Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Its so Simple.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I'm not sure what you mean by "like him" But there's plenty of characters just like that on SWRP.

There's beast tamers, there's men who will cry at loss, there's regular humans who do interesting things, there's combinations of all of these things and way more. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, but the point is I'm more than willing to bet these types of characters already exist on SWRP. They just don't get as much fame as combat or political orientated characters because they stay out of the limelight, as such characters should.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

I understand what you mean, but they definitely do exist.

To be honest, lately I've been finding characters like these more enjoyable to write than the big bad force user or the Powerful Jedi. There's an interesting charm to being the every man.

The problem however is that in real life, most of the time, we are that guy. We're the normal people, the guys and girls that do our jobs day in and day out, the people that form connections and bonds. All in all, most of us writers are simple folk who don't really get much action or adventure in our lives.

Thats why we choose to write Sith Lords, Jedi, and adventurers extraordinaire. It's a fantasy that allows us to do something awesome and unthinkable and spin our wildest dreams.

Or thats how I see it anyway.
Alric Kuhn said:
The problem however is that in real life, most of the time, we are that guy. We're the normal people, the guys and girls that do our jobs day in and day out, the people that form connections and bonds. All in all, most of us writers are simple folk who don't really get much action or adventure in our lives. Thats why we choose to write Sith Lords, Jedi, and adventurers extraordinaire. It's a fantasy that allows us to do something awesome and unthinkable and spin our wildest dreams.
Yes. 100% true. I should know

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