Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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James Corvallis

NAME: James Corvallis

FACTION: Silver Jedi Order

RANK: Jedi Knight Sentinel


AGE: 29

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.8 Meters Tall

WEIGHT: 81 Kilograms

EYES: Green Eyes

HAIR: Reddish Brown hair.

SKIN: A healthy tan colour.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive, Midichlorian count slightly above average.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Merciful Outlook: When duelling or in combat, the subject will prefer to take prisoners instead of killing defeated or unarmed opponents.
Quick Thinker: The Subject has been shown to be quick on his feet, and to be able to reach certain and rational decisions in the face of the unexpected or surprising.
Naval Strategist: The Subject has shown a high aptitude for Naval Strategy, and is shown to be a skilled leader.
Skilled Infiltrator: Subject has shown an unusual skill in fitting into crowds and physical stealth, shown to be able to use the materials and resources at hand, and several force techniques to hide from sight or go unnoticed.
Slow Runner: When not using force enhancement, the subject has shown, despite long stride, to be a surprisingly slow runner.

Defiant: The Subject has shown a mental aversion to the thought of surrender, and will refuse to surrender unless physically disabled.
Rebel Mindset: The Subject has a deep set distaste for higher authority, and will refuse to follow orders if he believes they are morally or strategically wrong.
Anti-Social: The Subject has shown an almost reclusive level of Social Awkwardness, leading to poor performance in social situations, and difficulty making and maintaining friendships, which in turn leads to a small friend group.



BIOGRAPHY: Found at age 9, he was taken in by the Order to be trained as a Jedi. After 13 years of training, he graduated to the rank of Knight in the order. However, he has been stuck as a Knight for several years as a result of character flaws, including a sort of wanderlust, which has had him disappearing into the Unknown Regions for several months at a time, a refusal to work with other Knights or Masters on missions, and a long-standing rebellious streak.

EQUIPMENT: Single Bladed Yellow/Orange Lightsaber. A
grappling hook mounted on equipment belt. Commlink. Armour( Electrobinoculars. Hygiene Kit. Modular Backpack. Silver Watch Cloak ( Light Amplification Goggles. Healers Robes (
SHIP: Class Freighter called the Light in the Abyss. Outfitted with Crew Automation and an Advanced Sensor Array.


ROLE-PLAYS: None as of initial posting.

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