Kian Karr
Kel Dorable

Intent: While the Jedi Shadows typically prefer to operate in silence and stealth, with the growing war with the Sith, they are often called to the battlefield. As such, the intention is to create a set of armor that will provide protection on the battlefield. This armor set is meant to provide a more battle oriented armor for the Shadows than the standard Jedi Shadow Robes.
Development Thread: Nice New Threads
Manufacturer: THI
Model: Jedi Armor
Affiliation: The Galactic Republic--->The Jedi Order
Modularity: Color can be changed per individual owners specifications, though the standard issue is black/dark purple designed for stealth/night operations.
Production: Minor. Limited to the Jedi Shadows and other members of the Republic Jedi Order per request.
Material: Armorweave, Durasteel
Classification: medium-heavy armor
Weight: 15kg
Quality: 6
Description: As part of his duties in overseeing the Jedi Shadows, Kian Karr has commissioned the development of heavier armor to be warn into combat. The Jedi Shadow Robes of old, though providing excellent protection on a Jedi Shadow’s typical assignments, is inadequate for the battlefield. As such, heavier armor focused more on providing protection and less on stealth are needed.
In order to overcome the restrictions of heavier armor on movement, durasteel and armorweave were used in conjunction. Armorweave was used in the hood, arms, and legs, to provide some defense from amputation. Durasteel was used to make the armor segments of the chest, arms, legs, and thighs. On the chest and thigh however, the padding beneath durasteel is of non-armorweave material.
While the armor has some definite protective potential, it isn't without its weaknesses. For one, the segmentation of the armor, meant to provide more flexibility, leaves weaknesses that can be exploited. The joints of the armor, made to provide flexibility, also leave openings that can be exploited. Additionally, while the armor is more flexible than is to be expected of armor, it is still more rigid than the standard Jedi Shadow Robes. Its weight also means it is more draining on a combatant in battle.