of intelligence and data into the Empire. This is a formidable power, and she sits like a spider on a web, ever ready to increase her power.

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