RANK: Sith Acolyte
AGE: 20
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 9”

[+] Because I'm all about that Force, bout that Force, po-tential – Often not considered a strength so it can be shoved out of the way for other more overpowered strengths, Jenna is a Force Sensitive. This in itself places her at an advantage over a lot of the galaxy, it all just depends on what she does with it at this point.
[+] Aced the Reflex Test – Jenna is one sharp button (but buttons are round?) when it comes to physical reflexes. This is handy in the field of combat, behind the controls of a vehicle (if she knows how to pilot it, that is), or when duelling with pistols at dawn. Just good genetics? Or does Miss Rayley eat her fruit and vegetables? Only you can find out by doing the same.
[-] Pyrophobia – Fire bad. Fire very bad. Due to an experience in her past Jenna has a crippling fear of fire. Coming in contact with flames will trigger a flight or absolute meltdown response from the woman. Like, cease to function meltdown. YO HEY, ARE YOU READING THIS TO CHECK ME OUT FOR WEAKNESSES IN THE MIDDLE OF A DUEL? YOUR LIGHTSABER SUDDENLY GONNA HAVE A FLAME FUNCTION? YOU LITTLE META-GAMING POTATO, I OUGHTA KICK YOU IN THE MOUTH.
[-] Mabel the Mentally Unstable – Jenna is a psychopath. That is how her brain functions. What! You're usually so good with this! Why is this a weakness?! You cry, shaking both fists in the air. Well this trait doesn't mean that she is just some angry woman, rather more than that. Jenna Rayley is a creature of awful impulse control, a woman that doesn't plan or use foresight, rather preferring the instant gratification of her own destructive thrill seeking. She is unnecessarily hostile, lacking all empathy and will likely have few friends in the galaxy.

Like the vast majority of women in the galaxy, Jenna is not too shabby to look at. She meets the galactic standard of facial feature size and positioning and that's about that.
One can tell by just looking however, that she is a complete schutta. This comes with having thin and feline-like facial features, perfect for sneering and looking smug with, of course. Although as a disclaimer I must note that she neither has fur or whiskers. Jenna rocks her natural blonde hair colour and accompanies it with brown eyes, like terrible chocolate (a piece of imagery that I shall be indulging in from now on).
She stands at average height and has a shapely figure that would suggest an average weight too, although her skin tone sits at a wicked variety of pale but this can be attributed to an extreme lack of sunlight while cooped up in prison. No, unfortunately the Republic do not provide their inmates with tanning facilities, I know, I know, it's absolutely criminal. Whatever, pale is in now.
Her only flaw is usually hidden under clothing (or in more recent rimes, a jump suit), she has the remains of large burn scars across the backs and upon the side of her legs. Never having sought medical attention at the time of incident, the scars remain to this day and are actually the single point of self-consciousness on the woman.

Jenna Rayley, unlike my multitude of other characters, actually has a fairly interesting childhood, which sadly means that I'm going to have to write about it, in detail.
Living in the poorer levels of Coruscant she was the only child of two fairly ordinary, citizens, who shall remain nameless and forgotten. Why, oh why are they forgotten, Louise? Well, I'll tell you if you stop interrupting me, okay?
You see, there was a lighter. Antique lighter. Genuine butane flame, handed down the generations as a keepsake and an excuse to smoke. Well our young ten year old Jenna (who by the by, was a total brat) held a small obsession with this lighter. She would sneak it outside and burn the empty McYoda's bags that would tumble down the streets. Fire intrigued her, sparked curiosity in her soul that couldn't be contained. She would demand her mother buy candles just so she could sneak out of bed and light them.
Well one night there were no candles to burn.
While her parents slumbered above, Jenna searched for something to burn, finding that flimsiplast in the trash would do well enough. This was a mistake. The flimsiplast ignited too quickly, scorching the girls fingers and causing her to drop the ignited object back into the trash, which very swiftly caught fire.
Perhaps fancier houses further up the way in Coruscant have good flame proofing, sprinklers to spring on at a moment's notice. This house, did not.
Try as she might to put the flames out by herself the fire only spread, smoke rising to the first floor of the house to hint at the end of her dearest mother and father. The little girl's attempts to put out the fire and prevent a tragedy were ultimate futile, she never thought to wake her parents up. So when the flames raged behind her she ran from the building, leaving behind one mother and one father to perish above. The smoke inhalation likely made their deaths a dab more peaceful, but to the imagination of a ten year old girl, it was her fault that her parents roasted alive in an inferno of incomprehensible pain and horror.
Jenna was found days later, wandering the streets alone and was swiftly taken to part two of the tragic child back story.

Here the pace of life slowed down after that prior incident.
Never telling anybody about the fire out of guilt and a fear of getting in trouble little Miss Rayley remained at the orphanage for years. Why no adoption, Louise? You know, if you keep interrupting me I'm never going to tell you.
As I stated before in a cheeky wee bracket, Jenna Rayley was a brat. Very deserving of one or two, or five hundred smacks on the bottom.
To explain in a bit more detail, she was far more than that. Not all parents are good, and thus not all children are either. In the orphanage it didn't take long for the young girl to establish herself as quite the bully, having a mean streak that could only be described years later on the holonet by the bullied on a roleplaying forum, possibly in the blog section (but aren't blogs so passe to mock now? Yeah we get it, Dredge has emotional problems).
The consequences of being a horrible little child in an orphanage however meant that there was little chance of leaving said place. Who wants a child without empathy? Who wants to put the work into fixing one child when there were other, nice, grateful, deserving children to take home?
Nobody, and thus that was where Jenna stayed, until the height of war between the Republic and the Sith Empire.

In a drive to replace the Jedi that would be lost in battle, orphanages were scoured to seek out those who might have potential. After all, these children no longer had to deal with the reality of parental attachments, a perfect starting place for young candidates.
Our dearest Jenna, sixteen at this point in life was one noted as having a potential in the Force, and was finally out of the orphanage and into the training robes of a Padawan.
Some folks just aren't meant to be Jedi, though.
Through growing up she never really matured, remaining a bully and the only mental growth that had occurred was in the severity of her actions. Callous, impulsive, reckless, as she grew into a teenager Jenna wasn't beyond committing small crimes or physical assault just because she could, just because she was better.
Perhaps those iconic brown robes and some proper tutelage would straighten her out.

The first incident took place not long into her career as a learner Padawan.
In a group training exercise, Jenna found herself at odds with another. Lyra Ginn. A girl a bit younger than Miss Rayley, but a girl that was good and bold and who verbally stood up with the teenager of terror. This did not bode well, given that our (by this point) antagonist had never really met the objection of peers before.
Lyra Ginn would have been a fantastic Jedi.
Lyra Ginn disappeared.
Lyra Ginn was murdered.
Of course, these facts wouldn't be stated if it didn't have something to do with overall terrible human being Jenna Rayley. Luring the girl out of the Temple and onto the streets an altercation turned into a confrontation, which eventually became a fatal stabbing and a body destined for one of Coruscant's billion dumpsters.
Upon striking the killing blow, knowing that she had just ended a life Jenna began down a new path. It was the very peak of thrills and excitement, sending the blood rushing and the adrenaline flowing in ways that the young woman had never felt before. Killing was the ultimate in indulging. It felt good. Halfway through disposing the body, Jenna remarked inwardly that she would do this again.
There was only mild suspicion at first, not all Padawans make it and it's not unusual for some of the young learners to give up and move onto something more mundane in life.
Suspicion began to arise when a second Padawan, Utapnodi disappeared. The twi'lek was very keen upon his studies and had a remarkable resolve regarding his future as a Jedi, it wasn't very likely for the boy to get up and abandon the order.
I don't have to tell you that Utapnodi didn't actually run away from the Jedi, do I?
This marked the beginning of an investigation.
Of course all fingers were already poised towards the young woman who displayed extremely worrying traits. Training robes hadn't lessened her mildly monstrous tendencies. She was still a bully, still callous, still reckless and had not made an inch of progress in her studies. Jenna was definitely not on the path to Knighthood, and now allegations were about to mount upon her shoulders.
Lila Katar.
Mousy girl. Quiet, kept to herself, the way that the Padawan carried herself even screamed victim. Which of course made her stand out as if she had a flashing red beacon taped to her head. Of course, in her lack of foresight and planning Jenna was completely unaware that this time she was being watched.
Same old plan. Lure them out of the Temple. Ambush, debilitate, have a little fun and then finish the job. Fortunately for Lila there were Jedi investigators in tow, ready to clamp down upon Miss Jenna like a simile for something clampy (give 'em the CLAMPS!).
Jenna Rayley was arrested.

Nor did she protest, in fact she confessed with a distinct lack of care for her actions, stating bluntly that she did it because it she enjoyed it and had absolutely no regrets for ending the lives of two of her fellow Padawans. Caught in the act and with bold confession in tow there was no other destination for the woman other than prison.
She stewed in there for a little over three years.
Then the One Sith came into town.
With a fondness for overwhelming their enemies with sheer numbers, as exemplified through the use of the Skraal and other various beasts, the Sith decided that using prisoners as cannon fodder was a solid plan. No more expenses to be spared upon the criminals, after all, it's a plus side for everybody.
Including our (by now) favourite little fire starter.
Post haste, Jenna and countless others were armed to the teeth and shipped off to the conflict happening upon Kashyyyk, to be dumped upon the poor unsuspecting wookiee population.
It was here in her mild slaughter of the local population that she met a woman by the name of Surah, who on one hand was either a quivering coward or a terrifying Sith Lord. After being humbled by the latter persona, she was tasked with keeping the woman alive. Until when or why Jenna didn't really know, but the woman knew that she could benefit from aiding somebody with such vast amounts of power.
Playing with Fire
Jenna experiences her first taste of freedom in over three years and meets Surah for the first time upon the war torn Kashyyyk.
We Will Start an Inferno
Jenna departs Kashyyyk with Surah in tow, in order to help the Sith Lord Nemene take fully take over the slave's body and mind.
She stewed in there for a little over three years.
Then the One Sith came into town.

With a fondness for overwhelming their enemies with sheer numbers, as exemplified through the use of the Skraal and other various beasts, the Sith decided that using prisoners as cannon fodder was a solid plan. No more expenses to be spared upon the criminals, after all, it's a plus side for everybody.
Including our (by now) favourite little fire starter.
Post haste, Jenna and countless others were armed to the teeth and shipped off to the conflict happening upon Kashyyyk, to be dumped upon the poor unsuspecting wookiee population.
It was here in her mild slaughter of the local population that she met a woman by the name of Surah, who on one hand was either a quivering coward or a terrifying Sith Lord. After being humbled by the latter persona, she was tasked with keeping the woman alive. Until when or why Jenna didn't really know, but the woman knew that she could benefit from aiding somebody with such vast amounts of power.

Playing with Fire
Jenna experiences her first taste of freedom in over three years and meets Surah for the first time upon the war torn Kashyyyk.
We Will Start an Inferno
Jenna departs Kashyyyk with Surah in tow, in order to help the Sith Lord Nemene take fully take over the slave's body and mind.
Little Firebug
Nemene quizzes Jenna about her past and more importantly about her fear of fire.
Little Firebug
Nemene quizzes Jenna about her past and more importantly about her fear of fire.