Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kadrak Jalaan


NAME: Kadrak Jalaan

FACTION: The Nova Outbound Fleet

RANK: Mechanic


AGE: 28

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.73 m (5’8”)

WEIGHT: 57.7 kg (127 lbs)

EYES: Yellow with red around the outside of the iris.

HAIR: Blonde, with an orange tint in certain light.

SKIN: Dark orange with darker, brown tattoos typical of her species.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Good with machines and technology in general.

+ Very intelligent.

+ Adequate physical strength.

+/- Only respectful when she believes it’s deserved.

+/- Stubborn. Once she sets her mind on a goal she won’t stop until it’s obtained.

- Perfectionist when it comes to certain things, especially when working on a project of hers.

- Can be impatient with those who don’t understand/follow her train of thought.

APPEARANCE: Standing at 5’8” and 127 lbs, Kadrak doesn’t cut much of an imposing figure. Her skin is a dark orange with brown tattoos that are typical of her species, the Zabrak. She has a circlet of four horns that crown her head, with a small, mohawk-esque patch of blonde hair on her head. Her eyes are yellow with red around the iris, and the only distinguishing features are a minor burn scar across the right side of her face.

Born on her species homeworld of Iridonia, Kadrak had a fairly average childhood with nothing too unusual to speak of. Well, except for her natural knack for mechanics and technology. Her father being a pilot, her abilities were put to good use, and he helped her to improve upon her natural talent. This continued into her teens, until she was eighteen and struck out on her own. Without a ship of her own she took a public transport off of the planet, traveling aimlessly about the galaxy through similar means until she was in early in her twentieth year. It was then that she heard a rumor of a group that shared similar interests – aimless travel while getting credits or another reward for the odd job here and there. The prospect interested her, and she pursued the rumors, eventually successful. She joined, and has been enjoying her time with them ever since.

WEAPONS: DL-22 blaster pistol.

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