Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jian Kylo


NAME: Jian Kylo
OCCUPATION: Spacer, Explorer, Linguist
AGE: 30s
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’6”
WEIGHT: 140 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown


[+] She was technically trained as a dancer when she was younger. Her technical training affords advanced traits that transfer over into other areas such as: co-ordination, posture, balance, stamina, mobility, and strength.

[+] She's a proficient unarmed combatant. With experience in learning difficult choreography etc, it was a natural and smooth transition for her. A hobby just as much as a skill, she works to develop her portfolio in order to match her own strengths and interest.

[+] During her academy days, she minored in xenolinguistics. She's proficient in the analysis and use of some alien languages.

[+/-] Yes, she's Force-sensitive. However, her lack of formal training confines her to certain areas. For the most part, she has the basic extrasensory skills common to most, and the potential to enhance her unarmed skills, piloting instincts, and other associated skills. She will likely not develop any other abilities or senses (No Flashy Flashy)

[+/-] Her analysis, creativity and open-mindedness aren’t tools of some quest for ideology or emotional validation. She has the personality type that acts as a conduit for the truths around them, so far as they can be expressed. However, she can get caught up in her logic that she'll forget any kind of emotional consideration and her lack of timely sympathy can easily offend.

[-] Besides falling out of love with it in general, she stopped dancing officially when she injured her left knee. Now, she still deals with the lingering pain and discomfort from time to time...

[-] She's allergic to some anesthetics; Symoxin and Perigen are two fairly common types.

[-] For some reason, sudden bright flashes of light have always irritated her. Depending on the amount of exposure, she's experienced migraines and disorientation.


She may appear to drift about in an unending daydream, but her thought process is unceasing, and her mind buzzes with ideas from the moment she wakes up.
This constant thinking can sort of make her look pensive and detached, but really she's really relaxed and friendly when she is with people she knows, or who share her interests. However, this can be replaced by overwhelming shyness when she's among unfamiliar faces, and friendly banter can quickly become combative if she believes her logical conclusions or theories are being criticized.

She really prides herself on her creativity, unique perspective and general understanding. However, unless there’s a natural affinity for this, few have the patience to try to penetrate her shields, and more than often she is left with a naturally small circle of good friends.

She has a great deal of respect for those who can keep her on her toes. She'll gladly help tackle any dilemma thrown in her companions way, offering up sound advice and rational solutions. As valuable as these qualities are though, they are not always the best approach. When it comes to emotional support or advice in dealing with matters of the heart, sometimes she's loss.

It’s not that she just doesn't feel, she actually has very strong sentiments. But this is not her strongest suit, making her emotional reactions strong, untrustworthy and naturally in need of being tempered by her well-trained logic and rationalism.


P R E - R O L E P L A Y

Jian Kylo was raised on Langkawi to an ethnic family of mixed Atrisian and Naboo descent. Her mother was an astrophysicist prior to marriage and soon joined her father who served in the military and moved around often;
Jian was actually born in interstellar space. She recalls having had this extra sense since she was really young, however her latent sensitivity didn't fully manifest until much later.

She was keen on dance after earlier exposure, and thus was technically trained in the art well into her early teens; a knee injury prevented her from continuing the practice. Her father perished in her mid teens; he was killed in a deadly terrorist bombing. Kylo later enrolled in the Theed School of Spaceflight and Sciences; Interest in her mothers field of study drove her into wanderlust.

Having attended the academy to learn more about space exploration in the first place, she developed interest in linguistics which she later intertwined into her major. She also took courses in basic Hand-to-Hand combat of which she discovered a hidden talent; she found her experience with learning difficult choreography allowed her to excel in learning the mechanics of martial arts.

Years after her graduation, Jian was briefly employed with Teracom Systems FSI; the group specialized in and developed advancements in new-world colonization through transportation, energy, electronics, terraforming, security, and cybernetics. She signed on to join the crew of their beginning initiative to chart out and discover new planets in unknown space, her skills in the communications field got her the gig. Her work with the new corporation consisted of transporting colonist and helping train other pilots for deep space missions; her skill with language would be invaluable.

(Will be updated as things come...)

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