Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Try To Blend In

Yavin 4 had long been under the control of Clan Rekali. Its temples were plundered and its relics either hidden away or sold to the highest bidder. Such had resulted in the loss of numerous artifacts to the order, both of the Jedi and the Sith. Their recovery was paramount. The former for the knowledge contained, the latter to keep that knowledge locked away and deny it to the Sith of the modern era.

One such artifact was in the hands of the Massassi, or one of their remnants at the very least. Cyril's private network had been tracking their movements for quite some time. A small number of them had settled on Ession, a world he kept a close eye on to begin with, and their activities had been shady to say the least.

There was word of a number of the locals pledging themselves to a new religion spawning in the lower levels. They worshiped a 'dark god' that bore far too much resemblance to the late Sith Emperor for Cyril's liking.

Thus, the Jedi master had gathered a small team to get to the bottom of the issue. He suspected something had control of the Massassi, and there was word of their leader carrying a 'sacred relic' as he called it. Cyril was far too curious as to what that relic was.

Captains Decius and Jarod had opted to join him. The two stormtroopers were clad in flak armor mercenaries often put to use. Jarod slept in the back of the ship, Decius busied himself in the co-pilot's seat.

"So we're going to kill their god?" the youth asked.

"Kill is a strong word. Investigate is more apt." Cyril corrected.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just put the guy down?"

Cyril reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose as the shuttle settled down in one of Ession's hangers. "It's really not that simple Decius."

Shaking his head, Cyril pushed up to his feet and called out to those present. "Welcome to my old home. Hope everyone survived the trip." He quipped, a hint of amusement lacing his voice. He pulled at his crimson cloak and clipped his lightsaber to its place within the cloth.

"We'll need to blend in. The under levels are a brutal place. Keep the lightsabers hidden," he paused, "If you've a rifle or a sidearm, make sure it's easy to see."

[member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Thema Csapla"]. [member="Arisa Yune"]
[member="Cyril Grayson"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Thema Csapla"]

Dune looked at Decius with exasperation. Did soldiers think of nothing but violence? But that wasn't a fair assessment. Many of them resented violence as much as any Jedi.

It was a tool to be used sparingly. When there were no other options, really. Even the most militant of the Order would seek peace first. Sometimes you were given no choice.

Decius was young and eager. He turned in his seat to regard his apprentice. The Chiss was young and eager too. Full of potential but lacking in experience.

Journeys like this would certainly help in that. She'd often asked about travelling. Pleased didn't even begin to describe her reaction when he'd mentioned the trip. He'd had to caution her against being too enthusiastic.

A Jedi had to always keep their wits about them. Yavin 4 could be a terribly dangerous place. Especially with the aforementioned Massassi natives. They were certainly not going to be so pleased to meet the Jedi group.
Yavin 4
[member="Dune Rhur"] [member="Cyril Grayson"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

The 'young and eager' apprentice had dozed off about an hour ago. The trip to the jungle planet was long enough- The fact that she'd volunteered for the quest during the middle of the night made it even longer. The only reason she'd chosen to come were the potential benefits of discovering a Sith relic. As a Jedi Consular, she would eventually be in charge of studying the Force, as did her master now. That meant learning as much about it as she could.

She woke hastily to the sound of repulsorlifts disengaging, setting the shuttle down with a slight thump. "We're here..?" She asked sleepily, looking out the window to stare at the hangar. Finally, such a trip had paid off. Rubbing her eyes, she removed the straps on her seat, and stood up, stretching in a very un-Jedi-like fashion.
I walk to the landing ramp and push the button to open it. I'm wearing civilian clothes, brown leather and a gray shirt covered by my chest piece. I have my gauntlets and knee pads on. I hate sliding into dirt and getting my knees and legs all wet and dirty. Or getting dirt under my fingernails. Besides those wonderful protective items I have a A280c standard rifle slung over my back, and a pistol in my holster. A nice S-5 blaster. A good change from the DC-17s I usually pick up from the Republic Armory before missions. Less suspicious too. Plus it has a tranquilizing dart in the chamber and a power pack in the chamber. I could be a marketing guy... Buts power pack in the chamber doesn't sound right... A power pack loaded? Ah doesn't matter. Point is it's battle ready. I've also got my knife in my boot. Just in case.

I walk down the ramp and breathe in the fresh air. "Nice place for a walk. Or an ambush." I say. "Not to be pessimistic. It's a wonderful planet. Good trees... Never mind."

[member="Cyril Grayson"]
[member="Dune Rhur"]
[member="Thema Csapla"]
[member="Thema Csapla"] [member="Jaster Starfallen"] [member="Cyril Grayson"]

"We've been here for a good fifteen minutes. At least since we broke atmosphere."

A few minutes later found the Bith descending the ramp behind Jaster. He too was dressed in rather inconspicuous clothing. His lightsaber hilt was stashed up the sleeve of his coat. The DC-15 copy on his hip was mainly there for show.

In theory anyway. Dune found himself agreeing with Jaster. Open space surrounded on all sides by jungle. A lovely place for a 'walk'.

The Force wasn't telling him of any danger. Not yet. But there was the Dark Side here in overabundance. That spelled trouble for their little group.
"Rekali cleaned it up," Cyril intoned as he rose up to his feet. He snapped his fingers to get Decius' attention, the stormtrooper bolting up with an annoyed expression. "You're with us Decius. Jardo has the ship."

The soldier lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug. "You got it boss. Always wanted to see this place anyway."

"It can be a bit of a mess," Cyril spoke in quiet agreement to [member="Jaster Starfallen"]. "We'll need to be careful not to alert the planet's owners. Rekalis don't take well to trespassers, or so I hear. Never met one in person." Plate-bound finger flicked the switch to the gangplank. It came down to rest in the muck with a low hiss.

"Keep your senses inward Dune. The Massassi pick up on our traces in the force with ease," he looked over his shoulder to [member="Thema Csapla"] as he strode down onto the forest floor. "Don't get up on our account. I'm sure Jarod would love your company."

He snickered.

[member="Dune Rhur"]
[member="Cyril Grayson"] [member="Jaster Starfallen"] [member="Thema Csapla"]

Not feeling around him with the Force made Dune uncomfortable. Bith eyesight wasn't especially good. The Force was something of a crutch for him. He'd have to make due with sound and smell.

But those senses wouldn't help much. Not if the Massasi had adapted to the jungles. He strongly suspected they'd had. Yavin 4 had a reputation of being a place where the unworthy were culled very quickly.

It was also so very different from his home planet. Clak'dor VII was a word of domed cities. None of the original flora or fauna remained except in records. Everything tended to be neat and orderly.

Nature wasn't concerned about Bith science and efficiency. He'd come to accept that each world had it's own rules. He'd only really visited the Bith world anyway. Home had always been a Temple or Enclave.

It made for an interesting comparison. He supposed that he'd write an essay once they returned back to a place where he could write without fear of being eaten....
[member="Cyril Grayson"] [member="Dune Rhur"] [member="Jaster Starfallen"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

Puffing her cheeks out, Thema finished storming out of the ship, trying to keep up with her older, more awake companions. She mean to doze off, she just had. The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she would get. "In my defense, listening to one Jedi Master without falling asleep is difficult enough. Two of you is a living nightmare." It was her turn to smile maliciously, enjoying the light-hearted exchange of remarks. Despite her master's scolding, she never ceased to keep up her infamous sass.

But even with her chatty attitude, she was running her usual pre-mission diagnostics. Her hands moved on her own- Making sure her borderline decorative blaster was firmly on her hip, whilst her lightsaber was hidden beneath her poncho. Her outfit failed to express her allegiances, which was good. There was no indication whatsoever to her being allied to the Jedi Order, or the Republic. Much like her peers, she was incognito.

There was a moment of walking before Thema finally decided to speak. What Cyril had said previously had peaked her curiosity. Fearing it wasn't a ignorant question, she started talking carefully, tone bordered with curiousity innate to any padawan. "If they can sense the Force... What good are these disguises?" She whispered, flapping her arms around gently. "Most of us leave strong ripples in the Force. Even I can sense that."
[member="Thema Csapla"] [member="Cyril Grayson"] [member="Jaster Starfallen"]

"If listening to a Master bores you," he replied with a wry tone "Imagine being a Master listening to, say an eighteen year old Padawan. One with theories of how to perfectly run a galaxy when she cannot even stay awake."

The wonderful thing about being Bith was the permanent poker face. He shared a look with Cyril. Padawans. He owed his own Master an apology he ever he'd been that way.

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