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Codex Denied Kaalonia

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MQO Class Planet by MacRebisz

Name: Kaalonia

Region: Wild Space
System: Kaal
Suns: Kaal: Class B Star
Orbital Position: Kaalonia is the second planet in the system from Kaal and resides within the habitable zone.
Moons: Kaal is orbited by two moons, Skru and Intu
Coordinates: L, 28. In the lower part of the 'E'
Rotational Period: 17 hours
Orbital Period: 515 local days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter:9,891 km in diameter
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Ocean and mountain regions.

Native species: Kaalonians
Immigrated species: Hutts and Hutt-controlled races
Primary languages: Kaalese and Huttese
Government: Theocracy, with Theocratic and Despotic Petty Kingdoms.
Population: 14 billion
99% < Kaalonians
1% > Hutt and Hutt-controlled races.
Demonym: Kaalonese (Hutt created term)
Major cities:
Vinsidj -- Capital city center built by Hutt immigrants. Only spaceport on Kaalonia.
Third largest Kaalonian population center.
Noros -- Capital of the Theocratic Petty Kingdom of Krevar-Noros.
Second largest Kaalonian population center.
Qui -- Capital of the Despot Mose's Petty Kingdom.
Fourth largest Kaalonian population center.
Unilru-Indav -- The Capital of Kaalonia and seat of the Ancient King.
Major imports: Any technology the Hutts bring them to help defeat each other.
Major exports: Precious metals and stones, various subterranean fungi based foods, indentured servants, and mercenaries.
Affiliation: No allegiances. Limited relationship with a Hutt family.

Culture: The Kaalonians are a people in near constant warfare with one another. The only time the warfare stops is when the Ancient King calls a meeting between the Petty Kingdoms, a process that used to take years but since the arrival of the Hutts has been sped up immensely. The increased speed of response to the Ancient King is forcing the Petty Kingdoms to actually negotiate rather than simply continue fighting until the decree of the Ancient King reaches them. They are a people starting to learn how to live without being in a near-constant state of war and adapting to new technologies that are being introduced. This leaves Kaalonia and the Kaalonians as a planet divided between those who have or are in the process of embracing technology and being uplifted by the Hutts and other visiting peoples, and those who are fighting against technology and shun away the dangers it presents.
Technology: Feudal, with certain Petty Kingdoms having been uplifted to Information age or in the process of being uplifted.
History: Kaalonia is a planet that has been left largely alone by the galactic community until the last hundred or so years when a Hutt clan by the name of Vinsidj discovered it. Their family brought with them mercenaries and frightening new weaponry, descending from the heavens upon the Kaalonians that had observed. The initial landing was without event as the Kaalonians were predominantly a subterranean people. This let the Vinsidj Hutts to being able to set up prefabricated structures and operate along the surface for a short time, assuming that the natives were feral as no signs of technology had been spotted.

It was not until the Hutts encountered a few of the Kaalonians with precious gems in their possession and shoddy articles of clothing that trouble started to arise. The Hutts weren't concerned with the intelligence level of the people aside from the possibility that they could be used for slave labor, the interest rested in obtaining the precious materials that had been discovered. Once mining equipment appeared and their subterranean homes started to shake that the Kaalonians became hostile with the surface dwellers. Nightly raids were carried out and while they were unsuccessful in destroying anything of great value, the attrition started to wear on the guards that the Hutts posted.

The Vinsidj Hutts brought in more mercenaries and heavier weaponry, including armored vehicles, and the Kaalonians were viciously repelled in the next raid. This lead to an increase in the size of the attacking party and while that next battle also ended in slaughter, it gave the Kaalonians the first sight of the flying devices that the surface dwellers had brought. The surface dwellers became a hot topic in the Petty Kingdoms of Kaalonia as the Kaalonians were uncertain if they were Gods that the Ancient King hadn't told them about, or demons set upon them to destroy their homes.

The decision was made for the Kaalonians when the Ancient King summoned a gathering to take many of the Priests, Princes, and himself to go and see these surface dwellers. It led to the largest military force ever to be gathered by the Kaalonians who numbered in the millions and poured out of their lairs during the night and into positions. Stone and wood structures of vast size were constructed overnight, leaving the Hutt colony surrounded by earthworks. As the sun rose, the Kaalonians tunneled up from beneath these earthworks and created a shield wall that surrounded the Hutts. Siege towers were pushed through gates that had appeared over night, catapults were in position and loaded with ammunition ranging from rocks, pots filled with flammable material, and dead bodies of both surface dwellers and Kaalonians.

The battle was not to pass as the Ancient King and his entourage of Princes and Priests were met and negotiations started between the natives and the surface dwellers. It became clear to the Ancient King and his entourage that these beings were not divine, nor demonic, but creatures of flesh and blood like themselves that had appeared from the heavens. These negotiations led to exchanges in technology for the precious materials, off world doctors and teachers being brought in, and the uplifting of many of the Petty Kingdoms.

Today many Kaalonians are competent in Huttese, some in Galactic Standard, and some in other languages depending on the ambassadors to their people. Technology isn't a frightening thing so much as something to be understood and used against one another, though there are still Petty Kingdoms that for various reasons resist against the implementation of technology.
Notable PC's: TBA

Intent: To provide a planet for Kaalonians to be from without infringing on any canon worlds. To provide a hostile environment that can lead to conflict between multiple factions
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