
Name: Janjanbi-class Slugthrower Pistol
Intent: Creation of a standard-issue side arm for the Inari Shogunate, as well as develop another production staple for the Izanami Ironworks.
Development Thread: N/A, will be completed if necessary
Manufacturer: Izanami Ironworks
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Inari Shogunate
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
- Internal Durasteel Alloy Construction
- External Duranium Plating
- Hadrium Barrel
- Magnatomic Grip
Size: Handheld
Length: 18.6 cm
Weight: 1.2 kg
Ammunition Type:
- II-EEa Phobium-based Powercell (Standard or Supercharged)
- Flechette Pellets (Standard and Anti-Armor)
- Flechette Magazine:
18 Flechette Pellets
[*]II-EEa Phobium-based Powercell (Standard)
- 72 shots
[*]II-EEa Phobium-based Powercell (Supercharged)
- 216 shots
Effective Range:
- Optimum: 50 m
- Maximum: 100 m
- Semi-Automatic: 180 rpm, No cooldown
- Laser Tracking System: Automatically tags targets with an electronic homing signature, enabling the pellets to track and follow the target's movements and make course corrections during flight.
- Specialized Pellet: Optimum for fifty meters, while having a maximum range of one hundred meters, each pellet travels until reaching within three meters of the target. Then, the pellet explodes, releasing hundreds of 12-millimeter long duranium micro-flechettes. Propelled forward up to fifty meters away by the pellet's own momentum as well as micro-repulsors within the lightweight and aerodynamic micro-flechettes, the hail of micro-flechettes spread out to the radius of a meter to puncture and strike a target or a group of targets, often with enough force to pierce blast vests and stormtrooper armor. The anti-armor variant of the pellet releases a single, large duranium flechette, which can puncture through even the toughest of personal armors as well as those of vessels.
+ Extremely high damage
+ Superb armor-piercing and shield-piercing potential
+ Accurate and precise
- Cost
- High energy requirements (requires specialized energy cell)
- Necessity for slugthrower training (uncommon knowledge)
- Lower rate of fire than that of blaster pistols
Quality: 4
Production Cost: 400 credits
- Material Cost: 150 credits
- Manufacturing Cost: 150 credits
- Labor Cost: 50 credits
- Assembly Cost: 50 credits
Created and manufactured solely by Izanami Ironworks, the Janjanbi-class Slugthrower Pistol is a powerful instrument of war of the Inari Shogunate, utilized as an instrument with extremely high anti-armor and anti-shield piercing. Although it can be effectively used against personnel as well, its subpar rate of fire in comparison to its modern equivalents in blaster and laser technology as well as limited ammunition makes it unsuitable for that purpose, most infantry of the Inari Shogunate preferring the Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifle.
Rippers utilized energy-propelled shrapnel, which traded off potent firepower and destructive capacity for accuracy and precision. Even the improvement of the Mandalorian Ripper of utilizing energy-propelled slugs instead of shrapnel was still inaccurate in comparison to its blaster equivalents. The Janjanbi-class Slugthrower Pistol relies on a controlled flechette design, which packs micro-flechettes within pellets that are enveloped with energy before being fired.
The Janjanbi-class Slugthrower Pistol has a miniature laser tracking system, which automatically tags targets with an electronic homing signature. This enables the pellets to track and follow the target's movements and make course corrections during flight. After reaching three meters within the target, the pellet explodes, releasing a hail of micro-flechettes that shred and pierce through the target or targets. Personal energy shields, unless specific to physical projectiles, were useless in face of the physical flechettes of the Janjanbi-class Slugthrower Pistol.
The anti-armor variant is specialized for its purpose, with the intent of piercing the strongest of heavy armors. A common tactic for infantry of the Inari Shogunate were to quickly approach incoming vessels and jumping on top of them, firing the Janjanbi-class Slugthrower Pistol directly against the armor of the vessel and killing the passengers within the vessel.
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