Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Enjoy The Moment [Ask To Join]

"I love you too."

The words left Abyss mouth the second the ramp closed behind them while he carried [member="Miss Blonde"] to the nearest seat and placed her there. A moment later his hand reached for his face, removing the scarf and the pair of sunglasses that had obscured his face, revealing the yellow eyes and the pale skin below it. With a slight smile on his face he descended on the chair besides her, looking at her with an expression that was solely reserved for her.

"Nar Shaddaa? Malachor? Vacation?"

She had said they would go home, but in Abyss case it was hard to tell where that was, with running several cities on the dead Malachor V, an operation on the smuggler moon and countless other things all around the galaxy. Nar Shaddaa had always felt the closest like one, but that was more thanks to Blonde than due to the world itself. A vacation also was an option, but considering how much they both had to do to keep their personal empires form collapsing it was probably out of question.

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