Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kabarr Xanada


Faction: Umbral Lotus
Birthplace: Taris
Species: Pantoran
Age: 32 GSY
Gender: Male
Height: 1.78 Meters
Weight: 86 kg
Force: Non-Sensitive
Voice: JB Blanc as Kuben Blisk
Kabarr Xanada was born to Pantoran parents, immigrants from However, he did not experience the opulent lifestyle that Pantorans were known for. Instead, he spent his early years struggling to survive in the impoverished levels of Taris, a city-covered planet known for its towering skyscrapers and advanced technology.

Life in the lower levels of Taris was harsh, and Kabarr quickly learned to rely on his wits and resourcefulness to get by. Despite the odds stacked against him, he managed to develop a keen sense of situational awareness and a knack for navigating the dangerous underworld.

As fate would have it, Kabarr's life took an unexpected turn when he crossed paths with a smuggling crew. Impressed by his street-smart skills, the crew took him in and became his new makeshift family. Over time, Kabarr honed his abilities, mastering the art of covert operations and smuggling. However, his ambitions were boundless, and as he climbed the ranks, he began to yearn for greater power and wealth.

Driven by his desire for supremacy, Kabarr made a fateful decision to transition from smuggling to outright piracy. His audacious raids and cunning tactics earned him notoriety across the galaxy. Inspired by the terrifying Rathtars, monstrous creatures known for their aggressive nature, he named his pirate gang the "Ravaging Rathtars." The name struck fear into the hearts of those who heard it, and Kabarr's reputation as a ruthless pirate grew.

As the Ravaging Rathtars continued their raids, Kabarr faced increased pressure from various factions, including rival pirates and law enforcement agencies. Seeking security and expanded influence, he eventually joined forces with the Umbral Lotus, a pirate confederacy that united various pirate groups under a common banner. This alliance provided Kabarr with access to resources, connections, and protection he had never known before.
Ethic Code: Despite his ruthless pirate persona, Kabarr Xanada holds a steadfast personal ethic: he adamantly refuses to intentionally harm children, nor take slaves. These are strange glimmers of compassion in hisnotherwise cutthroat life.
Raider: He is a skilled tactician, adept at orchestrating meticulously planned raids that exploit vulnerabilities in his targets' defenses. His years with his smuggling crew has made him skilled at fighting and thievery. Kabarr's charismatic leadership inspires loyalty among his crew, fostering a tight-knit and efficient team.
Avarice: Kabarr Xanada's insatiable greed serves as both his driving force and his Achilles' heel. His unrelenting pursuit of wealth and power often blinds him to the potential consequences of his actions. He also tends to be opportunistic with people outside of his crew and strong alliances. He will easily switch sides if it means a better profit.
Neural Cybernetics: Kabarr has a cybernetic implant in his head that takes the shape of a metallic, red mohawk-like shape. While mostly aesthetic, it is still connected to his brain. He risks brain damage if the implant is harmed by ionic, electrical, or severe blunt force trauma.
-An aesthetic cybernetic “fin”, with some neural band tech in it to help against Jedi
-Big Salacious, a Vanir Tech Needle disruptor rifle
-A blaster pistol, with a rathtar-tool handle
-A bundki-style vibrocutlass
-Various knifes, snares, and explosives
-The Voracious Maw, his crew’s C-ROC Gozanti cruiser painted with red, cephalopod-like designs
-A black, “Viper Zero”-class speeder bike

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