Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kaden Tarnem


ProfessionSith Acolyte
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive


A tall, athletically built young man who is rarely seen with any kind of exposed skin. The clothing that he does wear is often very expensive looking, and thickly padded in an attempt to provide some level of protection against blunt impacts. His mask has intricate designs, and decorations typically.
Beneath his mask Kaden has very traditionally attractive features, which are attributed to his Hapan physiology, that he continues to grow into and develop, as he ages. Despite his constant wearing of the mask, he visibly is very particular with his appearance, ensuring that his skin remains blemish free, his hair is perfectly maintained and styled, and he shows no signs of wariness or exhaustion around his eyes.


A simple red lightsaber, that appears aged and as if it had a previous owner.


Kaden is typically rather impassive, both by nature and by behaviours instilled into him as a child. He prefers to act in a somewhat calculated manner, not wanting to take any risks that he deems to be unnecessary, or creating any unnecessary work for himself. Despite his best arguments against the fact, Kaden is lazy. Anything that he doesn't have to do, or doesn't interest him, he won't. Whilst he is typically more impassive, he is still prone to displays of great emotion, as is typical of many Sith, or aspiring Sith. Kaden in particular being prone to his anger.

Despite his laziness physically, when it comes to something that he is passionate about, Kaden can be incredibly driven and show an impressive work ethic.


Naturally Gifted - Kaden has a natural affinity towards the force, finding himself able to quickly learn and master any technique that he is exposed to, which caused him to develop a thirst for knowledge.

Instincts - Kaden is blessed with naturally good instincts, in particular, his survival instincts. Be that in some form of combat, fleeing from something, or trying to escape some kind of trap. Often times, Kadens instincts will at the very least set him on the right path to trying to survive an encounter.


Hapan Physiology - Incredibly poor night vision, which renders Kaden useless in many scenarios, unless he happens to have a torch handy.

Physically Lazy - Kaden does not enjoy the physical act of fighting, or getting his hands dirty. In fact, it would almost be accurate to say that he hates excepting himself even remotely, preferring to either utilise the force to fight his battles, or commanding others to charge into battle for him.

His mother was the only child of a middling aristocratic family on Hapes, and had enjoyed a rather successful military career, briefly becoming a member of the Royal Guard and increasing the families fortune and reputation, before Kadens birth. His birth had been a rather difficult one for his mother, dissuading her from pursuing any future children, leaving her only with a single male heir, which was not a preferable situation to be on Hapes. Despite this, Kaden was raised well by his mother, given a good education, given access to just about anything he could ever want. To say he had a nice childhood would almost be an understatement, despite the lack of any kind of father figure in his life.

This all changed when Kaden was confirmed to be force sensitive. Signs had always been there, little occurrences that were otherwise unexplainable surrounding him even as a baby. However, his first intentional usage of the force was what confirmed it in his mothers eyes. There wouldn't be much for Kaden likely to aspire to be on Hapes, so it'd be better to send him out into the wider galaxy, utilising this ability. And so, just before his thirteenth birthday, Kaden effectively vanished from Hapes. He had been sent off to a Sith Academy, on the other side of the galaxy, where he could learn to utilise the force.

A few years later, and Kaden left the academy, ready to further his training as a Sith, and look for some kind of master.

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