Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jol Bisa

NAME: Jol Bisa
FACTION: Galactic Alliance/New Jedi Order
RANK: Padawab
SPECIES: Mirialan
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 195 lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Green and Black Tattoos


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Agile
+ Speedy
+ Bladesman
+ Stealth
+ Loyal

- Lack of Confidence
- Sense of Shame
- Compares Himself to Others

His skin tone is green, and he has six diamond tattoos under his lip and down his chin forming an upside down pyramid. His shape is not muscular, but toned. His physical conditioning has kept him in good shape which is evidenced by the natural look of his muscles. His attire is usually tan pants, black boots, a white collared button down shirt, and a navy blue vest. He combs his short hair to the side, but does not concern himself with a part.

Growing up for my father is insane! The man can't be pleased. Everything I do is a competition. I remember the first time I told him I had a crush on a girl. He told me he'd been kissing girls by then. Like I was supposed to be impressed and get with the program or something. There are early bloomers, late bloomers, and everything in between. My dad he peaked young, and he doesn't understand why I'm just... average. Well, just below average technically. I mean he had twelve skills mastered at my age... and he thinks I should too. I don't know... He'll never get it.

Maybe someone will actually find this note and come after me, maybe not, but I just can't take it anymore. Now before you think I've run off to do something stupid, don't panic. I've found a crew that needs a good useful hand around their ship for a few months. I've gone off with them, and I think I'll just do that for while. I need to get my head clear, or something. For all I know, I'll find what I'm supposed to out there. Dad, he won't understand, so don't tell him. There is more to life than those damned tattoos, and I'm tired of trying to earn them, when it's not who I am. Well I'm pretty sure... kinda hard to know for sure when you don't really know who you are. Maybe that's the point of this whole thing... A journey of self discovery or some mumbo jumbo like that.





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