Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Join The Army: Recruitment


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It was a rough city, old ruined ships converted into house factories and businesses, or all three sometimes. Quick cemented building towards Fortress, progressively improving until poverty was faded out through a fine mesh of corruption and cheap hotels, they were the buildings of the night the sanctuaries of their corrupt lords, and at the centre the Fortress Kh'aris.

The old Fortress residence remained on a rough incline, moonlit sand floats heaped against half-destroyed dividers, the windows dim and expanding. It's escarpments shimmered with sand in the precious stone icy air, their battered frameworks mixing into the stones behind. The dividers were a white stone that flickered in the mid year sun and the rooftop was dark slate. It was as tremendous and complex, and utilized a decent number of the slaves as workers. Around the royal residence were coverings of cement for ships to land and kitchen gardens for the servants and partners to appreciate, and around that was a stone divider finished with iron spikes and protected day and night.

The Kh'aris doors were flung open and wide, it was the secondary base of the Hutt Cartel operation, and say it with me "A hive of scum and villainy". It was home, in fact it could be your home too. They were recruiting, the halls were decked in food and drink a long hall of knaves and rogues alike, all gathered around a large room drinking and feast, guards stalked the halls and a single throne was sitting there aloft from the rest, a reminder a divider between criminal and criminal, the difference was minor but important, men sat at tables with lists and promise of action.

"Come be apart of the biggest criminal empire."
Thraxis had been on Sriluur when he heard the first whispers, bouncing among the Cartel and the Jackals alike, each one bringing a new iteration of truths and folly, though the only thing Thraxis cared about was hearing the name, Flannigan Mcnash, its name sent him through a joyous rampage in the White Palace 'Prison', echoing the words through the chambers, "He has returned! The Captain can lead the Jackals once more." he would cry, each time uttered to be followed by a scream in the prison.

Now with the captain to help lead Thraxis he heard he had traveled to the old Fortress Kh'aris, though he reasoning was unknown in Thraxis eyes he simply worked in mysterious ways. After a few minutes of packing up his equipment he hoped on the first Jackal ship to the fortress, taking with him a group of Jackal and Hutt Cartel members alike.

In the distance, a shimmer breaks from the void of space, its black light broken by a small, metallic sheen that crashed into a halt above the planet. Soon it started to float down, its engines roaring like ten Rancor during mating season, as it hovered lower and lower there screams started to silence as the sand beneath it separated beneath the silencing of the Rancor Screeching.

After a few seconds a small pink dot would come racing out, guns in hand as it sprinted up towards the white palace, and behind him, a small mixture of every colored dots one could see in tow, trying to keep up with the speeding bullet. It took around twenty minutes to get through the doors, exhausted Thraxis collapsed on the floor, after confirming his thoughts, "Cap... captain, you reall.... really have returned..." he squeezed out with each breath, his eyes filled with tenuous strain and jubilant eyes.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
The young woman stared up at the Fortress. She took a deep breath in, releasing it in a sigh, which sounded artificial from behind her full-facial visor. Returning to this building brought back memories, and it had the woman reminiscing over the old days. The days that were long gone. With a sad look hidden behind her helmet, she entered the building. People were already gathered. Her gaze scanned the tables of food and drink, each face of each person, criminal, and slave. She looked around the room, half-expecting to see the familiar face of her master. He wasn't there. Of course he wasn't there. He was gone.

She remembered the day like it was yesterday. When she got the news that the mighty and feared Sempra had finally fallen. She was in shock. The Hutt that she served her entire life, the one who gave her promotions and status and a good life, was gone. In the weeks that followed the news, she didn't know her next move. What do you do with your life after the one constant was ripped out from under you? For her, it was getting back into business. She worked as a bounty hunter and assassin, but for multiple employers instead of just one. She earned credits, more than enough to survive. Her employers had been quite pleased with her work. And when word spread in the criminal underworld that the Cartel was making a return, she jumped at the chance to rejoin.

The sound of a familiar voice made her return to the present. She looked over, a smile crossing her grey lips when she saw it was [member="Thraxis"], going off about the return of [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]. Now wasn't that a face she hadn't seen in awhile, either of them. She had drifted away from the Jackals after Sempra died. Now it was time to return.

She approached the two, resting a hand on Thraxis' shoulder when she was within arm's reach of him. "Well would you look at what the tusk cat dragged in. You two haven't changed one bit." She chuckled, knowing what they were thinking. They wouldn't recognize her. After drifting away from her absolute loyalties to the Cartel, she had to change her look to avoid recognition by police or the like. Covering her body was a slim-fit black suit, accented with dark grey armour. It was built for stealth and agility. Accessorizing the suit were black gloves and boots, and a black bandolier around her waist, a pair of blasters holstered on either side. Completing the look was an intricate black helmet, built for her racial headpiece. The black visor showed nothing, neither who was behind it or who it was staring at. It was held in place with cylinders wrapped around the lekku framing her face and a strip resting between her montrals.

With her one gloved hand resting on Thraxis' shoulder, she lifted her other hand to the side of her head. Pushing a button, the visor retracted towards the sides, black metal plating covering her cheeks. Underneath was the smiling face of Ashalah Ky.
Thraxis turned his head to the new figure, his body still laying on the ground like a Colo Claw Fish baked in the sun, he sat laid catching his breath, looking to the twin tails that this new person had, he couldn't tell by the facial features or the like, but he only new one person with those tails who could talk so freely amongst the jackals.

Once the visor retracted a familiar face was now out in the open, and as he thought it was who be was skeptical about it being. "Ash... Ashalah.... where hav... have you been... you kinda... hold on gimme a minute." he said still panting, his arm pulling back into his trenchcoat to grab a vial of Alcoholic Swill, its brown content swishing as he poured it onto the ground, licking it up like a dog, he was too exhausted to hold it up for too long, and simply this was the laziest method that he could drink it.

After a few minutes of drinking the swill he continued, "Where did ya' go? I mean, I knew Flannigan went of on holiday and Cadan went to say hi to his folks, but you kinda just vanishimoed." he inquired, though quickly went back to licking up the swill that was starting to seep out of his tongues reach. His eyes were still filled with joy, the strain now leaving fully as his head darted back between the two people, it was like Space-Christmas, Space Hanukkah and Space Quansa all in wrapping paper made by the Easter bunny and the bow was tied up by pixies and made of unicorn dust.
[member="Ashalah Ky"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
Ashalah knelt down next to [member="Thraxis"], giving his shoulder a little squeeze. She watched him lap at his drink, a slight look of disgust appearing on her face. "Same old Thraxis. Some things just don't change." When he was finished, she pulled on his shirt to get him on his feet. "C'mon, buddy. Up you go." Once he was on his feet, she'd gently nudge him back towards a chair. He started asking about her whereabouts.

She sighed and pulled up a chair next to him. "I've been...employed elsewhere. With the boss gone, I had to get credits somehow." That wasn't the only thing that had changed. "As well, I had to go under a fake name. Now without his protection."
Thraxis listened contently, he had no idea why she was treating him as if he was drunk, he was just a tad bit exhausted, but he supposed he had always seemed like a tad of a drunkard. "See, now it seems like everyone seemed to just leave when Sempra vamoshed." he muttered, disappointed that he had so much sway with the Jackals.

He looked around to the Captain, "So are you gonna say Hi Cap?" he inquired, his eyes looking at him with wondering eyes but trying to stay focused on Ashalah so she did not think he was ignoring her.
[member="Ashalah Ky"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
At the mention of the cyborg, Ash turned her attention to the droid of a man. "Flannigan. The one with little to say, as always." She took his silence as a good thing. He wasn't shooting at her. Of course, Flannigan wasn't one to shoot at his companions, but that how things went. One didn't have to be too particularly chatty, as long as they weren't being hostile.

At [member="Thraxis"]' comment about everyone leaving, Ash turned her focus on the not-so-drunk-after-all Zeltron. Her gaze had turned into a glare. "And what, stay and get killed?" She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling a bit guilty for leaving and snapping at her friend. She looked away, the anger in her body language fading. "I was Sempra's right hand. I killed many people for him. Most of our dominions were won because of me." She sighed, taking a seat next to Thraxis. She seemed to relax visibly. She was tired of everything that had happened. "Without his protection, people came after me. Tried to collect the bounty on my head."

Her eyes flicked down to the floor. "I killed them, of course, but they only sent more. So I changed my name and hopped on a ship with only the pilot as its crew. Stayed under the radar. And when things calmed down, I came here."
A BT-7 Thunderclap flew down towards the planet, it's outer shell damaged, paint flew from the metal and flora clung to the ships base all evidence pointing to the little action the ship had seen for the past while. The landing gear groaned in protest as the ship applied pressure to it, the old steam power gears giving slightly at the weight. Specks of soil and grass fell from inside, only to be carried away by the gentle breeze. Steam hissed as the gangway reached for the ground, emitting a slight 'ting' as it touch the metallic floors. Slowly a figure made their way up the path to the meeting place, letting the old JT-Asmodium rest.

The doors flung open, the silhouette of a man took their place. The figure stood at around 6ft 1in, just from this silhouette those who stared could make out the robotic arm. He proceeded into the room, a brown trench coat clung to the man. The coat was battered, burnt, bloodied and the right armed seemed to have been torn off, exactly where the robotic arm began. His skin was the colour of the sky, on a beautiful day, and his eyes the colour of fresh blood. The robotic hand rested on the hilt of a DL-18, scratched into the hilt the was the word "Sunshine".

The Duros made his way down past the many people - all here to make their living of pirating. He stopped a few meters from [member="Ashalah Ky"] and @Thraxis. A smile spread over his face. "Well 'ello." Cadan said with his familiar, husky voice.
Thraxis looked at her with a cheerful grin? "And? Death is our life choice, we will always be hunted, we will always be attacked, we do not get to rest easy. And that is the joy we get to partake in. I mean hell, me and Tiali had the Hutt Cartel attacked by Jardo and Xander, though don't worry. It was a bloodbath. He tried to send in his armada and it was quickly destroyed by our Orbital Defense system. Oh that was a good day." he chuckled with a hearty grin,his arm pulling back up a small vial of booze and pouring it down his throat, though he didn't take the taste he dealt with the burning throat, "Oh dammit that was rum!" he said as his hands wrapped around his throat his throat chocking on the burning sensation that caused him to sputter and cough.

After a few minutes his ears heard another familiar voice, it really was turning into a life day miracle, his head spun around as the familiar blue entered the room, the piercing red eyes standing out from among the rabble, "Cadan! Oh it is so good to see you again, how was the visit to your families farm?" he inquired, his eyes almost bursting out as he looked with an eager grin.
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Ashalah Ky"]
"You don't understand," Ash turned on him, but it was more feelings of hurt and grief than actual anger. "You didn't serve him like I did. Hell if I knew what you did half the time, other than drinking." She rolled her eyes at his habit. "Seriously, @Thraxis. Keep going and people are going to start thinking of you as an alchoholic." She chuckled at a sudden thought. "Don't make us have an intervention for you."

At the sound of a new, gruff voice, Ash turned quickly towards the source. Her long lekku rose up from the momentum of the turn, one of them smacking Thraxis in the face. "Cadan!" Moving forward, she wrapped the [member="Cadan Tazi"] in a hug. "I missed you." Breaking the hug, she stepped back and mirrored the other's question. "How is your family doing?"
A hug? This was something Cadan seldom experience without paying for, but he sought comfort in the quick embrace. He was home.

A smile spread over Cadan's face as he looked to both Ash and Thraxis. "They must 'ave sold the farm or somethin' like that. Although the new owners didn't put up much of a fight." He thought back to when he landed, expecting to see friendly faces, instead only a barrel of a blaster. "Anyway that's all there is to that."

"Now what 'ave you been up to?" He spoke to both [member="Ashalah Ky"] and @Thraxis.
Tiali enters the building holding a unmarked bottle of what he assumes is expensive, just something he found collecting dust in his cargo hold.

Entering further into the place, He spots Thraxis and the group, Approaching them Tiali holds out the two bottles "I got the good Stuff for today, I think. Well We have this" Holding up one of the unlabeled bottles. "or this" holding up the other ones. "But I don't know what they are." He places the bottle's onto a table near Thraxis.

Tiali turns to Cadan and Ash "So you both decided to come out of hiding congratulations!" Tiali slides his helmet off his head and places it on the table. He sits down on the nearest chair, and wiggles slightly to get comfortable.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Ashalah Ky"]
"Oh you know, made a few people scream, got attacked by Jardo and Xancer, we beat them. Then we had some Bounty Hunters come after us. You know, nothing out of the ordinary." he said as if it was nothing out of the ordinary, quickly downing another bottle of booze. He then turned to respond to Ashalah, "Hey, I am no alcoholic, I just like booze. Plus, if you knew what I did half the time, I don't think you would be in a very good mind state." he said in retort.

Thraxis head snapped back as he heard the mention of alcohol, as well as a voice that was familiar, yet not one that he had not heard in a while, "G'Day Tiali. You took your time." he said as he eyed the bottles of unknown beverages. He quickly hid back the bottle of booze he was drinking and tried his best to make Tiali not realize that he was already drinking.
[member="Ashalah Ky"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
At the sound of a familiar voice, Ashalah immediately perked up. Spinning around, she faced the man that she had been falling for for quite some time. They had parted ways shortly before Sempra's fall. Now, he was here. In front of her. "Tiali..." She breathed out his name, partially in disbelief that he was here. She hadn't seen him for a while. [member="Thraxis"] mentioned something about Tiali having to go into hiding or take on a secret identity. Ashalah didn't quite understand it until she was forced to take on one of her own.

She took a step towards him then another, quickening her pace until she ran into his chest. Her arms wrapped around him and her face pressed against his chest. "I missed you." Before her own mind could stop her, she moved in a blur of movement. Her grey lips pressed to his, gently but passionately. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she leaned in closer.

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Cadan snatched one of the bottles from Tiali. "Me thinks this one will be good." The space dog popped open the lid and took a large swig of the bottle.

Luckily Cadan managed to get out of the way before Ashalah grasped the strapping young man in her arms. "I was gone for longer love. But doesn't matter, you ain't me type." Cadan said with the little dignity he had before taking another big sip from the bottle before offering it to Thraxis.

[member="Ashalah Ky"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
Sempra the hutt was residing. He held his court in one of the distant scrape yards where some extra shade had been rapidly constructed to shield his reptilian skin. Not that it was needed, but because Sempra had requested it.

Slaves and servants darted around him as per usual. Spice was as usual flowing out from his entourage and this was no exception. The cartel was no longer his to command. But Sempra knew very well that spice indeed controlled many of its members. There were credits and business to be made regardless of political ambitions.

And so Sempra held his presence in the outskirts, he had no ambition to test the new leaders of the cartel but kept still made sure he was not believed to have seized his business because of it.
Thraxis just went back to drinking his booze, it seemed the party had once more reunited as a group. "Well then, now that we have regathered. What was the purpose of this here gathering Captain? Are we going on one last heist, are we going to go on one final mission, maybe we shall go invade the Sith base, steal all their holocrons then hold them up for ransom?" he inquired, he had little interest in the love affair between Tiali and Ashalah, though he ever cared for love. It was a twisted and gross abomination in existence and if he had the choice, he would happily wipe it from existence.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
[member="Ashalah Ky"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
"Ladies," the voice a thundering echo a boom of transition from noise to silence a trick of the architecture "and thugs." a solid tangible thing a 'thump', as he entered, whom you may ask well..


He stood Six feet high, made of solid metal that curved and wound in inorganic angels, breaking off in sharp inclines and slopes his face a metal grill fashion in a caricature of an alien skull. "Your Domo has returned, this is your captain speaking and we are on course for plunder, bigger than ever, more raids on the Republic, everything in excesses."

"After all susses is only a few letters away from excess." he reclined in his chair, his form filling ever last bit of space of the throne, gilded with gem and gold trimmings he looked nothing more than a gaudy gargoyle pulled from some mansion rooftop. "Feast, enjoy yourself. Cause we've got work to do."

[member="Thraxis"], [member="Sempra the Hutt"], [member="Cadan Tazi"], [member="Ashalah Ky"], [member="Tiali Orazio"]​
Djark had been following the Cartel since his introduction on Nar Shaddaa, a little detour from his quest for another fat government pay check, with work a bit more focused on the actual killing aspect of G-Man work. It never hurt to have a bit of something on the side, tax free to help pay for that new condo on whatever fucking planet you wanted it. Everyone had trash that needed taking out.

Especially Hutts.

The paid murderer watched [member="Thraxis"] get kinda emotional with [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] before the pair was joined by [member="Ashalah Ky"], before being joined by other important looking folk. For now Djark watched and mingled about with the other less shiny looking folk. If he stared long enough someone would eventually ask him a "What the fuck are you looking at?" sorta question, well, he guessed they would. Then he'd get on the right radar.

[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Thraxis decided he had taken enough time catching up with old friends and started to do what he was meant to do. Get new recruits. His eyes bounced about the people in the room, No, no too shinny, too feminine, too Masculine, not enough clothes, too much clothes. He thought as peered at each person in the room, he had no problem with them all being hired, he just didn't want to interact with the wrong people.

Soon his eyes landed on someone who seemed to be in the middle ground of all the extremes, something he seldom ever saw, it was either one end of the spectrum or another, though this was just form the way he presented himself, he had no idea what his personality was, he looked over for a few seconds waiting to get the mans attention he yelled, "You, come over here I wanna talk with ya!" he yelled his voice echoing through the building, if this didn't get his attention it meant he was either dumb or deaf. [member="Djark Slove"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
[member="Ashalah Ky"]

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