Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just another day on Kesh

[member="Karen Roberts"]

Solan smiled as he looked up at the ceiling far above him, his eyes fading and changing colors as he manipulated the illusions held before them, the shifting mirror. He was lying sure but who wanted to look at the amber corruption that the dark side placed in his eyes. He hated it so much but he liked that hate, why did he like it. His eyes closed as he stopped his illusions before opening his eyes again and staring out at the far off ceiling of the Palace. It was a slow day, a tired day, something that moved about at a hutt pace.

He wondered what it was like these days, he hadn't been a mercenary for years, his adventures while still numerous still slowed now. He liked to rule, he liked to help those below him socially... but he missed the times he traveled the stars with no holding back. Now he had a child to be careful of, he had a people that looked to him for guidance. He wondered what it would be today that would draw his attention from these thoughts. Letting the dark tendrils of his aura, invisible to most but miralukan and force users of considerable training alike. His hands closed as the tendrils curled around him, sickening things... that he needed for some reason. Oh well as he shrugged.


Disney's Princess

Outside a hardy vehicle pulled up and let it's pistons breath. Zast. The brakes came lurching to a stop. It was snowing and the road had been muddy. An armored woman hoped from the vehicle with three men in tow. She wore a silver EVA not unlike a stormtrooper, with no markings or paint to distinguish it. The other three men worked for the king.

A servant opened the door and tarried with the woman's guards. A few words were exchanged and then the men broke their huddle. The three guards returned to the vehicle and the servant prompted the woman to remove her helm.

"Welcome to the palace madam. We will take your weapons from you and entreat you wait in the lobby until the Lord is ready for you."

"Fair enough."

Karen Roberts removed her helmet. Blue hair falling upon her strong shoulders with a happy sigh. It was warm inside and she enjoyed the respite from the cold. She handed the servant her rifle and he motioned for her lightsabers as well. Unhappy, she relinquished her two swords as well.

"Can I get you anything to drink madam, while you wait?"

"Tea. Hot. To-go, if possible."

"Of course madam. The droid will be out shortly with your beverage. Please wait here. I will go tell the Lord that you await him."

Karen nodded and let the man take his leave. Not but a moment sooner than a silver protocol droid arrived with her tea in a large foam mug. Cap and all.


A servant arrived before [member="Solan Charr"] and entreated him,

"My Lord. A Bounty Hunter awaits an audience in the lobby. For the capture of the criminal Man Valan of Tanrath she was granted such a privilege as her coin purse. However. She is most certainly a Force User of some unknown potency. She was disarmed of an illegal carbine and two lightsabers upon arrival. Body scans are normal. Naturally. We await your command, as always."

Such was the manner of things. The next move was Lord Charr's.
[member="Karen Roberts"]

"Hmm... Two?" He thought about it for a moment and nodded as he grinned. It wasn't the first time that someone of a strength in the force had visited his home, she would be the first though that was there for actual business. "Well, let her in, no need to keep her waiting. And return her sabers to her, if shes a Jedi i know they consider those things to be their life... if she is a Sith, make sure the guards have Sith Killer rounds loaded and ready just incase."

He wasn't in the business of instantly trusting people, but he did at least trust the Jedi for their sincerity. Another problem with trusting them was that Solan had been a rather public Dark sider... Some considering him a Dark Jedi, some considering him a number of other things. In truth he just considered himself a simple man. "Oh, and Sera."

The girl, shorter than some that had taken the weapons and come into the room stopped to look at him, her eyes were brown and hair black as she turned her head to look at him before her body followed. "Yes my Lord?"

He smiled and tapped his foot as he glanced over to the side and waved his hand. "Make sure the criminal has the 'best' accommodations possible until i am able to deal with him. I also want you to go and get me an check on this man, if you can." She would nod and head to the woman who was waiting, his own eyes returning to the ceiling as he waited for the woman's weapons (With the exception of the rifle for now) to be returned to her. He had no reason to hold them from her, and he had no wanting to really do so either. But it was a precaution his people took for his safety.


Disney's Princess
A servant ushered Roberts into the hallway and returned her lightsabers. Making no attempt for ceremony, the servant opened the doors and allowed the blue-haired woman inside. He remained only for proper introductions,

"Lord Charr may I present Karen Roberts of Fondor. Bounty Hunter. ...Madam, I present our Lord Charr of Kesh. King of the People."

Karen gave a curtsy even in full armor. The servant removed himself and closed the door. Formal introductions were now complete. Karen seemed doubly entertained by all the fan fair,

"My my. King of the People. That's quite some title. I've never met a fellow Force User who ever became a king before? Must be nice."

She glanced about the room and admired the decor. Solan knew how to decorate. Perhaps he could spend money like a king as well.

"...Oh. And thank you for returning my blades. A girl can feel so naked without them. Hehe."

For a guest, this blue-haired woman seemed remarkably casual in her manners. Comfortable even. How strange a presentation amongst strangers.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]

He sat there and listened to the introduction and rose a eyebrow to look at Airen for a few long seconds before sighing and watching as he left. Then the woman who had come spoke and he turned his head to look back at her as he pushed a hand through his hair and smiled. "Trust me, that's not something that i came up with Airen likes to make me seem better than i am... Helps i killed a Sith too to become king... sure they were a bit thankful that im not some Red skinned sky demon. But then again im not purple so i probably am no different in view to them than not." The Keshiri and him did share a singular purpose though, structure and beauty together in one society. The two coexisting and creating one great world.

"And no problem about the blades, i know what it feels like to not have something of such a close bond on you. Im sure your sabers are connected to you... AS for my being a king, its more common than you think Miss Roberts. I must say though, you are one of the few hunters to stop by and say hello. To what do i owe the honor?"


Disney's Princess
Karen stepped forward and amused herself with her tea,

"I captured a criminal from this world and returned him alive for the bounty. A considerable sum yes, but money does not suit me. So I asked for a simple introduction with local mage king. I find people to be so much more interesting than the coins they produce. Wouldn't you say?"

She continued to look about the room with an idle fancy. Bit and baubles could tell you so much about a man. What items did he collect. What histories did he remember. What Force Orders did he participate with. In every detail Karen could find a story. It was as much a curiosity as it was survival. After all? There was something rather dark about Lord Charr. He did not exhale the Light like the Sages of Ashla. Nor did he possess the ageless countenance of the Jedi Masters. Perhaps he was a Gray One after all.

"I hate to impose upon you further, Lord Charr. Thank you for the tea by the way. ...But I am terribly famished from the journey here. Might we talk somewhere over food? I can only begin to imagine the types of cuisine that might suit a king's palate. Hehe."

Karen was extremely forward in her mannerisms today. Not actually uncommon for Force Masters however. These are people who are used to getting whatever they want. A wave of the hand and Karen could Mind Trick just about any restaurant owner into having her way. And tasting all the desserts too. Oh my! Free dessert? So scandalous.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]

He watched her and raised his brow as she continued to speak. She had no idea how true her statement about people being far more interesting than coin, his own interest starting up as he listened to her and spoke himself. "Agreed Miss Roberts... Though i must admit you are going to be rather disappointed about what cuisine is served in my home. Im in little ways similar to the kings that you hear about or that you know of." He smiled and stood as he smoothed out his clothing and grinned as he started off the throne and waved to the side of the hall. It would lead out into the open garden he kept with a table there while his eyes drew to a attendant that was standing off to the side. "Sera, inform the kitchen we need some food for our guest."

The woman would bow out and leave while solan sighed a quick relief and moved into the open area as he breathed in. "Feel free to look around Miss Roberts, i have a feeling you have a few questions, unless you are just hear for a meal?" His eyes turned to her as the amber color in his eyes was clear as to which side of the spectrum he favored, but it was the only sign of corruption physically.


Disney's Princess
Ah but a garden. Lovely and fair. Her eyes touched upon it's every daily color and rejoiced. Karen was a woman of nature at her very heart. Though garbed in armor and adorned like death itself, she could not hide her pure love of nature. Alas. This garden, even in the white drapery of pure snow, was without warmth or merry making. Where was the Lady Charr to tend to it. Where was the children's song.

She sighed at the thought. Having no children herself. Perhaps Solan's own Force Alignment alluded to his own preferences, after a manner. Though physical corruption she feared even less.

"Ah see in your eyes the colors of a tortured soul. Perhaps being a king wears too heavily upon you."

Karen waved her hand out upon the frosty view,

"Perhaps you should give your mind back to the pure whiteness that surrounds you. The ways of nature are the ways of the light. And nature heals all things with time."

She smiled and returned to the table. Happy at the thought of some food.

"Forgive me. I did not come to give counsel to a king, but to enjoy in his company. Come. Sit with me. Tell me of your own talents and spiritual insights. Surely a king must command the Force with some potency? For what is the universe to man who has everything, hmm?"

Ah yes. For what profit a man should he gain the whole world but lose his tender soul. Was there more to Solan Charr than just eyes of fire and passion? For of what metal did Kesh make a king?

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]

Solan nodded to her then the babble about the light came up and he stopped in his tracks as he smiled. "You are a Jedi, aren't you. The lightsabers tipped me off that you were a force user, the bounty hunter cover though made me think a rogue, but that last part there where you talked about light and pureness. I must say, three Jedi in as many weeks. Did i miss the memo about it being my 'make sure this guy isn't evil' month or something?" He turned and looked at her with a smile, then a shift as the force moved around him and his eyes turned from the amber color to their old natural sapphire color. "An illusion, sadly i cannot return my eyes to their... correct state... The Corruption certainly did that much. But ive been lucky, otherwise my body is completely healthy and unaffected. Its rather amazing im able to function at all after how deeply ive dove into Darkness..."

He smiled as his hand moved through the white of the frost filled world. It was a chilly winter, but not bitter. "My talents?" He moved into a seat across from her as a bantha steak was brought out for the woman, with the required cutlery of course. "Well, i tend to this garden during the green months, all of it. Kind of an obsession of mine, i play the Violin too while i work on this. Then there is my Pyrokinesis and Fire Shaping i specialize in, focusing on those as a first and last line of defense but not my only one. The Scythe against my throne enhances my abilities in that area... what else. I have minimal training with Force Weapon... Oh right, and im an Empath. Not one of the force based ones mind you. My Empathy is a Genetic error in the coding, there was an order of them on a planet i forget the name of long ago. Its hard to find those with the Genetic error though, Most die from mental overload and brain damage by age ten. Too many people without training will make a Empath's head pop easily." His hand came to his chin as he leaned forward. "And your talents Miss Roberts?"


Disney's Princess
"Bounty hunting, it appears."

She smirked and sat down to admire her steak. Served medium rare on a steaming hot plate. This chef new his cut too. She picked up her utensils and cut a slice. It was tender, savory, and without too much salt. Again, this chef did well to appeal to a broad palette. Karen was a sweet and sour kind of girl. The only thing that would make this steak perfect was a little Hawaiian Rub. Otherwise, it was an excellent example of king's having the best of everything.

"Mm. The steak is perfect. My regards to the chef. He treats you well indeed."

She cut another piece and twirled her fork whilst talking,

"Why a scythe, if I might ask? We mages often prefer the connection between man and crystal. Lightsabers are a natural extension of our body. Is there something arcane about your weapon of choice, Lord Charr? It appears far too heavy to be of much use to a Lady?"

Knowledge was everything to Karen. She had survived a thousand battlefields not because of strength, but because of her smarts. Even a Sith could be predictable. And yet? Here was a king, a self-made Grey One, and he was using a scythe? Fascinating. She would simply have to learn more. Well. At least until Lord Charr got bored with her. Kings can be such fickle folk.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]

"The use of force Augmentation allows me to control it like that of a mixed style between that of a Halberd and a Quarterstaff. Granted its a very taxing style to fight in which is why very rarely will i use the Scythe if the psychological aspect behind its use and the situational use is not in required need. What is more needed though is not the scythe's capabilities but rather the properties of the blade itself. The blade was alchemicalized to produce a very fine feature in it where the one wielder experiences a boost in power and control of Pyrokinetic abilities... Fire." He smiled and turned his head to look at the oversized weapon. "I have debated on multiple occasions to replace it, but finding a Alchemist that will remake the properties into a another creation is... difficult. Do not get me wrong.." He smiled as a saber slid from the confines of his sleeve into his gloved right hand. "I always keep it on hand incase... as well as the daggers hidden in the trench coat i wear."


Disney's Princess
She smiled as his hidden weapons revealed themselves. No wonder the king needs no escort. The king can look after himself.

"Oh my? Well. If you ever try your hand at bounty hunting? I think you'll be quite good at it. Knives, daggers, and all."

Karen had a soft respect for warriors who prepared so. It was a tiring trade. Paranoid and expensive. But staying alive seemed worth it. At least to her. Many of her Jedi companions would prefer to walk naked into battle, armed only with the Force. They... Um. They didn't live very long either. Mostly.

She cut another bite and spread her Jedi senses outward. This was a surprising peaceful place for such a violently prepared man. Strange. Most warlords preferred fortresses to garden homes.

"Pyrokinetics. A fascinating elemental discipline. Alas, I have not the finesse for it. Though... I have always wondered about it's many applications."

Fight fire with fire, like they say,

"Mm. What are some of your most common applications for such a flame? Do you fight with it and burn your opponents? Does a man cook his steak with it? Heat his potatoes just right? Or perhaps, forge himself a new patio chair out of iron and beskar? Hehe. So many options to choose from, I suppose."

Indeed. Just what does a king do with fire?

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]

"My use is purely ceremonial, martial, and survival. Its still a dangerous technique, not something to be flaunted and taken lightly. Imagine it in the same way as telekinesis. A Million uses, but not all of them are... correct... As for bounty hunting. I spent half of my mature life doing that and mercenary work." He chose the word mature as he was not legally an adult when he had become a mercenary... he was not more than fifteen or sixteen when he started. "But i can assure you, i have never used it for a Patio chair as i tend to find that as a... selfish use of the power."

His hands moved infront of him, crossing as he peered at her face and raised a brow as he looked her over. "Curiosity... what are you really curious about Miss Roberts. I had hoped that it would be clear there was no question in your mind that i would not answer at this time. Yet i have this odd feeling you keep holding back thoughts that are unsaid. I was not born a king, so do not worry about insulting me... i assure you its difficult to do such a thing."


Disney's Princess
Karen nodded and put her fork down,

"I have walked the eternal forests of Tython, Lord Charr. I have sat beneath the leadership of the strongest Jedi Masters. I have commanded Star Destroyers and watched Coruscant burn to the Sith. I have battled Vong champions and overcome the pitfalls of the Netherworld itself. And yet? Not once have a changed the galaxy for the better. I am a sword. Nothing more."

She quickly lost her appetite. Straight talking like this was not her specialty.

"Now. I suppose I still have much traveling to accomplish today. Even a sword must keep it's edge. So if you have any questions for me before I go, ask them now. I have learned much already. My mission here is already complete."

Roberts pushed the empty plate away and nodded,

"And thank you for the meal. You are an excellent host."

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Karen Roberts"]

"I do actually, many of the same questions that you had for me Miss Roberts, including your own talents and why you were so curious about me too..." He ran a hand through his hair and smiled at her for a short moment before speaking again. "Forgive me if i am overstepping my boundaries, but i believe its only fair i learned what you asked me too?" His hands crossed back on top of the table. He was curious, very curious, what was it that was going on in Karen's mind that she chose such questions.


Disney's Princess
"Ah. But surly you must know by now Lord Charr. A lady never reveals her secrets."

Karen smiled and waved the thought away. This was just a curtsy call, after all. A blind date. Nothing special. She felt no obligation to entertain the King of Kesh further.

"I will say that I was simply interested in what kind of man the King of Kesh was. And now I have seen him. And now I know. Hehe."

She shrugged. That really was all there was to it. Charr had been a mystery. Now. He was just another dossier in the back of her mind. Notes and photos. Photos and notes.

"Thank you for the audience Lord Charr. I do hope we meet again."

[member="Solan Charr"]

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