Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's Waited Long Enough

Calico was not eager to truly admit his brother was dead. Over two months had passed, and he still expected the clone to arrive with the Strill at his heels. That strill, Lord Cabur, Galaar's favored pet, now sat sadly at Cal's feet. It nuzzled its furry head up against his armored boot, and rumbled with quiet despair. Strill were the prime example of an animal that could feel emotion on some level, and as Cal stared into those beady yellow eyes, he felt sympathy.

The Protectorate had no doubt given [member="Galaar Tal'Verda"] some sort of funeral. They had likely buried him with full military honors and given a speech to mark the clone's bravery. While it was all a nice show, this was what mattered. Galaar's body had been transported discreetly to Mandalore, and Cal had followed suite. His presence on the world was largely unknown, and that was for the better. He knew how the Mandos felt about clones.

Cabur sat back on its haunches, and sniffed at the cold winter air. Snow fell in a light breeze to caress Cal's cheeks. His helmet was pinned under his arm, and his expression was one of calm acceptance. A simple pyre had been erected from the nearby forest. Nearby, the monument to the Clone Wars jutted from the surface of Mandalore's soil. Three new names had been carved into the stone, and eventually, the fourth, and final remnant of that time would join them.

The thought was both comforting and terrifying. The former Commando leaned down and scratched Cabur behind the ears. The Strill purred and drooled all over his legplates. There, in the snow, next to a crudely constructed wooden pyre, Calico waited for the only person he knew Galaar would have wanted to be with him in this time.

[member="Zandra Fenni"]
Zandra had held back, somewhat unsure as to if she should even be there. She'd liked Galaar well enough. She'd wanted to get to know him better. Wanted to be real friends. Like how she'd been good friends with Cal. The way before all... this. Before her and Cal were a real thing.
It was too late for friendship now, although the sense of respect she felt for him would always remain. That was why she was here. It wasn't for Cal, although she would be glad to help him if she could. She was here to honor a warrior and wish him well in the worlds beyond... if there was one.

When Zandra appeared, she was covered from head to foot. It was no secret that she didn't feel comfortable on Mandalore. It was a bit of her culture that would never fade, no matter how she tried to ignore her upbringing.

She wore Cal's trench coat buttoned up as high as it could go, the only apparent shape visible under the overly large coat was the womans ever growing belly. She was starting to lose track of how long she'd been pregnant. It seemed like forever. A long white scarf wrapped around several times to cover her bright white hair and most of her face. This was probably the most conservatively dressed the Echani had ever been, but she was never a fan of the cold. Besides, today was not about her.

Cal did not respond for a long moment. The light snow caught in his short beard, and made him squint to keep water out of his eyes. A faint white puff pushed its way past his lips, and coiled up into the air as he exhaled.

Cabur sidled up to [member="Zandra Fenni"] with something akin to an apologetic look. The Strill shook its furry head up at the woman, and curled into a ball at her feet.

"They glassed Drunkenwell right after he died, you know? He had no reason to die. None at all." Cal stated abruptly.

He turned partway to get Zandra into his field up view, and motioned toward the pyre "He'll never meet his niece or nephew. He died thinking Tal'verda had abandoned him."

The former General slumped his shoulders, and stared down into the white ground. The occasional shrub fought through the sea of white; dotting the hillside in odd black spots. Galaar would have seen some kind of metaphor in that, perhaps cracked a joke about it.

It was just ugly to Cal.

"I just hope he's with our brothers now. The Clone Wars, the Dreadguard. Jan, Delta, Omega, Visri, I hope he's with the rest of those di'kuts." He fell silent then, head tilting toward Zandra.

His eyes were pleading, but for what could not be discerned. "It's just me left out of us now. Figured it'd be him."
Zandra was very quiet while her lover mourned and lamented. It wasn't her way, to feel sorrow for the dead. To her, the only time a death was too be mourned, was when the dead in question achieved nothing in life. For Galaar, this was not the case.

She reached over to take her lovers hand, eyes always forward at the dead. Never look away. Not until it was done. It was not respectful to look away.

"A nephew," she responded, "it's a boy, Cal."

Not the best time to tell him. Not the best time at all. But Zandra had to let him know. Maybe if something of Galaar was still around, he would hear it too.

"Do not pity the dead, " she spoke up, "pity the ones they leave behind. And be grateful that it is only yourself left to hurt."
Calico had to keep himself from snapping at her. It wasn't Zandra's fault, really. He wasn't in his right mind, and openly grieving was something he had always done.

"A boy, then." He said simply. He began to trudge through the heavy snowfall; Lord Cabur right at his heels.

His ebony glove brushed against the ancient wood used to build the pyre. Galaar's katarn armor had been replaced with the standard of the Dreadguard commandos. Cal couldn't bring himself to destroy the ancient armor; it was just too much.

"We'll raise him well." He added quietly.

Cabur whined at his and set a paw forward as if it was going to retrieve its master. Cal produced a blowtorch from his belt, and set the pyre aflame. The Strill very well may have made its way in if not for Cal'd steady hand holding it back.

The flame fed on the old gnarled wood, and quickly grew into a monstrous beast to consume Galaar's body.

Calico flinched. Returyce'mir, Gal'ika."

[member="Zandra Fenni"]
Somehow, Zandra had expected a bigger reaction from the news of their child's gender. It was a tad disappointing. Still, she couldn't blame him for being cold. He would not be used to her way yet. The way she was raised. Death was not to be mourned, But celebrated. There were far worse things than dying.

"On my home planet , " she started calmly, "it's considered disrespectful to look away from the fire once it's started, until the very last ember goes out. "

She pulled the scarf from her head, letting her bright hair fall over her shoulders.
"Then we will." He conceded. Cal backed away from the pyre; eyes locked on the violent flames.

He took a position next to [member="Zandra Fenni"]. Lord Cabur followed, albeit grudgingly

"Thank you for being here." Cal murmured quietly. His arm snaked around her waist, and pulled her close. It was as much as gesture of his affections
as it was a way of comfort.

"I'm excited about our son." He stated abruptly. A slight smile graced his tired expression. "Galaar would be too...we'll have to find him a name. A good name, not something random."
She leaned on him, not because she truly needed the comfort, but because she needed him to feel strong. If protecting her and holding her made him feel it, then she would be the damsel and he could be the hero.

"What would you want to name him, Cal? We can name him anything you want."

Her grey eyes never left the leaping flames for an instant but her hands came up to touch his face.
If only you were Mando. We would make a very, very powerful clan.

The armor protecting Galaar's body began to melt. His body was encased in its own form of protection, and soon, it would be little more than ash. Cal was not a religious or superstitious man, but he hoped that it would protect him, wherever he may go.

"Jalan. It would honor Jan and Galaar. If that's alright--you are the one lugging the kid around." He replied. The latter was tinged with a bit of humor; he was trying to lift his own spirits.

His hand came to settle just over her belly. There was no hope of feeling any kind of kick with the armored gauntlet over his skin, but the gesture was all the same.

"I've never lived without one of my brothers outside of walking distance. I'm going to try to adapt, for you, and the baby."

At this, Lord Cabur trotted up to the couple. He fell back on his haunches, and stared at the flames as well, as if he knew the significance.
If she was honest, She didn't like the name. Not now. But she was prepared to key it grow on her. It was what cal wanted. She did promise, didn't she? Anything he wanted to name him.
She simply nodded in response.

"Take what time you need," she said, "But don't change who you are. "
"I'm not sure I could if I wanted to, Zandra." He stated simply. His hold on the woman tightened slightly as the flames erupted higher. Silence fell over the lonely, snowy hill. The crackling flames and the quiet whispers of the wind were all that polluted the air. Not even the forest below, nor Lord Cabur, made a sound.

After sometime, the fire finally began to die. Ashes and embers were all that remained. The body, the armor, and the pyre had all been taken along with Galaar's spirit to wherever lay beyond life.

Cal frowned and shook his head slowly He finally tore his gaze away from the pile of ash, and looked down at [member="Zandra Fenni"]. His voice was as quiet as the wind, and barely carried over the gentle gusts.

"I have nothing holding me back now. He lived a good life, a long life, and he's with Jan now. Whether that's in the Manda, or wherever Jedi go when they die, I don't no--nor do I care. Wherever you go, I'll follow, and I'll never be a slave warrior for anyone ever again." He paused; brow creasing with apparent distress. He was trying to hold himself together. "I love you."
When the fire finally died, then Zandra allowed herself to shiver in the cold. Done. He was really truly gone now. Something better was what he had now. He'd left his brother behind with a crazy echani chick.

"I know you do, Cal," she replied, "I know. "

Stars knew how hard it was for her to say it back. It just felt so hollow. Especially out here. On this planet that was so far from what she knew. So uninviting to her.

She laced her fingers through his and leaned her head against her lovers shoulder.

"Come on now. Let's leave him in peace. I'll try my hand at cooking something once we get back on the ship."
That...sounded alright. He nodded quietly, and pressed his lips gently to her temple. "I can try to help. You're pregnant, so maybe you'll tolerate my cooking." He teased. It was a light change of tone. He gently squeezed her hand, and turned toward the ship docked close by.

Lord Cabur sidled up to the couple, and followed along happily. Cal gave the creature a quick glance, and shifted his gaze back to Zandra. "And after this? More looting? I figure the Sith could lose a few cargo ships."

He raised an eyebrow; boots creaking against the heavy snowfall. He kept her close, whether it was to keep himself warm, or the other way around was anyone's guess. "You're the Captain after all. It's your call."

[member="Zandra Fenni"]
To be honest, Zandra was a lousy cook and she knew it. If she could get out of poisoning her lover, She would happily take him up on his offer.

"We'll see where the winds the us. I'm not making plans right now. Only thing I'm planning to do is eat, sleep and mess around."

She gave Cal a wink hoping to look as seductive as possible in her state, But any effect it could of had was ruined quickly by her shivering. Zandra really did not like the cold.
"Then we'll figure something out. Can't let life get boring." He replied. His gaze settled on the ship--covered in a light blanket of snow, but otherwise pristine. Things were looking up. Slowly, but surely, he could tell that it would all get better.

Despite himself, he glanced back at the pile of ash and dust, and mumbld a silent prayer to whatever deity had created the galaxy that Galaar was happy. The old warrior deserved that much.

"Though I do like that plan for right now." He added, stopping just at the ships landing ramp. Lord Cabur stumbled up the steps without any sign of hesitation. [member="Zandra Fenni"] was just going to have to get used to the damned Strill.

"Maybe we can cook the Strill."
"Strill? Oh, that's what this things called? I've just been calling him 'floppy leather creature' in my head. '
She slowly and very carefully went up the slippery ramp. The baby in her womb made even walking a chore now. She always felt like she was going to fall over.

"Don' joke cal. You ain't cooking him. 'Sides, he's kinda cute. In a so-ugly-i-want-to-kick-it sort of way."

Zandra grinned up at the strill. She'd never had pets. Might be interesting.
"Watcha say, floppy face? Wanna join the crew?"

"His actual name is Lord Cabur. Galaar had a weird thing for odd names." Cal explained. He kept a steady grip on her as they made their way up the ramp. It certainly wouldn't do for her to slip and fall--especially with the baby.

The Strill itself stared up at the woman with curious eyes. It tilted its head forward, as if it were nodding, and trotted up into the ship. It immediately shook the light coat of snow off of itself, and all over the floor. Cal couldn't help but chuckle.

"I think we'd get sick if we ate him anyway. He's a lovely pillow though." He continued. The former commando grinned at [member="Zandra Fenni"] and set his elmet down on one of the tables within. He exhaled deeply, and settled his brown eyes on the Echani's grays.

"It's going to be odd without the old di'kut....but, with you, I'll be okay."
Lord... Something. Zandra was sure that she would not be calling the creature by his property name. He'd be Floppy Face forever to her.
Once inside, Zandra dusted the snow off of the oversized coat and out of her messy white hair.

"Don't be dramatic. You're strong. You don't need me to get by. "

It was the hard truth. Zandra was a bandaid to him, But not a cure. He'd need to find a way to get by on his own. Much as she wished she could fix him, she knew better. Zandra was an expert aay dealing with loss now.

Cal turned to face the Echani. He unclipped the clasps on his gauntlets, and let the pieces of phrik fall away. he set them gently on the table, and reached over to caress his lover's cheek.

"Maybe not, but you certainly help." He mumbled. The former Commando leaned down and pressed a kiss to her brow. The thought of Galaar was still heavy on his mind, but [member="Zandra Fenni"] had helped to lift that burden somewhat. It wasn't so oppressive now.

"Let's dustoff. Maybe we can find some work with...somebody. Privateering, and I think that you owe me a personal visit." Cal cracked the slightest slip of a smirk, and turned off toward the cockpit of the ship. He turned his head to look back at her for just a moment. "When you're done with the crew, of course."

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