Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jerec Wraith

Ravenous Hunger

NAME: Jerec Wraith / Darth Lokus
FACTION: One Sith / Imperial Remnant (Really it’s a contest)
RANK: Sith Master
AGE: Appears to be in his early 30’s is really closer to 60
SEX: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian, with fair skin.




The Force is strong: Powerful Force user from nearly a century of practicing his abilities.

Ranged Force Abilities: Lighting, Spears of Midnight Black, you name it and he can wield it.

Makashi: The only lightsaber Form he is proficient in.

Adaptable: Will adapt to whatever situation, and try to find a way to survive.

Consume Essence & Force Drain: This allows him to survive, and keep his youthful appearance while learning secrets.

Charmer: Quite the leader and able to get others to follow him.

Survivalist: Has already died once, has no intention to spend another twenty years as a spirit.

Manipulator: Again, he can get people to do what he wants.

Cold: Will do anything to achieve what he wants.


Lack of Strength: He’s athletic yes, and he has the Force, but physical strength isn’t a strength.

Poor Pilot: Not the best pilot by any means, in fact he is quite poor.

Pitiful With Fork Lifts: Can’t drive them at all.

Backstabber: With a desperate drive to survive and scheme, this doesn’t really engender loyalty.

Poor Blaster Defense: Makashi is his chosen form, so he’s good at dueling one-on-one and little else with his lightsaber.

Hunger: His power with Force drain and Consume essence force him to feed periodically, without this he ages and loses powers quickly.

Hypoglycemia: Needs to keep his blood sugar up or will become drowsy.

Coward: With that desire to live, fighting is his last option in everything unless he knows he can absolutely win.

What is Alchemy?: No skill with that arcane art.

Battered Body: Despite his ability to replenish himself, the wounds inflicted on him in his earlier life have left his body in a weakened condition. The speed he had in his real youth is gone.


A man with a charismatic face, his piercing blue eyes pair well with his brown hair. Altering his appearance on a whim, it can be long or short. Wearing stubble simply depends on his mood. Years of training and combat have hardened his lithe frame, but he wears many scars a man in his thirties shouldn’t have Jerec typically wears Imperial style robes and suits, though that can depend on his mood.


Born Jaden Wraith, older brother of Darron Wraith many many years ago. Years of living in simplicity with his family and training on Dantooine to become a Jedi initially had him set on the right path. Seeing the attention his brother got, and being sent to the Temple to learn only forced a divide between him and his family. Years of being away as the “chosen” son got to stay and learn from his family and get the personal instruction of Teferi Efreet only sent him further down the path of jealousy.

Finding a mentor in secret, a Sith, he went fully to the darkside. Years passed, and he finally returned for his vengeance. Unable to find his brother, he slaughtered their parents before having to go on the run as slavers had come upon the rubble he had left. On the run, he rejoined the Sith Empire and set on his own path for becoming the monster he was destined to be. Years of successful manipulations and learning the secrets of the Force set him on a collision course with his brother.

Handily beating and maiming his brother, he was elevated to Master for his efforts. Becoming a Master of ranged combat with the Force and with Makashi, he soon became quite the favored Lord. Though this use of drain had a downside for it’s many benefits, he had to feed or else he would lose his youthful appearance. With his ability to consume essence and knowledge, he learned a great deal until all of this was cut short.

Darron had murdered him during their second and final fight.

It took him twenty long years to find a body, but he was able to. With a new body, his hunger only intensified. Sticking to the shadows, he manipulated his way into a fortune while soaking up all the Imperial texts he could find. Years of study, and acquiring old technology allowed himself to model himself as an Imperial Knight. He still kept his Sith name of “Darth Lokus,” in case he needed it. Yet, now on the cusp of returning to the galaxy, the adaptable darksider will do whatever is necessary to survive and manipulate. With a new name, and the ability to pick where he joins the galactic struggle, he is ready to unleash his hunger on the galaxy.

To those he will meet, his name is Jerec. To those he consumes, he is a monster from a nightmare.


Monitor-Class Corvette




I don’t collect bounties.



Tons at TGC, but I’m too lazy to link.

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