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Private Jaws | Malum



Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

A chilly rain had taken Gil Lodihr, as though the planet itself was preparing to grieve. Tactically, of course, it was convenient; the weather obscured the landings of Sith forces on the surface of Alvaria, marshalled at the planet's capital in preparation for a campaign that would begin three days from now. The Tail End Legion, now so affectionately nicknamed by his legionnaires, was busied setting up logistical bases and doing preliminary reconnaissance; Xeykard himself watched from above, on a raised landing platform closer to Gil Lodihr's palace.

In the short time he'd been here, he found the planet to be a backwards place; simultaneously in a renaissance of culture and industry as the Sith brought new resources to the world, and yet still so deeply devastated, wounded, barbaric. So few planets were carved up like Alvaria -- it was a surprise to receive an assignment like this, to put down local rebellion. Perhaps he should be thankful; the killing fields of Voss still lingered in his mind, but even a fiefdom as martial as Altum Hortus would not be nearly as dangerous for his forces.

The atomization and disorder of the "Sith Order" still sat poorly with him. There was even more room for sedition and betrayal, of lapse and failure. Even on the Dark Lord's own worlds did he feel it. There was a decay there, like the one that saturated this world. It was hard to tell if they were recovering or not, as Alvaria was.

No, the disorder was not insurmountable. The soldiers that had welcomed them here were clearly professional -- and if his intelligence report was to be believed, likely numerous enough to put down the warlord of Altum Hortus, though perhaps with some difficulty. With Xeykard's forces here their victory was assured, he assumed, but he felt as though there may be other reasons he'd been brought here.

Xeykard had never been shrewd quite like this. The internal politics of the Sith had clashed with his inherent discipline and loyalty -- but he'd grown to notice it in the years since. Still, he was not yet sure for what purpose the heir to House Marr had drawn him here. Their military objective seemed insufficient.

Darth Malum was not someone he knew well. He'd earned a few insights through his research, but in truth his greatest insight had been brought in a brief encounter on Onderon. The young Sith had an air about him; ambition, assuredness. He was an unrefined desirer, but one quickly being sharpened and focused. This place felt like his, now.

He straightened slightly, his senses picking up the approach. He turned, giving a slight nod -- perhaps not respect, yet, but at least acknowledgement. "Malum," he greeted simply.
"Xeykard, a pleasure to see you once again," Malum offered with a small genial smile and a nod of his head, as he approached the great lizard, a Barabel, a species almost designed to be strong and sturdy, traits no doubt of help and aid for one who walked the path of a Sith Lord. Malum did not know Xeykard well, though they had served together on Onderon which necessitated such interaction, it was little enough to actually gain a read of the man, even more little enough to call him an acquaintance.

That had been a mistake, he knew that well, though Xeykard was not a man he knew personally, it was a name that had popped up far more often than he would have liked uninfluenced. The man's combat record was without measure, his name had appeared in more reports than he could count, and he was certainly successful.

And as far as Malum could tell, without a master.

As one of the fringe warlords on Altum Hortus had decided that turning back on one's oaths, that rebellion was the only course, it was the perfect opportunity to invite him into the midst of his realm.

Oh certainly both the Tsis'Kaar on the world, the Guard, and what planetary defence force had been drilling for months would have been enough to put down the rebellion, yet he so hated wasting his own resources, when there were others who could foot the burden.

And far more importantly, a show that cooperation between the both of them could net great things, that they could accomplish much together.

That he should look to him, as his new master within the Sith Empire.

But that was all for the future, for now, they still needed to win this.

"Did you have a comfortable journey? Apologies for the weather, Alvaria is usually far more welcoming, alas, it will be up to our hospitality to pick up the slack," Malum chuckled, watching as Xeykard did as his Legion disembarked, those Alvarians willing to brave the rains watching in apt attention, as the Guard watched as stoically as they always did.

The Tsis'Kaar... well only Bogan knew where and how the Tsis'Kaar were watching, but none doubted that they did.

He was not wearing his crown, all were under strict orders to not name him by the titles the Alvarians had anointed him as.

The last thing he wanted was for Xeykard to report back to the Emperor, none could be revealed until his loyalty guaranteed.

Xeykard Xeykard
"Hm." The way he talked betrayed a softness. Pleasure to be seen. Nonsense.

He glanced to Malum again, and found himself reevaluating his reaction. No, the fire was still there. This was a manifestation of his desire. Xeykard found himself playing along, stiff as he was.

"It is advantageous," he said. "Your little warlord would have detected this one's forces otherwise. There is more time to do reconnoissance." His gaze went up to the cloudy sky, then back down. Strange how rapt the populace was with their arrival. Seldom was the landing of a Sith legion welcomed.

He pushed aside his distractions.

"This Altum Hortus, and the one who leads them. What do you know? Or, will you join this one?" He stated his question in a neutral tone, but it came from a place of suspicion -- like Malum's intentions of bringing him here, Xeykard distrusted the reports he had of this world and of the threat to the Sith's power on Alvaria. Even still, this was Malum's place. Local allies were not to be wasted.
He heard every word and watched every reaction. It had become quickly rather apparent, that the Barabel had little regard for the niceties of polite conversation. Such was... far from what he was used to, between the subtleties, and the smoke and mirrors which nobility, and even Sith in general operated under.

But, it would make things easier.

Malum untensed his shoulders, allowing his body to go slack, still smiling as he looked down towards his people, and the army assembling below.

"Well not all of Altum Hortus has raised its banners in revolt, before I came it was the most divided of the kingdoms, and that has not changed," Malum began, the man was not easy to read, but it was obvious as it would be obvious to anyone, that this rebellion did not require his presence, indeed, why invite one to your home, and tell them exactly where the key was?

Well, it was only if there were deeper designs at play.

"Unfortunately, many of the players in the kingdom will watch and look to where the winds will swing, still, many more have mobilised to join us," The loyal served, and the disloyal would die, that much he knew very well.

"The name of the leader is one Kayput of House Valterian, he claims descent from the old emperors and believes himself to be the true ruler of this world, believes with me dead or driven off, that he can exploit the unity I have brought to take power, declare independence from the Sith Empire," That would likely catch his interest, a minor rebellion against a governor's rule held no real concern to him, but a rebellion that threatened to see a world secede.

Well, that was something that may catch the Emperor's attention.

So what was it Lord Xeykard Xeykard , do you desire the Emperor's favour?

He offered a smirk by the end, momentarily disappearing from view, both from the naked and unnaked eye, "Reconnaissance is our speciality, we would be fools to not join."
Xeykard's eyes flicked to the source of the noise. He was never 'impressed' by anything -- that would be a sign of weakness, an acknowledgement of limitations on his own part. Instead he nodded, and looked away, back to the forces gathering below.

"You are talented," he said. "Like the last Tsis'kaar assassins who came for this one. It will be enough to fool the enemy. This one will make use of you.

"These other kingdoms, however -- this one will tell them to wait. They must be reminded of the power of the Sith. Kayput and his house will be their example. Should the Sith put their foot down, this entire world could be unraveled. It is that simple."

The Inquisitor spoke with conviction; here was a glimpse into his rather straightforward philosophy. As far as he was concerned, every world in the galaxy was the Empire's. Some had strayed from the path. Others still needed tending. The Emperor, well -- he was of little concern. There were duties to be upheld.

"Valterian and its lands -- do you have plans drawn up already? To take it."
The smile at the compliment was wiped away with the rest of the man's words, "My apologies for that, rogues still exist out there, with their misguided loyalty to what they perceived were the goals of my former Mistress, no doubt by the fact you live, you dealt with the traitors as they deserved." Traitors he called them, sure, they were traitors against the Emperor, but so was he.

The only difference was that where he had betrayed his Mistress, betrayed them all.

They had remained loyal.

For his betrayal, he was rehabilitated back into the Order.

For their loyalty, they were hunted down like dogs.

He banished the thoughts from his mind, he had done all he had done for the sake of the Tsis'Kaar, and even in their weakened state, they survived, they were allowed to rebuild, and they would prosper once again, under his rule. If the traitors could not understand that, then it would be their graves.

He would tolerate no more disloyalty.

He could protect them no longer.

He banished the thoughts at the rest of the Barabel's words filtered over his visage.

"I did imagine so, easier to strike with a smaller, more disciplined force too," Indeed he imagined all the offers of aid... while genuine, were hoped by those who had offered to not truly be taken up, after all, apart from those ambitious enough to believe they may be able to profit from the fall of House Valterian, there was nothing truly for them to gain, apart from showing loyalty to their newly made Emperor.

And simply offering, had already done that much.

"Ah... I imagined annexing it into the governor's demesne, perhaps parcel some portions out for those that were lo-" He stopped, as the ghost of the smile reappeared on his lips, "...Ah, you meant physically take it. Well yes indeed," Malum turned on his heel and began walking away, as the preparations from below continued, through the rain, entering an antechamber that roared with heat, a great fireplace flickering in the distance, as into the larger room, a great map was laid out.

A singular blue piece, surrounded by a sea of red.

However that piece stood atop a great mountain, and above that, a fortress.

"A two-pronged assault shall be best I imagine, one from above, one from below. Distract him with the massing of forces around his mountain, and he will not be looking up, as an assault from there begins, yet, that too can serve as a distraction. I have agents who have secured subterranean access, if we were able to push from there... well no matter which assault succeeds, House Valterian falls." He finished, taking his position opposite the table where the map was laid, awaiting the Barabel's opinion.

Xeykard Xeykard
Xeykard studied the map, silent for a good few minutes. The other information laying about -- rough ideas of troop strength, arms stockpiles, shield strength -- he absorbed, albeit slowly. Normally he preferred to have someone read it to him. Someone he could trust, as far as he could trust. That, perhaps, was not here.

"This one sees," he said finally. "A reasonable plan."

His suspicions were confirmed. Even the meagre and inexperienced forces of Alvaria, directed by a sufficiently skilled commander, could have won the day, albeit perhaps more slowly than he would. Yet, the fact that Malum was sharing all this seemed to indicate no trap or deception.

"This one's legion has sufficient artillery to probe the shield. Your agents -- and this one's -- will infiltrate the fortress, disabling either the shield or the orbital defenses. Ideally both." From what he could tell, their orbital defenses were limited but not nonexistent, and he was not in a rush to risk his ships. "From there, this one will deploy legionnaires from orbit, maintain air superiority, and take the rest of the mountain. Per your plan- this one assumes you wish the fortress intact. To... parcel, as you say.

"This one will be precise enough. By the end of the month they will have surrendered. Or, should the kingdom- or the House- be eradicated?"
He did nothing but strum his fingers along the edge of the table, as he awaited the Barabel's perspective. For the most part, he was confident enough of the plan that he and his generals, both among the Alvarians, but too the Tsis'Kaar and Guard had come up with. No doubt, they could manage a long siege, and the Valterians would run out of food eventually.

But for this to be a show that there would no longer be any rebellion against his rule, it needed to be quick, it needed to be powerful.

Yet at the same time, he saw little reason to make it a bloody, wasteful affair.

Such was in itself a weakness, and he would not expend his men futilely... in general, and when there were so few of them to begin with. Oh certainly not on a planetary scale, in that scale, they had the largest army on the planet.

But his potential foes could include intergalactic threats.

He wished for the Tsis'Kaar to rebuild. He wished himself to grow stronger, neither would happen if he was not careful in his motions, both on and off the battlefield.

He nodded his head as the Barabel finally spoke, accepting the rather limited praise as something far grander considering it came out of the rather non-expressive great lizard.

"We should be more than capable of that, I would wager," Malum responded smile back upon his face, he was no gambler nor a betting man, though... perhaps with how many risks he took, how comfortable he was with peril, he should be, "And yes, it is a rather mighty fortress, I would rather have it intact rather than not," And though he would not say it publicly, there was much history to that fortress, to destroy it would be a true tragedy indeed.

It was the Barabel's last question that gave him a moment of pause.

Mercy or Justice?

There was, after all, only one punishment befitting treason.

However, he had escaped that punishment himself.

Would he give these rebellious subjects the same mercy that had been given unto him? Or would he prove to be far different to the Emperor that he served?

"The House itself I hope, I would rather not annihilate one of the kingdoms that make up my crown... as for the Valterians," He gave it another moment of thought, before sighing, "Treason will not be tolerated, and all shall be reminded of that, the adults will be executed for their decision... the children shall be handed off to the other families to be raised, never knowing the rest of their kin. House Valterian, and its claims will die by the turn of the moon."

His eyes glimmered as the end of the words were spoken.

Out of fire or out of madness, he could not quite say.

He indicated towards the entrance from whence they came, the pitter-patter of rain disappearing, "Well then, will there be anything else? It seems the storms are falling, we can move your artillery and all other forces into position soon enough."

Xeykard Xeykard
Xeykard nodded. "It is time."

The first week passed quickly. The Inquisitor's legion was efficient, redeploying and pressuring the enemy's perimeter quickly. Even without secured airspace, their transportation seemed not to suffer; the legion's diverse units were able to outmaneuver Valterian's.

No major engagements occurred. The closest thing came at the end of the week, they crushed a small town thirty-two miles from the warlord's fortress. The outer defenses had to be broken, but a small, anachronistic citadel that sat on a hill on one side of the town had remained untouched.

Xeykard had, of course, led from the front, taking a brief but flashy duel with a knight-scion of Altum Hortus and her strange flying mount. He struck her down, blade crashing through his opponent's, sending them tumbling to earth. Word came of the keep's surrender as their duel came to a close.

His stump itched. He pressed the cybernetic deeper into his flesh, flexed his mechanical fingers, and walked the streets towards the castle. People cowered in the ruins of their houses.

"Malum!" he yelled, "Come out!"
The sound of methodical clapping echoed the streets of Aureum Lucus, as the masked figure of Malum emerged out from seemingly the shadows, allowing both his cloak and his concealment to fall off of him, his Sith Sword not yet ignited by plasma, but of flames, purging away the blood that had been drawn as Malum rested it by his side, gazing up at the Barabel.

"Most impressive work, Lord Xeykard Xeykard , no doubt if we lived in another era, the bards would write and sing songs of your triumph," Malum spoke, the claps finally ending, as he gazed around to his newly... liberated subjects, liberated from the rule of Kayput and House Valterian, and this foolish rebellion of theirs.

They likely would not see it that way though, their houses were destroyed, and loved ones lost.

He did not want this for his newly found people.

No doubt they feared, after all, who would not be filled with fear after watching the performance of the Barabel's legion move efficiently and bloodily at work? He had certainly taken notes, no doubt the Tsis'Kaar here were taking far more detailed ones too, it was after all part of the invitation, he wished to see how the Barabel waged war.

And this was certainly a taste of that.

"My forces have advanced with little opposition apart from settlements like Aureum Lucus, it seems some lords still erroneously give loyalty to Kayput's foolishness, though quite many more have opened their gates at the sight of my forces, no doubt many more will be changing their banners once they learn of what has happened here... congratulations are certainly in order." Malum continued, leaning on the Sith Sword impaled on the ground, looking toward the castle which had just surrendered, after losing their champion.

Alvaria was a strange place.

A mix of great modernity, but with feudal roots, all of which had been blasted apart by nuclear armageddon.

To call the planet modern would be false.

To call it antiquated would also be false.

It simply was.

No great irony that he would find himself ruling a world of such internal contradiction, he supposed.

"I would say we will find ourselves at the gates of Claraqua within days at this pace. I am certain you shall be pleased, no?" Would he be? It was hard to tell with the Inquisitor, who though technically his battlebrother's, Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius ', certainly was far more independent-minded than other Inquisitors.

Such was why making an ally of the rising star would be useful.
"It will be so." Xeykard showed no signs of pleasure, as it were. His efficiency was born of a pure pragmatism; he took his task seriously. It was important work. The work was not done; it never was. What time was there for pleasure? He took no part in the Empire's decadence, but it could not exist without him. The maintenance of the Order was a never-ending project.

He marched to the gates of the castle, old stone rising high. The materials and construction left it highly vulnerable to bombardment; most of their heavy weapons could topple the walls, to the point where Xeykard wondered why the locals bothered keeping it up at all. A symbol of power fragile enough to be brought down by a meagre barrage.

Yet it stood, still, waiting to be claimed.

Out front a pair of legionnaires saluted upon their approach. Others looked down from the walls -- Gormak irregulars, by the markings and modifications of their armour, and specialized weaponry.

"Fir-Vib is in the keep. He has detained the courtiers and nobles inside."

"Very well." The Inquisitor turned to Malum. "Your work begins. This one will leave them to you to deal with, and observe."

Xeykard was a commander, not a ruler; those things were similar, but quite different. He was ruled by the Dark Lord, and commanded as well, but he wanted to see Malum's work. The nobles inside had surrendered, surely understanding their situation; how to manipulate their weakness would be up to the Sith.

He gestured inside, allowing Malum to take the lead. Inside, the wizened Gormak commander, Fir-Vib, held watch over the nobles and courtiers of the little keep, and their few now-disarmed guards.

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