Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Its Time to Start.

[member="Xander Stanforth"]

Time had came after so long to start training again. Already starting with one students, that seem to have much promise. Coming to her own attention was another one a little older then she would have wanted to start their training down the path of the force. As knowing hers had started in childhood. It wasn't as if all was lucky enough to start so young. Even with her own twins it had started before they could walk with them force bonded to each other. Along with having them play with their toys with the force. Even then she could feel that one had a stronger way with the force, but that didn't keep her from loving them both the same.

Shaking this off, as she was here not hiding but not telling the young student in the force where to find herself in the forest. Just that one like herself would be waking out to seek her out. This was the first test of many he would have on the planet of Voss the home of the Voss academy. Now there she waits with her flowing silver robes.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Xander had not been at the Voss Academy for very long. So far he had found a pleasant mix of peace and for lack of a better term craziness. He smiled walking around the outside of the Academy through one of the gardens bordering the wood line. His thoughts were interrupted by one of the other padawans, one he had sparred with a few times.

"Hey X I was told to give this to you by one of the Masters."

Xander smiled looking at the message in his hands. All it said was to head into the woods, nothing more. Xander nodded to the other padawan.

"Ok thanks."

He looked towards the treeline wondering what this was about before making his way into the trees. He found it an odd location to be summoned by one of the Masters. He shrugged it off taking a slightly obvious footpath worn down by years of use. Once he got a far enough in for the view of the Academy behind him to be obstructed Xander closed his eyes for a moment. He tried something he had only been told about but not really used.

That first Jedi he had every met back on his home planet had explained how he knew Xander could use the force. How one could literally feel another in the force. It was not something he had really bothered to practice but Xander reasoned two things as he pushed forward. One being not very many Masters would be in the middle of the woods at this time of day and two being a Master he or she would probably be the only person he would be able to pick up with his level of practice and ability.
[member="Xander Stanforth"]

In nature there was something that took over in her, as if she found more peace when out a way from all. In the force all her senses where heighten, just how to filter those around. Deeply in the moment did she feel Padawn Xander coming to find her. Even then she let herself sit on a fallen log. Not wanting him to see if he could follow her force through a trail of the branches and creeks. Even so she would keep herself gathered where she was even then she would touch the wind to let the leaves flow around and then race long where the current would take the leave. Letting some land at the feet of the padawn.

Wondering if he would know that there was force in place even before he got to her. Even then there something deeper in the forest that seem to have its eyes on the young force user. As if it was stocking like one stock their prey. It was Maya that only grin, knowing what it was that was making a bit of a game out of the young one in the force.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Xander continued along the path occasionally stopping and looking around. He studied the ground, he looked for any breaks in the branches of the trees, and tried his best to pick out what he needed in the force. It was not something he was very good at. The unexplained feeling creeping up his spine didn't help matters any. It was that feeling you got when somebody was following you but every time you turned around nobody was there. Oh how he hated that feeling. It had served him well in the past but oh how he hated the feeling.

He had been at it for about twenty minutes when he rounded a turn and saw something up in the distance about 15 yards in front of him. It looked like somebody sitting on a log in silver clothing. Not very inconspicuous for the middle of the woods. Xander shrugged as he pushed forward towards the figure. He hoped it was the mysterious Master that had summoned him out to the middle of nowhere. He was sure there was some form of a deadline involved that he was getting dangerously close to missing.
Knowing before he even came around the bend in the path, he was coming not only through the fore but from the way he walked carried on. Waiting for him to get closer to her. Raising her head, letting the good flow off her blue hair and looking up with her pink eyes to him. "You made it I see Padawn Standforth, very well." as she looked him up down. Smirking a bit as he didn't care to pack anything that would be the first lesson. To always think of things that could happen.

"Are you readying to begin to take your training deeper into the force.", standing up from her resting place.

"What do you know of the force so far, what training have you done.", this would tell her where she needed to start with this young one.

[member="Xander Stanforth"]
Xander looked at [member="Maya Whitelight"] with a slight tilt of his head as he stepped a bit closer.

"The message was vague but enough to at least have a starting point." "It didn't however include a name................ Master."

Xander bowed his head slightly before beginning to answer her question.

"I am ready to train in whatever it is anyone wishes to teach." "The force has not really been that great of a focus."

He paused thinking how best to word it.

"My life so far has been spent fighting, leaping into the fray to defend the weak against those who feel because they are stronger the have the right to impose their will on those around they feel are some how inferior." "It seemed practical to focus on the sword."

He stopped looking around before continuing.

"Even so I have had some instruction on stuns and using the force to increase speed and strength."
That was the first of many lesson that she would give him. "So when you took the message you didn't ask for who the sent the message, do you think maybe this had been wise or unwise.", as she waiting for him to answer her simple question.

"It is Master Whitelight, Padawan Stanforth have someone showed you how to keep your emotions in balance?"

[member="Xander Stanforth"]
Xander gave [member="Maya Whitelight"] a respectful bow.

"A good point Master Whitelight however omitting of a few important details." "One it was a Padawan familiar to me who has so far proven trustworthy." "Second being the same Padawan saying the request came from one of the Masters."

Xander he smiled softly.

"It is a calculated risk." "Either I risk defying the wishes of a Jedi Master and face possible consequences or I risk walking into a trap and face the consequences." "I took the more familiar route in walking into a possible fight." "Fighting is familiar to me..............the temperament of Jedi Masters is not."

He thought about her question about emotions.

"If you are asking if I have received training as a Padawan the answer is no." "If you are asking because of my history of getting into fights if I am emotionally unstable the answer is also largely a no."

"Most of the fights I got into were defending the weak from bullies." "Largely an act based on principle not emotion."
Giving a chuckle not that take use to calling him Xander seeing as her lover and father of her twins was Xander Carrick the great sword Master himself. One would wonder how one such as herself being of such of peace and serenity could fall for one like Xander born for battle. Wondering if this could be how Her Xander had been like when he was younger.

"I see am not saying that fights are a bad thing just that something that one should avoid unless all other paths have been explored.", smiling at him with a bit of something in her eye of mischief or was it his first test.

Placing a hand upon Xander shoulder "One has to know when to act and when its times to watch.", as if on clue.

A large AKK Dog that had been tracking Xander waiting just for what could it be that he had his owner there with him. It was time to met this one that seem to be around her master after all one like Hunter didn't like new flesh around his owner or the little tiny ones that seem to be her own pups.

Giving out a low growl letting his razor sharp teeth and tail begin swagging back and forth. "Well, Xander what should you do it seem this one might be trying to make sure one knows his place in the

[member="Xander Stanforth"]system."
Xander nodded to [member="Maya Whitelight"] with a sigh.

"We all have our paths."

Xander would turn towards the growl seeing the large Akk Dog come out of the trees. Xander silently cursed igniting his saber holding it at the ready. He crouched a little low his eyes on the creature.

"Well then this certainly complicates matter." "So what's it going to be little fella." "Attack or retreat."

Xander talked to it with an even tone in his voice. His heart was racing but his hand was steady. He would not turn his back much less run.
Shaking her head at Xander with his first reaction was to to draw on a lightsaber. If with her force wonder and being a Master with one wave of her hand. As if plan she would take his saber from him put it in her pocket.


"You see first thing was to draw is that any way to be able to talk the animal down with a weapon to threaten.", as she walked around him out in the open putting about half the distance.

"Question is have you face a creature of such beauty like this before. Its scales can it be even broken by a training lightsaber like that.", as she nodded to Hunter, speaking to him in the force to stay where he was for the time being.

"Another question could be if AKK dogs are native on Voss if no what is it doing on Voss, maybe someone pet."

[member="Xander Stanforth"]
Xander did not take his eyes off of the Akk Dog. But he did answer her questions as he saber was yanked out of his hands.

"Since when is the defense of one's self the same as a threat." "While ignited my saber never moved from my side." If I wanted to jump to threatening then I would have simply just attacked would I not have."

He sighed.

"Maybe you can't cut everything with a saber but you can defend." "You can block, you can parry, you can buy time if need to figure out what does work if it came to it."

Xander kept his eyes on the Akk Dog.

"It approached and it growled." "Pets do not normally do that unless feral or trained to attack." "Should it have walked up sniffing then perhaps the response would have been different."

Xander sighed standing up right and turning to Maya.

"You want to feed me to my death then........................."

Xander opened his hands out wide looking at the Akk Dog.

"...........take my life." "Bath your hands in my blood." "But I will not apologies for taking my own safety into consideration."
This was a good way to test this one how much of panic could set in. Shaking her head at him, "Tis Tis you think I would feed you to this creature, more like to teach that there is other ways then the lightsaber, think of something else that could be used, as what if for some reason you find yourself with out your lightsaber.", she was now testing his defense skills.

As she sent out some of her own calming. in the force.

Speaking agian, first things was to teach some defense then offence.

[member="Xander Stanforth"]
Xander looked at [member="Maya Whitelight"] with a shrug.

"Like what my fists." "You will have to forgive me but riddles are not my strong suit."

He sighed.

"You drag me out here in the middle of nowhere and for what?"

He tone was quizzical not harsh. Like he was genuinely asking her why. Surely she knew jsut as much as the jedi that had found him did. Xander's connection to the Force was enough to warrant training but he would never be a true Master of the Force. The Guardian path had chosen him just as much as he had chosen it.
"No look around you what could you use to pick up to throw or better yet to get his attention somewhere else", giving him a lot of idea of what could be done. As she thought more on this she then let out a sigh this one would be different. After all no one would be the same, not like her other padawn very much welling to think out side the box of just a blade in hand.

Taking in a deep breath,"Hunter relax boy, this is enough game to play with him for now.", she just wanted to see how he would do in this situation. Know knowing that he had work to do.

[member="Xander Stanforth"]
Xander shook his head at [member="Maya Whitelight"] looking at her.

"To take a Predator's focus away from me would be to risk it finding a new victim." "That goes against my nature and something I will not do." "I will not risk the innocent jsut for the sake of your games."

He looked at the Akk dog.

"You may be willing to gamble with other people's lives but I am not."
"I see now then maybe you need to open yourself up to what is around you to see if there is any innocents near by which there isn't I can tell you that." with a wave Hunter came to her side.

"or you can see this is someone pet.", as she shook her head at him. "If you learn anything from the lesson today it is that there i more then one way to look at any kind of situation, not always with this.", as she handed back his weapon. "Now to teach you some of the basic should we, show me what you already know how to do in the force.

[member="Xander Stanforth"]
Xander sighed. It seemed when it came to [member="Maya Whitelight"] he would always be stuck between a rock and a hard place. When she made the comment about what he already knew he nodded.

"I can make myself a little faster and a little stronger." "I can stun droids and some people." "Other than that................"

Xander found what he was looking for. A few feet away a baseball sized rock lifted off the ground. It was a little shaky but it still floated a few inches off the ground until it bumped into another object and fell. Xander sighed before picking it up again with the force. After three tries he finally managed to set it down in front of Maya.

"I have begin practicing on the meditation side but it is not as strong as the others."

He took his saber back clipping it to his belt.
Giving nothing away she was such as to what he had already learn, "Now the question is who will you practice these skills." as she listen before she went into much of details of something.

"I think its time for a hunt of own to test what skill you have so far to give you know ones to work on.", as she gave him a nod. If his path was different then her own then she would teach him the best could. Giving him what he was needed in the future.

[member="Xander Stanforth"]
Xander looked at [member="Maya Whitelight"] with a furrowed brow.

"And what exactly am i supposed to be hunting?" "Meditation can be practiced anywhere and at any time." "Getting faster and stronger can be accomplished by a nature hike in uneven terrain."

He paused.

"The only catch is the stuns." "Practicing on people would be unethical and I don't think you have any droids hanging around in the middle of the woods."

He looked at her.

"Unless you have a different ability you intend to teach or work on." "I guess I am unclear what you are asking."

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