Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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James Oriken

NAME: James Lando Oriken
FACTION: None currently
RANK: Normal citizen

AGE: 16

SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 145 (Muscular)

EYES: Cold Steel Blue

HAIR: Light Brown
SKIN: Caucasian

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force-sensetive, midi-chlorian count very high ~ 15,000


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Just like a normal human James will die if hit by a blaster or lightsaber in any of the vital organs, he can breath for about 3 minutes before passing out, and has very bad cold tolerance, he can last about 1 hour in 10-20 degree weather with normal clothing. But is very strong and intelligent, knows how to fire an E-11 blaster rifle,has high heat tolerance (can go 5-6 days without water), and can fly most common ships.
APPEARANCE: James has slightly long hair, is decently muscular with little fat, white skin but tanned.
BIOGRAPHY: James was born into a family of slaves on Mos Espa, his family consisted of his mom, dad, and a little brother. He worked as a slave for a ship repair shop until he was 5 years old. Then he removed his slave chip, stole a ship with the help of his family, and flew it solo off of Tatooine. After running into an asteroid field and emergency landing on a large outpost binding two asteroids, James settled their working as a paid assistant to Krav Almasar, the owner of a ship repair shop. Until two Jedi stopped to get their ship fixed and offered to take James seeing how force sensitive he is. He is now awaiting approval from the Jedi council to be trained due to his age
No "personal" ship but is allowed to borrow Krav Almasar's ship, it is a Arquitens-class light cruiser. It has 3 engine units, 4 quad laser turrets, 4 dual turbolaser cannons, and 4 missile tubes. It can be piloted by 2 men and can have a maximum of 10 passengers.

KILLS: None currently

ROLE-PLAYS: None currently

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