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Work In Progress Jil'jəˈʨək


  • Intent: To submit the Alchemized Sub-Species of the Devaronians
  • Image Credit: X
  • Canon: Devaronian
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Brotherhood of the Maw | New Sith Order | Sith Alchemy | Sith Sorcery
  • Name: Jil'jəˈʨək | Literally, “Builders of the Path”
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Devaron - Stock of Pure Devaronians
    • Korriban - First Generation | Centuries Ago
    • Unknown Regions | BotM Space - Second Generation | Current Era
  • Average Lifespan: 40 Years
    • Lifespan is added on to whatever the Devaronian's age was prior to alchemy. Thus, a Devaronian aged 25 will only live to 65 years.
    • Extensive Sith Sorcery can extend their lifespan upwards of 100 or 200 years.
    • The Yedrok are able to live far longer than their kin due to the lack of negative mutations in their body, allegedly up to three hundred years or even four hundred depending on the potency of their Force. No Yedrok, however, has been known to live this long thus far due to dying in battle.
    • The Paamam Nat possess the longest known lifespan out of any Jil'jəˈʨək, capable of living up to six hundred years - four hundred of which they can live without feeling the effects of aging.
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description: Compared to their original Devaronian kin, the Jil'jəˈʨək look like an entirely different species. They are much taller than the average Devaronian, are more physically fit, boast massively altered horns, and universally possess fur- whereas only Devaronian females possess fur. Along with their newfound genetic traits thanks to their alchemical origins, the Jil'jəˈʨək more so resemble bipedal dragons than they do the red-skinned natives of Devaron.
  • Breathes: Type-1 | Type-2
  • Average Height of Adults: Between 204 Centimeters and 237 Centimeters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin Color: Silver | Black | Red | Grey | White | Pink | Brown
  • Hair Color: White | Black | Brown
    • Red is also possible, but very rare
  • Distinctions:
    • Size: Unlike their Devaronian kin, the Jil'jəˈʨək are much taller and more physically monstrous. Standing anywhere between six-foot-six or seven-foot-seven, a Jil'jəˈʨək is a literal giant compared to most other sentient races in the Galaxy with the exception of Wookies and a handful of others. Additionally, where it would take a Devaronian or other species natural time to develop great muscularity, a Jil'jəˈʨək is granted theirs upon their creation in alchemy with proper proportions to their altered height. This goes for both males and females, and the species has often been attributed to walking trees because of their stature.
    • Horns: The Devaronian genders are distinctly marked by the presence of their horns - females lacking them entirely aside from vestigial spots - but the Jil'jəˈʨək are not so differentiated. Every Jil'jəˈʨək from male to female possess sets of massively altered horns that can range from curved to straight, double or multiple, rounded or pointed. While no Jil'jəˈʨək has the same style of horns, not unlike other horned beings across the galaxy, they are nonetheless uniquely regarded as a status symbol and are often decorated with paints or jewelry depending on the wealth or rank of the individual. Additionally, because of their broad durability and use in combat, the loss of them in a fight is regarded as the ultimate battle scar and a sign of being a true warrior, with the individually injured Jil'jəˈʨək forever marking the one who removed their horns as being their perfect opponent.
    • Fur: Like their horns, the Jil'jəˈʨək are markedly different from their Devaronian kin in that every individual has coats of fur, whereas only females of the base species possessed it. The furs on the Jil'jəˈʨək's heads are most often the same color and length, being white/black/brown and long, although some will choose to style it differently into braids or be entirely bald. Additionally, many of the Jil'jəˈʨək choose to shave the fur off of their bodies in order to adorn themselves with ritualistic tattoos and markings, or for purely aesthetic reasons. Males are also capable of producing surprisingly lavish beards, which they often weave with Norris Root to prevent both it and their heads from being cut off in battle.
    • Eyes: The eyes of the Jil'jəˈʨək are, surprisingly, identified as their most intimidating feature by many who have encountered them. They are usually deep-set into their skulls, are of either fascinatingly bright or disturbingly dark color, and have a metallic or gem-like sheen to them. However, the worst aspect of the Jil'jəˈʨək eyes is the "aura" about them, which some have said is similar to a predator staring at its prey - perhaps a trait carried over by the Devaronian's origins as a hunter-gatherer species. The eyes of the Jil'jəˈʨək are also capable of viewing multiple spectrums and even "planes of the Force" at the desire of the individual - granted that they have not been afflicted with blindness by their alchemical changes.
    • Durability: Naturally, the Devaronians are an incredibly durable species capable of surviving wounds and elements that would eradicate any other species in seconds. Immunity to most fire/heat-based damages and an absurd resistance to toxins and poisons have given the Devaronians a legacy of possible invulnerability - though they are still capable of being killed like any other. The Jil'jəˈʨək have taken this durability and enhanced it thrice fold, now capable of surviving even more than what their Devaronian kin could, earning them a fearsome reputation on the battlefield.
    • Teeth: The Jil'jəˈʨək possess two sets of teeth, a rare genetic trait present only in one out of every five Devaronian males. This enables them to both consume meat and plants, and communicate in multiple languages they would otherwise be incapable of speaking if they only possess one set of teeth.
  • Races: Despite the low population of the Jil'jəˈʨək, there is a surprising amount of diversity among their numbers that comes from their alchemical alterations.
    • Źaskeezh | No Known Translation; presumed to have religious connotations: The Force sensitives of the Jil'jəˈʨək, the Źaskeezh are those individuals who have fortunately sustained the power that came with their alchemical changes, at the cost of often suffering a possibly debilitating mutation. Despite this cost, the Źaskeezh fill the elite roles of their people, always to incredible success. As warriors, diplomats, assassins, priests, and alchemists, the Źaskeezh are the true terrors of the Jil'jəˈʨək in the Galaxy. Allegedly on an endless mission of faith for their people, the Źaskeezh are content to rove in horrible warbands or by themselves as apostles of unknown faith. Only in truly grand wars will they ever be called into the same horde, usually alongside their Baas kin whom they bolster with great powers of the Force.
      • Yedrok | No Known Translation; presumed to mean “Exemplary”: A sub-group of the Źaskeezh, the Yedrok are seen as the paragons of their people, capable of holding the full might of their alterations with little to no failings like the rest of the species. In wisdom, they are unparalleled and unique. In the alchemies and sorceries, they possess unmatched power in the Force. And in war, they hold exceptional strength and discipline. Since the creation of the Jil'jəˈʨək, the Yedrok have most commonly been female much like Devaronian society, although a male will come along once in a while who possesses the traits necessary to be marked as a Yedrok. Appearance-wise, members of the Yedrok have a much more draconian-devilish visage, either with fire-red skin or even scales along with metallic-colored eyes. They also possess additional powers of the Force that no other Jil'jəˈʨək beyond the Baź (described below) has, which they use to great effect in order to keep law and direction throughout the Jil'jəˈʨək society.
      • Baź | No Known Translation; presumed to have origins in "danger" or "threat": A secondary sub-group of the Źaskeezh, and one held in the utmost secrecy by the upper echelon of Jil'jəˈʨək politics, the Baź are those who suffered incredibly potent and dangerous mutations as the cost of even greater power than their kin. They are often referred to informally as walking bombs, berserkers, and Force sponges, with all three namesakes being literal in the gravest sense. With lifespans of five years in best-case scenarios, Baź find themselves sent on the most dangerous missions to unleash their terrible power in the hopes of finding both victory for their people and a glorious end to their life. Physically, the Baź are the most different next to the Chut, bearing crystalline growths, glowing scars, and vestigial glowing eye sockets. After battles that they survive, the Baź also gain numerous tattoos and ritualistic markings in the form of hieroglyphics and text, both to identify their status and to tell their story if/when their bodies can be recovered by their kin after death.
    • Baas | Literally “Empty, Naked, Nude”: For whatever reason that neither generation of Jil'jəˈʨək has been able to discover, some of the altered Devaronians will lose their active connection to the Force as their bodies are changed into enhanced versions of their base selves. While some cultures in the Galaxy may view this with disdain and/or a sign of weakness, the Baas are fascinatingly treated with immense respect due to their ability to fulfill the roles the Źaskeezh are too important/powerful to fulfill. “Ya baas yaam guy paz aaw i jaang lul baaź pay” - or “Even empty things can provide that which we need for life” - as the saying goes. These non-sensitive members of the Jil'jəˈʨək thusly serve as the instruments of their people and fulfill roles such as engineers, hunters and gatherers, cooks, information gatherers, traders, and basic military roles. In the latter role, they are generally seen as much more clever warriors than their Źaskeezh brethren because of their lack of the Force, meaning they are required to think outside of the box to properly serve those who possess the powers of gods. Despite their lack of connection to the Force, those sensitive in it can still sense the remnants of what was used to make the Jil'jəˈʨək, making excursions to worlds where Force Sensitives are known to reside a risky business. Physically, the Baas are seen as being smaller than their Źaskeezh brethren, on average standing within the lower ratio of height and weighing less as well.
      • Chut | Literally "Giant": A very rare sub-group of the modern-day Baas, the Chut are those who have lost their connection to the Force and suffered the worst mutations out of any Jil'jəˈʨək. Some of the Jil'jəˈʨək theorize that the Chut are made because of this lack of connection to the Force along with the individuals being unable to handle the changes due to the destruction of their willpower. Others believe that the individuals were simply unlucky. Regardless of the reasoning, the end result has seen ten Chut come into being, transfigured into hulking horned monstrosities roughly 4.5 meters high without any semblance of their former selves. The Chut are almost never deployed with the rest of their kin, only released from their pens for exceptionally important battles.
    • Paamam Nat | Literally "Natural Birth": Once in a while, upon the alignment of every shred of fate and chance, a Jil'jəˈʨək will birth a natural child who bears the appearance and power of the alchemized Devaronians without any of the negative effects. Why this occurs continues to elude even the staunches of scholars and scientists, but the consequences, regardless, are as impressive as they are horrifying. Alongside rapid aging into adulthood and a magnificently extended lifespan granted by the Dark Side, these individuals are seen as blessings across the community and properly hold much more potential than even a Yedrok. Prodigious in the Force, academics, and swordplay, they can become terrifying forces of nature and infallible leaders of the Jil'jəˈʨək with the right training.
  • Force Sensitivity: High
  • Devaronian Genes: It is widely perceived that the Devaronian species possesses some of the most beneficial genetics in the Galaxy. Beyond being capable of withstanding fire and intense heat with little to no damage, they are also able to survive toxins and poisons many other species cannot. This is because of their possession of two livers, which filters out much more harmful substances in the Devaronian body than other species' bodies. As such, the Jil'jəˈʨək boast incredible base resistances to the dangers of the Galaxy, allowing them to serve better on the battlefield.
    • Alchemical Superiority: The process of Sith Alchemy on living creatures usually improves their bodies' ability to withstand harmful damages and/or transmute such things into bursts of increased power. For the Jil'jəˈʨək, the alchemical process of their creation has increased their Devaronian resistances thrice-fold along with making them faster and stronger than ever before. Every member of the species - even the Forceless Baas - is now able to withstand extreme worlds such as Tattooine and Mustafar without any necessary protective gear. Some individuals are even able to directly stand in pure magma for short periods of time without any damage to their bodies if their specific alchemical process went particularly well - an evolutionary trait that has led to the development of games and trials of endurance. Most toxins and poisons have become similarly useless against the Jil'jəˈʨək, making assassinations with these methods incredibly difficult; the horned people have also taken to openly consuming food and drink regarded as inedible by anything other than the hardiest of wild animals.
      • The Jil'jəˈʨək have found that they grow physically stronger the closer they are to their death, doubly so if they are nearing the end of their 40-year lifespan. This goes for the Baas as well, who view this double-edged trait as more of a gift than they do a curse, as they are able to hold their own just as well alongside their Źaskeezh brethren should they become mortally wounded.
      • The Yedrok, however, due to their perfect alchemical creation do not suffer the 40-year lifespan nor boast incrementally growing strength. Instead, they already possess the peak strength their kin would have at the end of their life - and possibly more - and live far longer so that they may continue the creation of their species. They also develop powers within the Force that no other Jil'jəˈʨək can, namely within the field of Pyrokinesis. Firebreathing, lava control, cinder sorcery, and many other powers have become staples of the Yedrok's foundation and why they have been chosen to lead the Jil'jəˈʨək.
  • Martial Culture: Among the Jil'jəˈʨək, little is more important than one's ability to fight for their kin when the call to arms is made. Thusly has physical training become one of two main portions of the Jil'jəˈʨək society, with every single member working for months at a time to hone their skills to their peak. Duels and trials of endurance and prowess with sword and sorcery are common, and the results of crafting perfect warriors speak for themselves. Curiously, those who find themselves on the losing end frequently in these events are often forced into arduous labor to rebuild the foundations that allowed them to become a Jil'jəˈʨək, rather than find themselves executed. This alternate view of weakness comes as surprise to many due to the Jil'jəˈʨək being undeniable followers of the Dark Side, even more so when they are given the reasoning: "Da wa shungiź ha," or "No man is forever weak." However, because of this viewpoint, the martial culture of the Jil'jəˈʨək is nearly unshakeable with every living member more than capable of fighting the Galaxy if need be with faultless skill and frightening savagery.
    • Harmonious Society: Unlike many other cultures in the Galaxy, especially those who follow the Dark Side and even Devaronian, there is little if any dissension amongst the Jil'jəˈʨək. The laws of their culture and the practices of their faith have made them almost symphonic in their way of life. Because their society is led by a select few in the Yedrok, changes of leadership are uncommon, but they are also welcomed with a variety of rituals and events should a new leader come into existence, or one finds themselves nearing their end. Thus, the community of the Jil'jəˈʨək is unusually cooperative, with efforts of brutality, backstabbing, and manipulation being expended on their enemies rather than themselves like most Dark Siders, giving them a great advantage in the grander Galaxy and remain in fighting shape where others fail. "Yaaź unma emshuzh bol śeej ee jaang shoshee zik yaaź peeh jaang," or "To waste the energies of war on ourselves is to let the enemies win without effort."
  • Low Population: The low population of the Jil'jəˈʨək has allowed them to move in relative secrecy compared to the rest of the species in the Galaxy, and thus avoid much of the greater conflicts that could wipe out their entire population. Additionally, the low population allows them to consolidate their efforts much more effectively in the development of their culture and find greater success in technological developments.
  • Horns of Strength: The horns of the Jil'jəˈʨək have been described as being of similar composition and durability as Beskar, which has enabled them to utilize these features as emergency goring weapons in the event of total disarmament.
  • Strict Cultural Adherence: Much like their Devaronian kin, the Jil'jəˈʨək live under a firm, law-based culture. To them, it is everything that they are and they have taken to developing strict, immutable adherence to its rules and regulations. Breaking the code of their culture and their faith to what it creates is tantamount to death and offenders are often quickly put to the blade. This is because many laws of the Jil'jəˈʨək call for a form of honor - strange and dark though it is - in combat and life in general. Challenges, offenses, and insults are regarded as non-negotiable to the Jil'jəˈʨək in terms of being ignored or their solution delayed. They believe that such matters must be handled immediately with a duel, execution, or the rare diplomatic debate, although the latter will frequently result in one of the former. Enemies of the horned species can use this adherence to their advantage to lay traps or directly eliminate a particular foe within the species, few or many they may be.
    • Technologically Lacking: While capable of possessing technology on par with the rest of the galaxy, the Jil'jəˈʨək choose to follow a much more austere, Force-based lifestyle in accordance with the mandates of their culture. This means that beyond starships and armored vehicles, the Jil'jəˈʨək are often wanting in advanced armor and blaster weaponry. This can put them at a disadvantage in combat against more technologically inclined foes if they enter the fight unprepared. It also makes alliances with species or factions that can offer support in larger battles that much more crucial.
  • Alchemical Failings: As only a handful of Jil'jəˈʨək are capable of harnessing the full might of their alchemical changes without any failings in the alteration process, the rest of the species possess any number of mutations that negatively counteract their enhanced bodies. The universal failing of the alchemical changes is a shortened lifespan, with the standard Jil'jəˈʨək only capable of living 40 years after their alterations as the price for growing stronger the closer they come to their death. Other possible mutations include decreased functionality of the frontal lobe; blindness leading to the necessity of training in Force Sight; intense light sensitivity; inability to digest food beyond fresh blood; insomnia; loss of voice; Chut mutations; thickened arteries and precariously irregular heartbeat; inability to stand in any body of water due to even greater density than granted by their base/altered Devaronian genetics; bouts of insanity/mania; propensity for seizures. Some particularly uncommon and unfortunate mutations include crystalline growths; extreme scarification and weeping wounds; random internal combustion; incremental rotting of the body; and instability in maintaining their power.
  • Low Population: The low population of the Jil'jəˈʨək, while an advantage, is also a terrible weakness as the mighty species can be wiped out in one fell swoop by a prepared or overwhelming foe, as was the case for their first generation. This most often keeps the species from participating in large-scale warfare and pushes them to become nomadic and widespread throughout the Galaxy so that, in the event that a large portion of the species perishes, they can continue on in some capacity.
  • Force Nullification: Because of the extensive sorcery used to create the Jil'jəˈʨək, many forms of Force Nullification have remarkably negative effects on the Jil'jəˈʨək. This includes even those who have lost their active connection to the Force. These negative effects essentially combine both the temporary cancellation of an individual's connection to the Force as well as severe side-effects including internal hemorrhaging, states of catatonia, severe seizures, aneurysms, strokes, heart attacks, organ failure, muscle spasms, and several forms of instant death.
  • Size: The size of even the standard Jil'jəˈʨək makes it difficult for them to fight in smaller environments such as hallways and rooms not designed for their great stature. Enemies of the species can use this to an advantage by luring them into traps or bottlenecks.
  • Diet: Omnivore - Every member of the Jil'jəˈʨək possesses the rare Devaronian trait of two sets of teeth, which allows them to survive on both meat and plants. Among the Devaronians, this trait is present only in every one out of five males. However, it is quite common for Jil'jəˈʨək to enjoy a routine carnivorous diet of baked hearts and pepper-seasoned blood soups.
  • Communication: The Jil'jəˈʨək are capable of communicating in a variety of languages thanks to the presence of two sets of teeth, one of which is retractable. This second set of retractable teeth is usually required to speak languages with consonants and vowels not present in their native Devaronese, with consistent usage sometimes leading to aches and pains throughout the jaw and gums.
  • Technology level: The Jil'jəˈʨək have the capabilities of crafting and utilizing technology on par with the rest of the galaxy. However, beyond their ships and armored vehicles, many of the horned people choose to use much more traditional equipment in their armor and weaponry - including beast mounts - and follow their customs of the Dark Side of the Force. Much of these items are Devaronian in nature - obviously optimized to their increased size and abilities - although some will feature a much more custom, if not alien design. Those that use these uniquely modified items are often shunned by their peers for their supposed "lack of dedication" to the traditions of the Jil'jəˈʨək and Devaron, although this could not be further from the truth in most cases.
    • In special circumstances, the elite forward service members of the Jil'jəˈʨək - such as those who work directly with the Brotherhood of the Maw's New Sith Order - are permitted to utilize modern technology such as blasters, advanced armor, and lightsabers.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Besides their adherence to a martial culture, the Jil'jəˈʨək faith is a curious case of inherited - perhaps apocryphal - beliefs meshed with uniquely developed Dark Side influence. Generally speaking, it is built on the ancient foundations of ten spirit animals with origins dating as far back as pre-civilized Devaron.
    • These Ten Spirits, or "Tu Čəlˈʨa," are said to represent the ten facets of what the Jil'jəˈʨək call "Jəˈʨək," or "The Path," which modern scholars have identified as a nearly primordial understanding of the Force, specifically the Dark Side of the Force. It is, basically, more of a school of spirituality than a "religion," the overarching concepts derived from doctrines of destiny, cyclical events, and renewal born from the absolute, perpetual rule of Darkness. In practice, it proposes the core belief that Darkness - the Dark Side - is the catalyst and climax of every universe from which order through rebirth is made. In other words, "Jəˈʨək" suggests that the universe shall always begin and end with darkness throughout all of time itself in a series of birth and death. Each subsequent iteration becomes more and more cohesive and ordered than the last until an ultimate, perfect universe is created for the worthy and honorable - the Jil'jəˈʨək. Consequently, the followers of "The Path" use the Dark Side to bring about this renewal in what they view as the best possible way - their greater purpose in life, essentially.
      • Other followers of the Dark Side are accordingly viewed with varying levels of intrigue, disdain, and indifference. This is due to their complete devolution into the animalistic, ignoble desires of power, enslavement, and domination of the universe as it currently is without striving for the creation of something better.
    • Comparatively, the Light Side is also viewed as a living thing - the anathema of the Ten Spirits more accurately. This anathema is known to the practitioners as "Žərˈpəzwiɕ" or "The Fool," who is said to reside in the core of every star in the universe. The followers of "Žərˈpəzwiɕ" are thereby referred to as "Dig Jarˈba" or "The Sun Blind." These "Sun Blind" use the Light Side as a way to escape the absolute rule of Darkness and/or deny that a newer and better state of the universe shall always be born from it. They are thusly regarded with disdain, pity, and sometimes outright hostility.
      • However, some of the "Sun Blind" have earned respect among the followers of "Jəˈʨək," either because of their combative or orator skills. These individuals are alternatively referred to as "Jəd Ja" or "Shaded One."
    • Confoundingly, despite this, some have viewed the tenants of "Jəˈʨək" as being more shades of grey than what many view practitioners of the Dark Side to follow. Born from the Ten Spirits, "Jəˈʨək" serves shadowed representations of faith, curiosity, knowledge, wisdom, authority, justice, valor, honor, purpose, and sacrifice. For the Jil'jəˈʨək and the other faithful, nothing is more important than to enforce these parts of society, with sacrifice specifically being the ultimate act of any individual in their community. To sacrifice yourself for "Jəˈʨək" is to fully and readily embrace the Darkness that awaits.
    • Evidence gathered from ancient Devaronian ruins suggests that "The Path" is not, in fact, Devaronian in origin, but comes from outside influences pre-dating the Republic.
    • An additional factor of this faith is the extensive practice of verbal storytelling, with legends of the past and events of the modern-day being handed down via orators rather than writers - the latter being used for military and political matters. While this does create the risk of information becoming more and more apocryphal instead of factual, the cohesiveness it breeds throughout the community is paramount and evident. In fact, to become a renowned storyteller within the community - known formally as a "Liˈɕek" - is regarded as one of the greatest honors one can obtain, and these individuals are appropriately treated with immense respect.
  • General behavior:
    • Family Life: The life of a Jil'jəˈʨək family is surprisingly close and loving, more so than what one might think possible for a species of alchemized warriors. The roots of this can be traced back to the Devaronians, who hold their families in high regard.
      • Young: A consequence of the sorcerous process that creates the Jil'jəˈʨək is the near 100% sterility among the population, making natural births a nigh-impossiblity. However, should a Jil'jəˈʨək be born through what essentially equates as a miracle, they will be treated as the most precious things in the community and kept from any and all forms of harm until such time in which they can wield a weapon (and the Force if they are doubly blessed to be Force Sensitive). Upon reaching fighting age - roughly three years after they have been able to start training - these children will be placed under the care of specific Źaskeezh or Baas who will take them along for missions into enemy territory in order to gain experience in the field. After reaching adulthood, these special Jil'jəˈʨək will often be placed into command roles, and have a greater chance of being named the next Yedroks if they are Force Sensitive and have harnessed the full might of their powers.
      • Mates: Due to the short lifespan of the Jil'jəˈʨək and belief that all shall meet each other again in the next universe, individuals will only find one soulmate with whom to share their lives, creating what is known as a "Lasˈma" or "Link." These Links are highly regarded, with each individual treating the other with the utmost respect and adoration. Upon the death of one of the mates, the other will perform an elaborate and emotional burial ceremony and claim ownership of their most valued weapon to carry into battle until they too die.
    • Interactions with Other Species/Cultures: The Jil'jəˈʨək often leave many cross-cultural and cross-species relations in dire straits due to their perceived gruff nature and coldness to anything that is not of their own people or Devaronian. While this may result in hostilities between the peoples, the average Jil'jəˈʨək is more content on leaving alone anything and anyone not targeted by order of their Yedrok leaders. Should they be attacked first, they will be just as content on ripping apart the offender with savage ease.
    • Interactions with Other Factions: The Jil'jəˈʨək are usually at odds with greater factions such as the Galactic Alliance, New Imperial Order, and similar due to their Dark Side affiliation. Unlike specific species or cultures, the Jil'jəˈʨək will likely choose to attack these factions on sight to claim resources, tech, or merely victory and spread their influence throughout the Galaxy.
    • Education: The Jil'jəˈʨək possess a concise, religious-based education system that teaches the history of the Devaronians, the Jil'jəˈʨək, and the Force. From these teachings, the average Jil'jəˈʨək is quite learned in many Galactic affairs, although they might not be able to retain such knowledge if affected by the degradation of their frontal lobe via the effects of alchemy.
[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]
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