Jack Rand
Captain of The Love Boat

Image Source: http://www.ebay.fr/sch/sis.html?_nkw=arnex%20montre%20pendentif%20mecanique&_itemId=230633779272
Intent: A memento of sentimental value to Jack Rand
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Mina Stahlmann
Model: Pocket Watch
Affiliation: Jack Rand
Modularity: Yes, but that would decrease it's value immensely.
Production: Unique
Material: Gold and various valuable materials from exotic worlds such as wood from Kashyyyk's Wroshyr trees.
Description: This pocketwatch was made for Jack's father, Jorge Rand, by his wife Mina Stahlmann. It cost plenty of money to have it crafted, but it was all the more special as all the materials were from planets that Jorge had visited. The Watch itself hold no strategic value, but it is immensely unique and valuable. It holds sentimental to Jack as it was created by his mother for his father using materials that held value to him. Jack's mother died shortly after creating this watch, and it was found on his father's body after the stabbing. It holds Jack's family symbol of the Phoenix on it's cover.
The watch itself is valued at 20,000 credits, due to the variety and value of the exotic materials that create it.
Has an engraving from Jack's father that reads:
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."