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Jedi training — because that’s what she does

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

The difference at the Jedi Temple hit Sorel even before she'd stepped inside. The Temple she was used to was a place of meditation and study, the hushed quiet often interrupted by the sound of soft laughter from behind a closed door, or the faint sound of a Master instructing a Padawan.

But here was different, it was busier. She reminisced about her time at Voss, and Ossus and even Coruscant. They weren’t so long ago but they felt like a million years ago. She hadn’t been around this many Jedi in a few months and she was surprised she found the experience awkward. Where once this was commonplace, now it felt out of place.

But she was here to offer training and perhaps take a Padawan? That would be up to the learner of course and she would respect his decision either way. So she walked through the Temple to where she’d agreed to meet her new student and wondered what aspect of the Force he’d like to learn first?

[member="Rig Grendo"]
Rig had grown up in and around the Jedi temples. His force sensitivity noticeable from when he was but a boy. Although as he grew, no-one would ever take him as an apprentice, now the somewhat advanced student had finally picked out and had a chance to get some proper training down.

The apprentice rushed through the crowds of Jedi and apprentice alike. His pacing quickening as he feared to be late and set a bad example. He knew he'd have to set a good example of himself if he was to be taken on as an apprentice, and he could almost feel that it was his time. Although he had thought it was his time many times before.

Now Rig was face to face with his new master. Beads of sweet formed on his upperlip, nose and forehead as his rush before hand had left him slightly exhausted. "Uh, Hi Master." Rig said with a bow. His voice deep and gruff. As he rose from his bow, the man pushed his hair behind his ears and rubbed his beard. "Wait, you are Master Crieff right?" Rig spoke with a cheeky smirk, behind his back, his fingers were crossed that all would work out.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was dressed in her usual Jedi robes — a shade of brown so dark it was often indistinguishable from black. Her twin sabers were clipped to her belt, although not visible under her cloak. She wore a semi-permanent grin on her face and today her hair was tied back in a pony-tail.

She sensed many things from those around her — as a Jedi it was hard to zone out completely from emotions that were strong. And she wondered if that powerful anxiety belonged to her new learner. It was understandable to be worried on the first meeting. What if you weren’t good enough? Or they weren’t? Or you made a bad first impression? Or they did?

Sorel’s smile widened as the young man ran up and greeted her.

She bowed and then as she straightened she nodded. “Yes, I am Sorel. And you must be Rig. If you are comfortable, we should refer to each other in that manner. Master is a title, not who I am. Is that OK?”

“Now, let’s walk for a little and get to know each other. We can take it in turns to ask questions. So I’ll go first as I’m still speaking and ask you to tell me a little about you.”

[member="Rig Grendo"]
Straight to the point and no beating around the bush. Rig nodded as he took in the women in front of him, his grin still stuck to his face. "Sounds good Sorel." Rig thought the same thing, they were all just titles, but a title he'd love to have!

"Me? Well my lifes a pretty short book." Rig began to take long strides as they walked, nothing could ever beat a simple walk and talk to get to know each other. "Had an easy childhood and then we found out I was force sensitive. I was sent straight to the nearest temple to begin my training. But for some damned reason I have't been able to find a master since then. I've been in many group trainings, but never had my own master. It still confused Rig to this day why he was unable to find a master. Did they sense something in him that they disliked? Was it the way he smelled or his looks? Secretly Rig had his fingers and toes crossed that this would finally work out.

"Now my question." Rig tongue stuck ever so slightly from his mouth, locked between his teeth as he thought of a question. "How old are you?" From what he could tell, Rig was about to be the oldest apprentice at 34, but was his master older than him. She did seem quite young, but looks can be deciving.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled and listened. She was pleased he took straight away to the drop of titles — and his pleasant disposition was a definite plus. So she paid full attention to his story. Every Jedi had one and they shaped the sort of person the Force User became.

And there were sadly too many Padawans that failed to be taken on by a Master. It was something Sorel took to heart and she trained as many personally as she could. But she was only one person, and she could only do so much. But one thing she could do was help Rig. To offer him as much or as little as he wanted.

And she was used to all sorts of questions at this point, but Rig posed one she had never faced and did not expect. Her grin widened. “In truth I’m not precisely sure. I was three or four when the Jedi came for me and I haven’t registered my birth date, nor celebrated it. So an exact age is difficult, but I’d say early thirties. Is it important?”

[member="Rig Grendo"]
Rig nodded slowly along. There were many things that could leave a child an orphaned or with a disrupted childhood and many fell into lives of abuse and crime, but some rose above and used the past to better themselves. Sorel must have been one such person. "Just a question, just wondering. I hope it I didn't disrespect you in anyway. I've always needed to learn to think before I talk." Rig cast his eyes down towards the ground, watching his feet kick along a small rock that rolled in front.

"Anyway." Rig continued dancing off the topic of age. "What our plan today? Am I cooking you a delicious lunch to win you over as master, or do I need to single-handedly take down the Sith." Rig joked with Sorel, his smile still ever present. "I can assure you I can do both, although I'd maybe need a little help with the first one." Rig brought the small rock up with the force as he accidentally kicked it off to the side and placed it back down in front of his feet before kicking it along again.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel appreciated the fact that Rig did not seem to take himself too seriously. Padawans came in all shapes and sizes — as well as personalities — and as a Master, you always worked with what you had in front of you. Too few Jedi made the effort to train newcomers for Sorel to turn anyone down because of their specific personality. If they worked and followed the Code, she would give them unlimited time and effort. But then, it was always easier to train someone that you felt comfortable with.

“No offence taken whatsoever,” Sorel replied to Rig when he offered an apology. “I shan’t get upset with any question — even unfiltered ones — in private. But in public, you will need to learn to think first, in case you give a bad impression of Jedi. For the person you meet might never have met a Jedi before and will assume that all are like you. You carry the reputation of the Order on your shoulders every time you interact with non-Jedi. But it’s not such a difficult cross to bear.”

“And as for plans,” she continued, picking up on his line of reasoning, “They will broadly be yours. I can advise and answer questions, but the path you walk is yours to choose. And I would not advise taking on the Sith single-handedly. Not today at any rate.” She smiled at this point. “And so we could talk or I could teach you something. Which would you prefer?”

[member="Rig Grendo"]
Rig slowly nodded along, already his tongue had gotten ahead of him. He vowed in his head to attempt to stop this small trait, it's badly be acceptable for a Jedi to run around saying all sorts of crazy things coming to their head especially if he were there to set an example. It had been his dream to become a Jedi, well it had been all he'd told he become from friends and family thus it was his dream.

"It's hard for me to imagine someone who hasn't met a Jedi. But I guess your right, some hicks in the outer rim probably haven't even heard of us." It was something hard to fathom for Rig. He'd always know of the Jedi order, he'd heard tales of all the great Jedis and was told nightmares about the evil Sith as a kid.

"I suppose we could continue to get to know each other. For all I know you could be a a shifter trying to steal my good looks."

Again Rig attempted another one of his classic 'jokes'. Already he had a good feeling about Sorel and hoped that she was getting the same vibe back from her. Seeing as she hadn't straight up left for now was a good sign.

OOC: sorry for the late reply and lack of prettiness to it. I'm using my phone because my computer pooped itself. I'll try and get it sorted ASAP.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

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