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Approved Tech K29 Rifle System

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Image Source: Remington Official Website
Intent: To give an effective slugthrowing sniper rifle.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: BlastTech
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Open
Modularity: Scopes, bipods, barrel attachments. Mostly after-market weapon changes. Weapon magazines, different bolts, etc.
Production: Minor
Material: Polymer, plastic, and durasteel.
Classification: Slugthrower
Size: Handheld
1.092 mm
685.8 mm Barrel Length
5.4 kg unloaded
7.3 kg loaded with only optimal attachments
Ammunition Type: Bullets
Ammunition Capacity:
Five round internal magazine.
Ten round box magazine (optional)
Effective Range:
1500 Meters
Rate of Fire:
Bolt Action
Special Features:
Comes with free brochure
Born at a time when blaster rifles are more common, the need for a classic, heavy slugthrowing rifle was desired in some areas. Particularly due to it's effects against flesh targets, especially due to it's harder ability for the shooter to be spotted right away. Thus, the K29 rifle system was born. Rugged, simple, and very effective given it's .338 Magnum round, the rifle is a popular choice for more experienced snipers who desire a harder-hitting, more simple weapon system than most of the semi-automatic blaster or other slugthrowing rifles.

It's simplicity, is also it's drawback. There's no built-in rangefinder. No compass with a coffee dispenser. No skull-seeking bullets. It's a rifle for more experienced shooters, meaning that the scope (that it comes with, at least) is only a 20x optical zoom. There is no wind gauge, there is no distance measuring software. It's a rifle- through and through. The magnum round is it's real selling point, able to put down most humanoid targets with a single shot, given the right point of impact.
Primary Source: N/A
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