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Jedi Dueling Tournament! Yumi V Starfire

It was the day, Jedi were coming in from all across the galaxy for the dueling tournament. While a good number signed up, many more were showing up for the networking and rest-and-relaxation that such a tournament would provide for such an event. Setting up a number of arenas around the Temples on (Praxeum World), the Jedi Praxeum was hosting Jedi from all walks to duel for eternal glory.

Or bragging rights and whatever the Jedi Artisans could cook up in their labs. Coren Starchaser, one of the figureheads of the galaxy’s Jedi, was, almost obviously, at the center of the tournament’s idea, but would only be stepping in as an alternate. He had pieced together groups into brackets based on Jedi rank and not necessarily skill levels.

What he had were several rings set up for Masters, Knights, and Padawans to go toe-to-toe. Rules were simple, compete for the time allowed, and anyone who gets knocked down is out. Step to the side, and let the contest continue as others advanced. There would be a benefit for all who participated by the end, but those who rose to the top would earn a few items.

What was happening before the tournaments, was ensuring that armors were removed, any imbued items were removed, and general sparring outfits were granted. From bodysuits, to robes, to other workout gear. Rows of training melee weapons were set up. If someone had a preferred melee weapon? They’d find the mundane, training variant here. Jedi Sentinels from Starchaser’s influence were approaching of the outdoor combat zones. Each were set up to provide enough room to spar, but no real environmental challenge.

[OOC: This thread is is for the Match with [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] versus [member="Avin Starfire"]]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai had come to today's dueling tournament doneed in a simple short skirted Hamaka, a more or less traditional outfit worn for such occasions among the Jin. Probably not a custom out here but never the least she continued her traditional views, more so as a representative of her people back home near the Chiss home world. Wandering though the practice weapons she had opted for a bokken, it's simple structure both heavy but weldable while still being a little sharp.

Her opponent, a man by the name [member="Avin Starfire"], a fairly accomplished Jedi knight from the now called New Republic, having see a decent amount of action from what she knew. In terms of skill though it was harder to tell though considering the man was a decade older then herself it may have been a save assumption to believe he was more skill in the force and as a fighter. She would have to be careful during this fight, not let herself be tired out, use her youth and racial traits to keep up, wear him down and then strike the finishing blow, or it not just use her own unique fighting styles to throw him off.

With clothing and weapon selected the young knight made her way into the area were the match would take place, taking a few short breaths of air while awaiting her opponent.
He stared at the selection on weapons put out along the racks. Some of these he had not seen for many years and brought a slight smile to his face. It made a nice difference to be parting with his saber, an adaption to something new may keep him on his toes. Alas, he would not stray too far for his experience was limited to that of saber and staff. Avin strode forward to the stands and picked out a sturdy looking quarterstaff. It had been a fair few months since he had used a saberstaff in combat yet the principle would no doubt be the same. He let the weight balance into his hands before spinning the weapon and bringing it to his side.

As he walked out into the ring Avin looked over his opponent. He knew only of a name for her. [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] did not seem threatening from build at first sight, but he had seen enough battles to know size is not a major factor in this sort of thing. As for her training, he could only tell that she must be a fairly young knight not longer much past twenty. He was no expert on the SJO's training schemes yet he would likely assume a standard training of saber forms. Avin dropped his outer robe to the floor as he stepped onto the dueling square. He would no doubt have to start on the defensive and find out what his opponent was capable of before starting his own offensive. Alas, he let his mind focus. Thinking of victory he stepped forward and spoke.

"I wish you the best of luck." with that he bowed his head and took the stance of Vaapad. His whole body seemed to tense and his eyes took on a look of focus.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
The brown haired figure of what she assumed to be [member="Avin Starfire"] emerged from the shadows, dressed in a simple tunic upon stepping into the arena, quickly entering what she recognized as Vaapad. It was a strang from to use against what he should have known would have been a Jedi, Juyo would have made sense as it in itself does not reply on an opponents dark aura, but just Vaapad seemed a little strange. That was unless he knew she was a grey, a small aspect to which Vaapad would be usable, but still it seemed like an odd choice for what was more or less a Jedi tournament.

Even so it did confirm the fact that Avin was most likely an experienced duelists if he knew Vaapad, Sukai adopting a sort of form 3 stance, holding the blade close to her body, tip facing up, grip a shoulder level held just to her right. If anyone watching knew much about Atrisian or Jin culture they would have recognized it as the Hassō-no-kamae stance, a form that was made to be offensive and defensive, allowing one to react to almost any situation in all directions. "Let this be a honorable duel".

Taking the first move Sukai rush forward, quickly lowering her blade to perform a thrust, though not extending her blade to far as to be easily batter asides, herself interested in seeing how the man reacted to attacks. Would be be defensive? aggressive? or make a parry of sorts to deliver a counter attack?
He had spent most of his life dedicated to the art of war and combat, yet even now Avin did not feel at a complete ease when dueling one to one. There was always a nagging sensation at the back of his mind. He allowed the force to flow through him and guide him, the nervous excitement that now pulsated through his veins and electrified the energies of the force around him. His teeth gritted into a smile as the distance came closer and closer between the two and his opponent moved into position for the first strike. Avin allowed the excitement in those few seconds to send a burst of adrenaline into his muscles and limbs.

The blow was low and fast, not too fast to not see it coming but enough to force a reaction under pressure but low on the terms that he was already taller as it was. Avin let his right foot slide backward while pushing off hard on the left forcing his body upwards and allowing the force to push him up further into a frontward somersault, his intention on avoiding the incoming strike and to land behind his opponent. While in the air he would be vulnerable but Avin had offset that with the low altitude of the incoming strike. Upon finding ground behind her the Republic Jedi thrust the quarterstaff backwards in an attempt to catch his opponent off guard. Whether he hit or found a block waiting for him depended on the speed and skill of his opponent. Either way, the match had begun.

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai watched as the her dueling opponent jumped over her attack, performing a flip that if she was not carried on by momentum would be a perfect time to strike. It was a risky move but would pay off for the Republican Jedi for the most part, Sukai having to quickly plant her feet into the ground to avoid over extending to much, quickly whipping her body around to face a possible counter attack.

Holding the saber once again in the defensive pose she was able to catch the incoming quarter staff attack, batting the wooden weapon to the side if but just. It was a good thing her mother was a pole arm user, giving Sukai good know how on how such a person fought, even if a spear and quarter staff were different in many regards. Grasping her hilt harder Sukai tried to move her blade underneath the quarter staff aiming for the weapon to hit Avin's mid section, delivering the first major 'strike' of the duel.

[member="Avin Starfire"]
His mind raced and his pulse had started to raise as the spurt of action erupted within the bout the two Jedi had found themselves in. Avin struck but his weapon was caught and tipped away leaving his muscular mid-section open. It came as no shock and gave him only time to tense against the weight of the blow as her training weapon connected with his chest. He felt the sharp pain surge out of the impacted abdominal area. The burning sensation set in and set adrenaline coursing through his system to intervene, yet he whether the blow allowing the distance closed between the two with her weapon now in his midsection to retaliate.

Avin snapped his head forwards and down using his neck as if it were a pendulum aiming to connect with his opponent's nose and cause enough of a shock to give himself distance once more. He had to recover and reconnect his thoughts on the capabilities of his opponent and no doubt keep them at a range. His attack was far from pretty but hopefully effective.

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Her arms went tight with the sudden hit along the mans chest, the wodden sword trying to bend from her grasp due to the shear froce, a small smile coming from Sukai. The first hit was hers, if this were a proper duel the man would be dead, but alas such was not a real duel and the man was very, very much still active.

The eyes of the Jedi knight only widening from the site of a forehead slamming into her face, a sickening crunch echoing through her head as the women's nose was broken. Reeling back from the blow blood splatter onto the ground, more running down the face of Sukai as she got back into a defensive combat stance. 'Fuck that hurt... no matter it will regenerate soon, work through the main, you are fine, he on the other hand isnt, I've had much worse'.

Taking in a deep breath Sukai re positioned, circling around [member="Avin Starfire"], looking for an opening but most of all she was giving herself time to heal from the wound. If she was unable to beat him with usual methods there was always attrition tactics.
He felt the crunch of his skull as it connected with the woman's nose. The weaker cartilage giving way to bone and a spurt of blood coming from within to give the floor below them a crimson stain. His opponent further backed away, her face in a shock of pain but for a moment before seemingly collecting herself and adopting a more defensive stance and then to circle him. This time, however, gave a reprieve to Avin even if now in this state of release allowed the stinging pain of the initial weapons attack on his chest.

He allowed the pain of his wound to run over him and wash out into the force. The emotional and passionate energy that associated itself with the wound came to fuel the dark presence within him. Avin let a smile break out across his lips as the thrill of fighting once more took hold and he allowed the emotions to push out of him and into the force, his one side of the super-conductor being formed to a darkness created from within himself. It was a difficult technique, dangerous and fairly new in development but Avin was not going to allow the chance to trial it in a controlled environment.

He continued to watch her movements, studying the stance, grip of the weapon and footwork. She had allowed him to take the offensive and he was not going to lose that opportunity. Then Avin attacked. He allowed the power of the force to push off and dash forward, his physical strength is augmented by the power of the darkness that coiled in and around him. As he came within range the Jedi Guardian brought the quarterstaff forward as if to jab for her torso, yet at the last second, he would attempt to faint the attack and sweep the polearm down towards his target's legs. If the attack was to connect it would open up an opportunity to further increase his ability to unleash a volley of strikes. If blocked then he would have to try another angle or be aware to a counter-attack.

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
The darkness from within [member="Avin Starfire"] did not go unnoticed by her, it seemed she was not the only one to dabble into the other side of the force, though it was a bit worrying. That and along with his use form VII being the main worry, it basically meant he could use some dark side tactics while nullifying any she had on hand, effectively giving the Knight an upper hand. She whipped away he last bit of blood trailing from her nose, giving a small shake of the head as it regenerated most of itself to the point of no longer being a problem, her gaze falling upon Avin and what next move he'd pull.

Her stance lowered into a heavy defensive one as the man rushed forwards with quite the speed, faster then she anticipated but not un-trackable. As the gab came Sukai attempted to move her boken down wards to deflect the strike and push it to the side, only to have it clashing with a side strike from her opponent. It was strong and forceful, but thankfully Avin was not the only one gifted in physical strength. Using her racial prowess and of force enhancement she pushed against the strike lock of sorts, though she knew it couldn't last.

Releasing the drip of her blade into one had she shot out a quick chop like attack aimed as Avins neck, hoping to get some sort of reaction that would end the dead lock and allow more fluid combat. At the moment on the defensive she counld't put her Ataru form and lighter frame to work.

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