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Approved NPC Joost the Lawful

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[ IMAGE ]​

"Alien" by Idrassi Soufiane​
Name: Archduke Joost the Lawful
Loyalties: Queen Gisela the Righteous
Role: Giselas' Mate, Ruler of Giselas Hive

Development Threads: N/A

Age: 37 Geonosian Years (26 Standard Years)
Species: Geonosian

Appearance: Joost has the structure and appearance generally that of any common Geonosian, aside from a few differences in the face and some of the body. After his lineage had dwelled underground for hundreds of years in hiding from the galaxy and the event that nearly killed all Geonosians long ago, some Geonosians adapted more to being consolidated underground for so long. Joost has developed things that are like antennae, for sensing in the dark; able to feel the slightest bit of wind, vibration, or sound. His body changing to a hardened shell to secure in moisture, but very little physical protection... not much more than any other Geonosian.

Personality: Joost is very noble, kind, but with a strong hand. Being a new Archduke, he was still a Duke in his past of the leading caste to help determine the future of Giselas Hive.

Force Sensitivity: No

Weapon of Choice: Geonosian Spear

Spear Training - Joost knows how to use a Spear in any form of combat except it isn't as much training as an elite of the warrior caste
Darkness Senses - Joost has increased senses to sound, wind, and vibration

Wealth: Nobility level (Among Giselas Hive), little to no Credits

Combat Function: Joost avoids combat, utilizing his Geonosian Warrior Caste Guards. However, he can use a spear, or use aerial combat moves with his hands.

Notable Possessions: "Necklace of Nobility" from Gisela Hives, contains a Lava Crystal as its' pendant

History: Joost was raised to be a duke within Giselas' Hives' Leadership council, but was also determined to become the Archduke of Gisela, her mate, oncethe previous Archduke fell to old age. He trained among the Warrior Caste for a time to ensure, if he had to, he could protect his queen. He was born among other Geonosians in Giselas' hide-out Hive that hid away originally during the sterilization of Geonosis event, but he is probably the 12th or more Archduke of the Hive as the original Queen has long passed, now leaving it to Gisela to continue its prospering, and Joost to lead it.

Intent: Create the Archduke of Giselas hive and be the outside influence of Gisela
[member="Gisela the Righteous"]
First things first, I need you to site your image sources following the protocols here: Link.

In your description you describe him as being different from most geonosians. It's not required but I might suggest submitting a species sub as this individual doesn't really fit either species.

According to wookieepedia, there are no known Force users among the geonosian species so I'm going to ask that you make him not Force sensitive since they aren't a species of Force sensitives.

Let me know when you've made those changes or if you have questions.
[member="Darth Ignus"]

A deeper, harder reverse image search has finally gotten me somewhere with the image. However, it is not the original artists website, but I have it's "title" and artist name.

He has extra insectoid feelers and a better way to secure in moisture on a desert planet with little food, about as different as humans with an extra, extra sensitive ear and increased bone strength. It's an adaptation of evolution, but I wouldn't say it's enough to warrant a whole new species. You say the word, i'll remove it.

There are very few known named Geonosians, let alone any of merit. The Geonosians were a society in secret, and mostly avoided the galaxy, especially rarely leaving their homeworld, or hive, for that matter. I wouldn't regard them as un-able to become force sensitive, as Wookieepedia doesn't state that, but I will remove it.

I have removed his force sensitivity, and fixed the source
[member="Gisela the Righteous"]
Due to the fact that canon explains there being no Force Sensitive Geonosians, that is what we will go by. If you wish to expand on your subspecies to include a small percentage of force sensitives and submit them officially to codex, that is your prerrogative. Until such time that you do, however, we must go by canon.

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