Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jayden Lesan

Social Information

Name: Jayden Lesan
Title(s): Captain
Homeworld: Corellia
Current Locale: TBD
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: N/A
Force Alignment: Neutral

Physical Information

Species: Appears Human
Sex: Male
Year of Birth:
Age: 32
Weight: 202 lbs
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Skin Pigmentation: Olive



[member="Cinder Riggs"]


Rolan Lesan - Father
Lanessa Star - Mother (deceased)
Combat Veteran - Jayden has seen war most of his life, like most in the galaxy his age. Rather than avoid it, Jayden found himself enlisting to do something about it.

Leader - Whether his personality, or his training, Jayden is a solid leader.

Multiple weapons - Jayden is skilled with a number of blasters and melee weapons. This is definitely his training.

Decisive - Jayden will not hesitate to make a decision.

Never left the war - War never ended, Jayden never stopped fighting, even when it was over.

Nerve Damage - An explosion damaged nerves in Jayden’s head leaving him partially deaf in his left ear.

The most notable thing about Jayden is his scruffy face. His clothes are next being mostly work gear and a leather tactical jacket. He carries twin blasters and a vibrosword over his shoulder. His body type is an athletic build. Jayden still believes he’s in a war and stays fit for it. He is not overly muscular, but one would be hard pressed to find any excess body fat.

Jayden is a Lesan. He is outgoing, intuitive, a thinker, and perceptive. This doesn’t make him the most organized person, but the military gave him the discipline to overcome that. His intuition and the fact he is as thinker makes him strategic in nature. He is a man who can see the plan, know what needs to be done, and motivates others to execute it.

Like most people Jayden deals with a degree of stubbornness. It’s not that he can’t be wrong, Jayden just rarely is. His temper can get the better of him, but never compromises the mission for it. He likes to have fun, and seeks that in everything he does.

Jayden was born into the Lesan family 32 years ago. He has known war his entire life. Rolan, his father never married, and Jayden never knew his mother. She supposedly died in childbirth, but as Jayden grew older he suspected she died in the war. The Rolan spoke of their side of the family told Jayden they were a family of soldiers. Rolan was one, Lanessa had been one, and Jayden didn’t want to be anything else.

When Jayden turned 13 his father was called away on orders to a combat zone. Jayden was enrolled in a military boarding school. Even after Rolan came back Jayden didn’t want to leave. He remained until he was 18 and joined the military as soon as he graduated.

Basic training was good for Jayden. He found his calling in special forces. It was a tough life, but Jayden took the challenge it presented him with perseverance and resolve. He was taught to kill and win. The mission always came first, and several deployments saw Jayden and his team doing just that. That was when it happened.

Corellia was broken. There was no way to put it. The galaxy plunged into war, and the Deep Core was the brunt of it. Jayden’s team was assigned to every mission they were permitted to take. None of them could claim to have been unscathed. One particular mission found three dead and left Jayden wounded. He took shrapnel to the head after an explosion which left him partially deaf in his left ear. This led to a medical discharge.

The war may ended for Jayden, but Jayden never left the war. Any job the resembled combat Jayden took. Several companies hired personal contractors to behave as freedom fighters of sorts. When the physicals were taken, and it was determined Jayden had severe hearing loss, he was always cut.

Jayden needed to fight. If no one would hire him, then he was going to assemble his own crew. He ran off to the outer rim where standards were not as high as the deep core. All he had to do was buy a ship and build a team. How hard could that be?

[more to be added later story progresses]

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