Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Master Denko

Jedi Master Denko
"Just Hand Over the Puffcakes and No One Gets Hurt."

Basic Information
  • Name: Denko
  • Faction: The Galactic Republic
  • Rank: Jedi Master
  • Species: Feeorin
  • Age: 40
  • Sex: Male
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 185 lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Dull Cerulean
  • Skin: Dull Cerulean
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths & Weaknesses

(+) With Age Comes: As a Feeorin, Denko does not grow weaker with age. In fact, quite the opposite occurs. Although he is considered "young" amongst members of his species, his physical condition matches that of a young adult male in his prime.

(+) Heritage: Denko has studied at the feet of three of the Galaxy's greatest Masters. Darren Wraith, Ben Watts, and Ember Rekali each had a hand in cultivating the Jedi Master of the present. As such, he is a rather resourceful individual, strong in the Light, and is not the sort of fellow a Sith would delight in meeting.

(-) Impulse: Denko is the sort of person to, literally, call out [member="Ashin Varanin"]. Enough said.

(-) Specialization: As his focus is on a core handful of force powers, Denko has holes in certain areas. Most prominent of these is the area of mental defense.


Denko is your average, hulking Feeorin. Standing at over six feet in height, stature is easily the most recognizable of his physical features. For the most part, Denko sports a rather humble attire consisting of standard, Jedi Robes. However, if the situation calls for it, he may borrow a suit of armor from the Republic armory...before griping about how his tendrils won't fit in the helmet.


Behind the mirror exists more than a reflection. Glass conceals a hidden world, an alternate reality, where decisions are made...differently. By and large, the Galaxy exists in a state of blissful ignorance: for the average soul does not fathom the existence of an alternate self. However, when one tampers with time and space itself, there are bound to be effects. Such was the case of the Rift: a temporary schism between the Galaxy and its divergent dimension.

From these dark depths did foreign souls emerge into the present, including one by the name Denko. Although this Galaxy knew him as a handsome, pale-faced warrior, the Rift saw him as something quite dark...literally. Born the son of a fallen Jedi, Denko existed as a Feeorin native to the world Nar Shaddaa. His path would ultimately lead him into the bosom of the Jedi Order, yet dissatisfaction following the Battle of O'reen called for time away from the warmongering.

Therefore, Denko spent several years in self-imposed exile on Manaan. He grew in the Force, learned from those wiser than he, and emerged only when beckoned by the Rift. Now, this Jedi Master seeks to face down the rampaging Darkness alongside the Republic...While holding out hope that they are not above changing for the better. Original Version Here.

[member="Darth Anarchis"]

Blame [member="Jaxton Ravos"].

Been wanting to swap over to Feeorin for quite some time. Just recently was provided the opportunity to do so legitimately by a Weekend Treasure Hunt. (Whoot whoot)

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