Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Johari the Hutt


NAME: Johari Desilijic Tiure
FACTION: Red Ravens
RANK: Aspiring Crime Lord
AGE: 84
SEX: Hermaphrodite, Masculine personality
HEIGHT: About 2.3 meters when standing as tall as possible
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: White on head and face, green elsewhere
SKIN: Beige, greenish


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Resourceful: Johari has a brain behind that ugly mug, believe it or not.
Well off: Though not as rich as most Hutts, or full blown crime lords, Johari is far from poor.
Hutt: Regeneration, immunity to offensive telepathy, surprising strength, ultraviolet sight, the perks of a Hutt go on and on.

Obsessed with gemstones: Johari is obssesed with all kinds of gemstones, jewels, and crystals. He will go out of his way and pay much more than reasonable for a rare jewel to add to his collection.
Addicted to Drochs: Many Hutts enjoy eating Drochs to prolong their lives- Johari is addicted to them. And due to their rarity, and how dangerous it is to gather them, they can be quite expensive.
Repulsive appearance: Between just being a Hutt and his genetic defect (see below) Johari is even more disgusting than your average slug.
Hutt: Though it has many perks, being a Hutt comes with many downsides as well... Being roughly the size of a bloated beluga whale, mainly.

Johari has one main feature that sets him out from other Hutts; the genetic defect inherited from one of his ancestors. However where his ancestors defect caused him just to develop hair and a beard, something rarely ever seen on Hutts, Johari's went a bit farther: a coat of green fur. Though thin enough on his underbelly to slither along effeciently, Johari still produces as much mucus as any other Hutt... making his fur a clotted, clumpy, and often disgusting, mess. It's soft though, when it's not crusted over with slime.

Johari was often ridiculed and isolated from birth, due to his less then appealing defect, less successful than his peers from the start. However, as a Hutt born on Nal Hutta, Johari of course attempted to make something of himself, slowly starting what he hoped would grow into a criminal empire in the form of a smuggling business, which eventually became moderately successful before the reformation of the Galaxy. However, his buisness still remained stunted, mostly due to the many competition of other Hutts and crime lords. Eventually, around the time of the reformation of the Galaxy, Johari's smuggling buisness' success skyrocketed. However, the majority of the other Hutts were not thrilled about their business being taken- especially by their deformed relative. Therefore the new Republic was soon informed of smuggling operations being conducted within their territory... And Johari was imprisoned within a brand new Republic jail.

A few years before the Netherworld Rapture Johari was let go, finally allowed to return to Nal Hutta. However, ecspecially with his new reputation for being captured and imprisoned, it was almost impossible to return to his smuglging buisness. Therefore the Hutt attempted to grow new roots in more legal activities, at least until he became rich enough to return to his less savory activities; Mining. However, it turns out looking like a cross between a scab and a slug was not very good for buisness- ecspecially with his relatives sitll pulling string to keep himself from getting off the ground.

Eventually, though, Johari's luck finally began to turn: a fairly new name in the Galaxy, the Red Ravens, sought control over Nal Hutta. Meaning his competitors, his relatives, could be disposed of... Perhaps he could even start his reputation anew. Needless to say, Johari was quick to side with the Ravens.

(More will be done in roleplay, as of the time I wrote this the Red Raven dominion of Nal Hutta is still going on.)

Ajga - A small star yacht


Curiosity killed the Raven
A Tale of Hutts and Pimps (Named Magoo)
Fortune Favors the Ones That Know

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