Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jules



Jules was the assumed name of a criminal, con-woman and smuggler that was rumoured to be operating in the Galaxy around 900ABY.

Little was known about the real life of Jules. Her assumed name appears in a couple of planetary criminal records, namely as a 'person of interest' in various petty thefts and confidence tricks. Jules herself would change her story every other day. She claimed to be, at various times, a lost Chandrilan noble, the heir to a Coruscanti media conglomerate, the daughter of an Imperial Warlord and the favoured advisor of a Hutt.

The truth was far less interesting. A Coruscanti native, Jules lived in tedious normality until she ran away at seventeen, heading out in the wider Galaxy. Armed with nothing but her wits and an old blaster, she scraped out a basic existence for herself in a multitude of criminal affairs and scams. Finding herself with the gift of the gab, Jules fell easily into trickster work and confidence schemes, wheedling the rich and dense out of their credits and curiosities.

Unfortunately, various mishaps and a profligate spending habit left her without much in the way of savings. With nothing but a small ship, a droid and the clothes on her back, Jules found herself still searching for more work in order to survive. Despite the somewhat desperate and precarious nature of her work, Jules vowed never to give into the stifling drudgery of real work.

- Gift of the Gab: Jules was a fast-talking confidence trickster with the ability to make anyone feel at ease. She could slip into different styles of speak quickly and gauge the character of whoever she was talking to.

- Quickshot: Blaster practise didn't go amiss. Jules skill with a blaster is pretty good and she can outdraw quite a few people.

- Polyglot: Jules possessed an uncanny and innate ability to learn languages, from the lowest common argot to the strangest and most arcane tongues.


- Hotheaded: A quick mind is a double-edged sword. Jules was known to get frustrated easily and blow her top without much provocation.

- Commitment-phobe: Ties are for suckers. Jules spent most of her life to that point avoiding attachments and things that would weigh her down.

- Terrible Spender: Credits flew through the hands of Jules before she could even register what she had. Any successes she had as a criminal were quickly poured into the endless void that was her spending habit. From starship repairs, to expensive drinks, to various gaudy 'artworks.'

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