Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jala Rekab


Jala Rekab
FACTION: Moross Crusade
AGE: 19

HEIGHT: 5' 10"
WEIGHT: 135 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White


  • Jensaarai - Jala follows the beliefs in the Jensaarai. She believes in the Jedi ways of honor and discipline and the aggression shown by the Sith, but not enough to fall to the dark side. She also is skilled in the force abilities favored by the Jensaarai such as Force Stealth and Ballistakinesis.
  • Smooth Talker - Jala grew up honing her conversational skills. Having to survive on her own for most of her life, when fighting wasn't necessary, she would talk her way out of any situation. Now, she's become an expert in the art of negotiation and bartering. A legend travels that she could talk her way out of a Rancor stomach.
  • Enso - Enso's, as a species, have evolved tto handle the harsh, cold climate on their home planet. Jala can survive in cold climates how a normal human would a temperate climate.

  • Thermophobia - As a result of the evolution to live comfortably in cold climates, the Enso are very vulnerable when in hot climates of planets such as Tatooine, resulting in near instant heat strokes.
  • Low Self Esteem - Jala frequently doubts herself and her abilities. In a galaxy full of powerful beings, she believes herself to be just a insignificant spec in the galaxy.


A pretty little blonde Jala is. She has the looks of royalty about her. Average height and finely toned for her age. She looks far better than she believes she does. Typically, Jala wears her Templar Armor when in climates she can survive in. In hotter temperatures, she also wears her coolth unit to keep her from suffering from a heat stroke.


Jala was born on the Enso homeworld of Ensolica to a single mother. When she was young, Jala was brought to the Jedi Temple after being discovered to be very force sensitive. But, she ran away from the temple when she was about 14 after realizing that the Jedi were too strict for her.

Jala went off on her own, having to raise herself on the streets of Coruscant for some time until she was found by a Jensaarai. The Jensaarai was able to convince Jala to train under him. At heart, Jala had become a Jensaarai, or follower of the truth. Her master was pleased with her progress until his death when Jala was 19.

Not wanting to return tot he Jedi and unable to fall to the dark side thanks to her Jensaarai teachings, Jala turned to the Templar Order of the Confederacy. There she can be free as she wishes and still follow the Jensaarai code. Jala took residence on Alzoc III, where she is building herself a home and mingling with the Talz.

After witnessing, firsthand, the incompetence of the Confederacy to save their people from an awful sickness, Jala left the Confederacy to find a place where she would not be the only person who truly cares for it's people. She soon found the Moross Crusade and joined their faction.
  • Two Lightsabers - Light Blue Blades
  • - Personal Cooling Unit
  • A few hundred Pearls of Alzoc





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