Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jounrey to the Sun Temple (Forcers/Open)

[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Audren Sykes"]

Tiland raised his hands slightly, catching sight of the shotgun, showing they were empty. It also adjusted his robes to show he had no lightsaber either. The staff rested against his shoulder as he studied the woman. She was so young. But then, so were most he met, compared to him anyways. He shrugged at the question.

"I follow the will of the Force, wherever it leads me. I am but a wayfarer, on behalf of none but myself." A cryptic answer, perhaps, but honest. It also hid the fact his homeworld was Anzat. That was never something he would be entirely comfortable with.

He tilted his head as another presence entered the temple and sand grains crunched. Another youngster, also Force sensitive. A Jedi, perhaps, although hardly traditional, given his weaponry. That seemed to be the case in these troubled times. Although, perhaps he could not blame them so much. The Dark Side grew ever powerful, throwing the universe out of balance. He could sense how the Light was struggling.

"And what of yourself?"
[member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Tiland Kortun"]

Audren stepped out from the shadows along with the man. As soon as she laid eyes upon him she cracked a warm smile. She had fought with Audren in a few battles, he was reliable and a strong ally to have at her side. The Monk she was not sure. The force glowed around him, she could feel no evil intentions.

"Well then, It appears we were meant to cross paths. I also follow the will of the force, just on a different path."

The dread feeling in her gut was still lurking. Vassara had to separate fear from danger sense and shove it to the rear of her mind.

"Long story short, there is something here I need to find and remove from this place. A holocron I think, I've seen it in my visions."

She began to shift her footing, lowering the shotgun and heading towards the end of the chamber, down the next main hall. She waved them on with a hand gesture.

"C'mon, I think we have company, so keep sharp."

Elmora Raa

Bounty Hunter with a Bounty
After hearing the two voices speaking she decided not to use her lightsabers, but instead had a better plan. Pushing all of her thoughts to her thirst and dehydration, she put every ounce of effort she had left into her ruse. Then crawled out tiredly into the main hallway, making sure she was placed in the vision of her two "friends". Looking up at them with pleading eyes and a shaking body, she whispered out to them. "Please... I need water... Please help me..." She whimpered convincingly, her voice clearly pained and cracking from how dry it was. Now all she needed was the final touch... She collapsed fully, laying flat against the floor with a thud, her breath hitching in her chest. She didn't feel the need to fully establish who was there, she could tell right away. Her target, [member="Vassara Raxis"] and the Old Man she had envisioned.

[member="Tiland Kortun"]
Location: Sun Temple
Objective: Retrieve the Holocron and return it to safe possession

[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tiland Kortun"]

After close to a day of trudging around lost in the Dune Sea, Sheyh Kehl was more happy than he had ever been to finally be under the protection of the temple to shield himself from the suns. Taking out a quick guzzle of water from his flask, he walked down the main corridor to the sounds of voices he had heard upon entering. His one hand found itself onto the hilt of his lightsaber before he had even announced his presence, "Sheyh Kehl, Officer of the Silver Sanctum and Jedi Padawan." Looking over at the two who weren't on the ground, a woman, and an old man, he made a friendly face before turning his attention to the Togruta girl who looked about his age, on the ground.
Audren's sense of the older man changed slightly, and he knew the man was aware of him. Vassara reacted to the sight of him with a smile; he was grateful for that, meant he hadn't been forgotten. Soon after, she gave voice to her suspicions that there was a holocron here. If that was what was calling them...but that couldn't be, holocrons weren't sentient, couldn't reach out to others through the Force. Could they?

She also voiced her opinion that they were about to have company. More company. This was turning into a regular party. Maybe they would be helpful: more people meant more eyes, more eyes meant - theoretically - more awareness of traps. More likely she expected them to be enemies however, given the shotgun. As she began heading further into the Temple, the Padawan followed. As he did though, a new voice came from behind him...and lower to the ground.

"Please... I need water... Please help me..."

The voice came from a younger girl, her body shaking. Nonhuman, the headtails gave that away. Through the Force, she radiated a sense of thirst and exhaustion, and her voice reflected the thirst. Even as she collapsed, he was stopping to assess, possibly to help. Fortunately, another was closer. A green humanoid stepped into the hallway, flask readily visible though not in hand. That hand was on his lightsaber hilt, just as the Sephi's had been. He introduced himself as Sheyh Kehl, Sanctum Padawan and Officer. Though Officer wasn't a title Audren had heard, Padawan was one he knew rather well.

"Please help the girl, Padawan Kehl. She appears to need water."

The Sephi wasn't unwilling to give some of his own, but the simple fact was that Kehl was closer. Too, something seemed off about her situation. He should have felt someone with that sort of thirst and need approaching, and yet the first he'd felt of that sort of emotion was just before she came into view. Unusual, and the timing was too similar to be coincidental.

[member="Vassara Raxis"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Elmora Raa"] | [member="Sheyh Kehl"]
[member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Elmora Raa"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tiland Kortun"]

Hardly reluctantly, he retrieved his flask from his pouch and held it out to the young Togruta girl. After she took it he watched her contently as she drank from it hastily, finally stopping after she had finished it and holding it out to him again. He retrieved it from her and placed it back in his pouch. He wasn't too keen on controlling his powers fully, but he could feel something when he touched the girls hand. While it was true she was overwhelmed by thirst, there seemed to be something deeper but he couldn't pinpoint it. He shrugged the thought off, thinking it was probably nothing, then held his hand out again to help her up. ​"I assume you heard my introduction earlier? And you are?" He asked her, curious.

Elmora Raa

Bounty Hunter with a Bounty
[member="Sheyh Kehl"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tiland Kortun"]

"Ah- Ahsoka... Ahsoka Tano..." She lied, knowing full well that they would have absolutely no knowledge on who that really was. "I was hired by someone to come here and get the Holocron that is here, I assume you're all for the same goal?" She asked, looking between all of the people. She analyzed some of them for threat levels, the two young boys were probably no threat just from the looks of them, but she really sensed some power radiating off of the old man and her target Vassara Raxis. Sub-consciously, her eyes stuck to her for longer than she'd meant to, but she tore them away. She bowed politely to the group that had gathered, "I hope we can all get along and find the Holocron together..." While her face was hidden from view she forced back a smile, acting completely natural upon steadying herself again.

OOC: Ahsoka was born roughly twenty years before the Battle of Yavin, and this is over 800 years ABY right?
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Elmora Raa"] [member="Sheyh Kehl"] [member="Audren Sykes"]

"Indeed," Tiland said after a moment of studying the two, "Such a thing appears to ring true." He nodded and stepped further into the temple, stopping as the young Togruta slumped along the floor. He studied her, analyzing her condition. She didn't appear to be as bad as she claimed. Such drastic dehydration often had much more severe effects and there was something else about her he didn't trust. So he rifled through his satchel, putting together a quick poultice of herbs, which he crushed beneath his palms. Nothing serious in this at all. Mostly just for the taste, which would be very bitter and shocking.

He knelt and handed it to her. "Take this, it will aid in your recovery."

Then she gave her name and Tiland raised an eyebrow. Ashoka Tano had been dead for centuries, her exploits being even before his time and introduction to the Jedi centuries ago. And she had been hired to get a holocron? There was no record of this place on any database or map he had seen. As far all could tell, it was unknown and long forgotten. He cleared his throat after a moment before speaking softly, but enough that all could hear.

"Ashoka Tano became one with the Force before I began my journey seven hundred years ago." He studied the young Togruta. "Unless you refer to yourself as a different Ashoka Tano."

Elmora Raa

Bounty Hunter with a Bounty
She gulped down a lump before explaining further, "Yeah, she was a hero on my home world of Shili, just the same as Shaak Ti, believe it or not many people wish to name their children this now... I just went a step further and changed my last name...." She let her eyes rest on the old man, she maybe thought he wouldn't be an issue. Well she was wrong. If he knew who Ahsoka Tano was really, then there was definitely something different about this man. After closer to 900 years, she would have been forgotten by the Jedi and the Sith. She looked at the rest of the group to see if there were any complaints. "Are we ready to find that Holocron?"

[member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Sheyh Kehl"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]

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