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Public I’m On A Highway to Hell

Spira - Pearl Casino & Hotel

The atmosphere was electric and charged for a good time. Gamblers, vacationers, newlyweds and all other types were on the paradise planet to have a good time.

Katarine was enjoying the sun beaming down on her from the beach. She had sunglasses on and was laying on a towel to soak up the sun. She was vaguely aware of a Volleyball game going on, but did not become super interested until the ball hit the sand next to her, kicking the sand into her face.

She sat up and stared to spit out the sand.
Spira was a beautiful world her family had investments and interests on it. The celeste class had been developed for tourism here on the world and major resorts used it for their guests who could afford it. That junko got to relax though as the sounds of a game being played on the sand came over to her. She looked up and the sun kissed golden skin of her gleamed with oil. Her hair bundled up in a bun on one side while the hair piece she wore gleamed with more jewels and force crystals. Her otachi were around her in similar garb but Junko raised an eyebrow looking at the volleyball game and didn't snicker but she smiled amused. "Hmm maybe I can join?"
Junko looked at K KAR with a bow of her head when she spoke. "Thank you my lady." There was a grin and she stood up letting the small strings of beads gleam more but walked over to look at the game. The aurodium and kyber crystals leaving little but around her waist tassets of nova crystal string with durindfire gems. She raised an eyebrow though seeing ehr and hr tight lipped smile became full reaching her eyes as in the light of spira the flecks of green among the black sparkled like stars. The golden copper of her skin looking slightly darker form beig in the sun. "Your hair is so pretty."
Junko looked at the male with the ball and walked forward towards K KAR as she spoke with a smile. "My family has business here we built several of the resorts cruise ships." There was a wider grin though when she stretched out and leaned over for a moment feeling her back and body pop all over before she was stretching. A good work out that could get her ready so they would if she wanted to go into the game. "What brings a lovely lady like you here?" Offering for her to come and join her. "Aside from getting to play sports on the beach."

Finley Dawson

While the Nosey Knave was being resupplied on Coruscul, many crewmates took the opportunity go on shore leave, the nearby pleasure planet of Spira being the destination for most.

Finley himself would have been happy staying behind, and exploring the Jedi archives of Coruscul, but his friend Collin wasn't having any of it. "You can nerd out later," he told him. Finley offered weak protest, eager to dig into the ancient pre-collapse archives, but in the end he was successfully dragged along to Spira with a small group of junior officers and deck crew. He was the sole Jedi among them, something that hadn't happened in a long while. It was sure to be a unique experience, at least.

After a short shuttle ride to the surface, the group made a B-line straight for one of the vast public beaches that dominated the continent. While it was a whole planet dedicated to tourism, the place still seemed packed, countless other individuals with the same idea as Finley's crew. The bright sun beat down his exposed skin, but the steady cool ocean breeze soon followed to bring relief.

"There's an open spot right there," Taira pointed out on the right.

Finley turned in time to see a single woman eat a face full of sand from a rogue volleyball that crashed next to her. Collin saw it too, erupting in laughter.

"See, look what you would have missed out on staying cooped up in the library. Quality entertainment right out of the gate."

"Heh, it's actually not too bad," he admitted.

"Is this your first time at the beach?" Taira inquired. It was a legitimate question. Finley was a spacer, feeling more at home drifting through the void. It was that way for a lot of Corellians these days.

"Actually, no. However, this is probably the first time I've landed on a beach where I didn't have some critter trying to eat me."

Touring with the Jedi Explorer Corps, he had often visited alien worlds untouched by civilization, where it seemed like the entire fauna and flora of that planet was aligned to make him lunch. Xenobiology wasn't quite the cushy lab job that some people thought.

"Ah, just give it time." Collin quipped. "Plan on skiing in a bit, but let's set up first."

Taira nodded and led the way to the open spot she had found, right next to Ms Volleyball. By now, Finley could see she had been joined by another woman, one quite ornate, light glittering off all sorts of precious stones and metals that covered her form. More interesting was that they resonated strongly in the Force, along with the second woman herself. Senses attuned, he noticed the first woman also had quite a strong connection to the Force.

Well, what were the odds?

K KAR Junko Ike Junko Ike
Junko listened to K KAR with a grin on her face... oh yes she could be in a game. "Yes lets." She looked around and well she had her handmaidens who could play. The Otachi were always around so.. that would serve if they couldn't find someone to join them. her eyes found Finley Dawson who was there and she smiled one hand going to her waist as she cocked her hips to the side with a smile on her face. "Hey want to join us?" She asked it with a smile on her face though as she stretched out looking towards the net and back to the woman. "Well if you want later, we can go onto one of the boats and sunbath in peace."

Finley Dawson

The two women took quick notice of the group, inviting them to a game of volleyball. Collin wasted no time no time introducing himself to the friendly strangers, brushing past Finley as a grin grew on his face. Like most of the men in their group, he was shirtless. He had puffed out his chest, straigtened his posture, and even flexed a little to accentuate his toned form.

"Ladies, ladies. We'd love a game."

Collin said 'we', but none of the rest of the group had even been consulted as a decision had been struck unilaterally. Taira snorted in a mix of mild annoyance and amusement. The thirst was real.

Finley, meanwhile, was focused on the second woman (Junko), or more specifically, her jewlery. His geology experience told him that he was in fact witness to stacks of kyber crystals and aurodium, but he didn't want to believe it. A single gram of aurodium was worth a small fortune, and he imagined there was much much more in view than a gram. Like enough to buy a whole fleet of frigates like the Nosey Knave.

Loaded was an understatement.

"Hey man, let's do it," Collin called out to him.

"Huh, yeah," Finley replied distractedly, only barely following along with such opulence on display. Spira was certainly up to its reputation for being the play ground for the rich.

Collin followed Finley's eyes to the Atrisian female, but totally misread Finley and thought his Jedi counterpart was also victim of the thirst.

"He he, much better than those stuffy archives,
" he whispered to Finley with a small nudge on the shoulder.

He was doubtful of that, but this trip had now come with its own pecularities that wouldn't leave him bored, at least.

Collin turned his attention to the small brunette (Katarine) who had originally invited them to a game.

"So yeah, we certainly have enough people. About a dozen between ourselves. Enough to make two full teams if everyone is up to it."

K KAR Junko Ike Junko Ike
Junko took a moment to raise an eyebrow while looking at the man Finley Dawson ... he was starring at her for a moment and she wanted to ask the obvious... see anything you like but well she was herself... so that answer was fairly obvious. Then looking at K KAR who got a ball and the court was there a she had gotten stretched out and limber... ready for a game and motioning her Otachi handmaidens to spread out with them to fill in the numbers. They shouldn't need the force but she could feel that all of them at least knew how to use it which might make it interest if they... no wait. "I would say no force abilities yes." A smile on her face as she had natural athleticism so it helpedbut she turned to Kata with a nodof her head. "Ready when you are."

Finley Dawson

The majority of Finely's group decided to join in, Finley included, while other remained to set up their spot on the beach and relax. Keen on both the new women, Collin joined their side with another guy (hovering near Katarine) while Finley took the opposing side with the rest of his crew participating. As he could sense both women being Force Sensitives, it only seemed fair that way.

"No abilities," he agreed.

However, that was easier said than done. He may not be making active use of the Force to manipulate the ball, but he could still divine its flight with ease. He guess he would have to handicap himself with a self imposed delay. It all depended on how the women acted, though.

"I'm Finley, by the way, he called out to the two women, before moving away from the net and settling into a spot in the back row."

He swung his arms a few times and hopped around to warm up. Shirtless like the other males present, but his lean form was cut like Collin pretended to be. Small scars riddled his chest and arms, momentos of past battles and dangerous expeditions. Normally aloof, his eyes had narrowed slightly, his compeititve streak flaring as his friend was on the other side of the net. He may not be using the Force, but that didn't mean he was going easy.

Knees slightly bent and arms outstretched, he was ready for whatever the petite brunette was about to dish out.

Junko Ike Junko Ike K KAR
Junko looked at her and grinned... well buying lunch wouldn't be so bad but she had to impress and her handmaidens filled in the rest to even them out. There was a look at some of them as she followed the ball with her eyes and it went over the net... her small body pumping while she moved to a better position to cover it. Her hand going out to create a focused distance with Phaidor who was looking at her. The islander girl well they played sports and she had a dancers figure so she could cover and move through the court quickly. "Sounds like a plan." She was looking towards the ball and the other team but only had a tight lipped smile on her face.

Finley Dawson K KAR
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