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Jardann Lancus | X-0-1

"I am the greatest artificial creation in the Galaxy. My skills are unrivaled. Any objective assigned, I will complete. I will never fail, nor will I be destroyed."

Name: Jardann Lancus
Identification Number: X-0-1
Faction: Eternal Empire
Rank: N/A


Species: Human (Replica Droid)
Age: One (Nine Years until System Deterioration)
Height: Six Feet, Two Inches
Weight: Three-Hundred and Twenty-Five Pounds
Eyes: Brown (Red Underneath)
Hair: Brown (None when skeleton is exposed)
Skin: Tan (Silver when skeleton is exposed)
Force Sensitive: NO.

(+) Extreme Strength. Being designed as a Heavy Assault or Bounty Hunting Droid, X-0-1 is capable of heavy lifting and can be devastating when a contact comes within arms reach. This paired with an objective in sight can be extremely dangerous for any passersby or animals.

(+) All Purpose. X-0-1's frame is extremely convincing and can be modified to fit a variety of skillsets. This simply requires being dumped in a vat of an extremely acidic or corrosive substance, melting the skin down to the silver skeleton underneath. Any experienced mechanic or manufacturer can easily replace the coat of skin on top.

(+) Extremely "Well-Trained". Having been equipped with the traits to be a heavy infantry/support unit in a conventional war, X-0-1 is capable of operating a variety of weapons and weapons systems. This ranges from being able to operate a small sidearm, be capable of a variety of hand-to-hand combat forms, and pilot a variety of domestic or foreign starfighters.

(+) Intimidating. To any common civilian, animal, or a variety of other non-combatants, X-0-1 is seen as very intimidating. For the majority of the time, this is a plus.

(-) Tunnel Vision. Once assigned a target, objective, or side objective, X-0-1 will focus on that objective and only that objective. The droid will not initially see any ambushes or counter attacks, but once attacked or distracted, the droid will attempt to destroy the distraction and continue on with the current task.

(-) Cold. X-0-1 is very blunt and will tell you exactly how it is with no regard towards morals, the current situation, etc.

(-) Slow. X-0-1, due to his very large frame, is slower than the average human and cannot maintain a quick speed. This is a disadvantage when in hand-to-hand combat or when under blaster fire.

Jardann Lancus, formally known by its identification number (X-0-1) is a character designed to behave like a combination of Drago (Rocky IV), T-800 (The Terminator), and Robocop. At an immediate glance, Lancus has an athletic build and is somewhat of a hulking man, but nothing compared to the variety of experiments and other droids across the galaxy.


Ship: WIP
Kills: None, yet
Bounties Collected: None, yet

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