Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
He smiled at her, though he didn't say anything else. Instead he wandered over towards the window. Another false image hovered there, a field of some sort with the sun slowly setting on the horizon. It was a nice picture, though it was still just a picture. Perhaps some people found it calming, Alric just found it somewhat...empty. He looked at it, then reached over and pressed a small button.

The image faded away.

It was quickly replaced with a view of space underlined by the planet below. Alric's eyes darted towards the surface, a heavenly blue color that stretched over the entire planet, mixed with white and gray. He smiled slightly, looking as the clouds slowly moved. From this height he could evne watch gathering storms. "I don't know what you mean."

Alric said to Danger as he heard her mumble. "I've never felt younger."

That was a lie, but it was one that he told himself every day.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Her voice came drifting from the other side of the couch; she was still looking for her other shoe, " Hitting the Aspha are you?" she'd dryly add, bending over to hoop her heel with her finger. Mentioning Aspha brought another thought to mind; the medical marvel had been a joint project between Titan Industries and Arceneau Trade. There were still a few loose ends to take care of...

He would hear her give a long exhale, and while he would study the slow drift of the planet below, Danger would cast her gaze upon him. Her expression would soften, and she'd just quietly observe him for a moment. There was something about seeing him standing there. Seeing him be there, that still got her from time to time.

What do you want? The question echoed in her mind again. A shadow shifted within her eyes as her mind would race.

Finally, she'd add, "The main factories that created the second half of the serum are still in Red Raven Territory."

The shift in topic would be to remind him of the fact that Aspha was still half in part with Titan. Something that they should likely consider changing soon enough. Without Arceneau, Titan could not make the serum, so it was a simple matter of changing whom could craft the final form.

Turning her head, she went about looking for her other shoe. "I've heard Obauldi has taken to solitude... and Titan factories all throughout the 'verse are tangled in uncertainty."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"I wouldn't worry about Titan." Alric mused quietly. The company was slowly falling into obscurity. They still had the manufacturing capability of a small nation, but they were less of a threat than before, and if Obauldi ever showed his face again...well Alric would make sure that his throat ended up with a rather large slice across it. Even Vong couldn't survive that.

"Aspha?" He mused quietly. Vanir didn't hold any stock in that, but he certainly could. "Give me a week or two. Some of the Shapers might not be too happy with Titan, I'll see if I can get them to come work for me."

Thats what they needed, shapers. Aspha Serum had been made through the blending of Yuuhan Vong and standard technology. The process was difficult, almost impossible really, but it was well worth the cost. Vanir Technologies could open a medical division, something to help in the process of it all. Alric Frowned slightly, half turning his head to Danger to see what her answer would be.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Her head popped up as she straightened, having found her other shoe. A slight arch of her brows came at that tidbit of information about the Shapers.

"Think you can produce the serum then?" came her query, setting her heels down upon the floor next to the couch. He could get it moved anywhere else later on, it was taking rather an obnoxious place where it currently sat. That had been Danger's original intent, if at least, to show a measure of humor.

Dress a bit rumpled, her hands would try to smooth out the wrinkles, bare feet padding on over to come to a stop beside the former Titan. Without the added height her pumps normally gave her, she was a good three inches shorter than usual. Both hands came up to run through her hair, finger combing it into some kind of semblance of order. It wasn't working too well.

Her green eyes fell to the planet below. "Could work together on it again."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He looked down at her and smiled, then back towards the viewport.

The planet below seemed to be rocketing on by, moving swiftly below the skyhook as though it had somewhere to go. The sun was beginning to peek out from the opposite side of the world, brightly casting its light over the entirety of the world. It was a pretty sight, far more than any fake image that could be displayed on the window. Alric closed his eyes for a moment then nodded. "We always do work well together."

It was the truth, though perhaps it would be taken in a different context then he meant it in that moment. Most people felt cold in space. It didn't matter if the heat was turned all the way up or if they had a hundred blankets, they simply felt cold because of the emptiness around them. Alric had never felt that way.

Space was something that had always fascinated him.

The best nights of sleep he had ever had had been in a space station. The best night of sleep he had ever had had been in zero gravity. Funny that.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

"That we do." Danger would agree, crossing her arms under her chest. They did, at least in the context Danger had taken his words. They worked well in business, in projects together. Years ago they were so in tune that each was able to instantly add in valuable input when it came to ideas. They were already restarting a bit of that. It was something that pleased her. Not to mention, being able to spend more time with Alric. That, was a desire she already knew she had.

Slowly but surely, everything was baby steps.

There was a faint smile on her face, and after a moment, would glance up towards the Tetan. She watched him, catching sight of his relaxed pose, the way he seemed content, if for the moment. It was nice.

She was happy for him. The apartment was one step. Lily and Rose, well, were others. Whatever and whenever that might come to full circle, she was sure things would work out between them. The Noghri were constantly sending her updates, but she had yet to hear anything from Alric himself. He'll tell her in his own good time --

I'm doing it again, the words came silently, realizing that she was doing what she had a tendency to. Keep up the distance and space. Normally, she'd never mention the girls outright, instead wait for Alric to bring them up. Yet she was curious how they both were, how their conversations had gone, what measures he's planning. Maybe it was because to a degree, she knew they were his family, and perhaps, she didn't want to come between that.

So many things were constantly racing through her mind, and she found herself nibbling on her lower lip. Emerald would drift over his relaxed expression then past the disheveled mop of his hair. Amusement would replace her worry, as the dark silver streaked forelocks would be bent in different directions. It reminded of when he was younger. Before she knew it, he would then feel the slight gentle run of her fingers as they went sliding into his hair.

"You're a mess." she'd murmur with mild humor. A second later, she asked, "Heard anything from Lily and Rose?"

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Goosebumps quickly ran down Alric's spine, the sensation of her fingers bringing a slight shiver to him.

It was almost calming, though slightly out of character for her. The Former Titan didn't move, only smiled and kept his eyes closed. He thought for a moment about what his answer should be. His daughters were doing well, but should he go into detail? A slight shrugged pulled across his shoulders and his eyes opened.

"They're doing well." He said with a slight smile. "Lily I think likes having me back home, she's more stable and working well. She has her own company and it's doing some expanding, they have a new line of fighters coming out soon."

Lily wasn't quite the corporate Titan that Alric was, but she also didn't have the same resources and knowledge that he did. Of course he was slowly helping her, but only when she asked for it, as any father would. "Rose."

He smiled at the thought of his other daughter as well. "Rose is in wild space. She sends me and Lily Holo-messages from the different planets she visits."
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Finger combing his hair into some sort of decency, Danger would pull her hand back after. She noticed the slight stiffening, then realized he wasn't used to her doing so. Makai and Saffron enjoyed it when she ran her fingers through their hair, it was meant as a show of affection as much as the desire to sooth. A cafune.

Maybe that was stepping a bit beyond the lines.

Her next question was to bring focus on Lily. "If Lily is happy that you are home... maybe having her live with you might be good for her?" probably a bit too soon, but she was well aware of just how things were a tense with Lily. She wasn't quite sure of the details, but Danger had heard about the auction and the events there.

"As for Rose..." She took a step forward, turning towards him, intending to lean against the solarium glassteel as a brace. With a slight cant to her head, she searched his face, "well she always struck me as the wandering sort. Erkerd is keeping a good eye on her."

"I'm glad she's still keeping in contact herself though."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He had already given that some thought, but for now he had decided not to do it. Lily needed her independence, she needed to know that with her father back it wasn't time to revert into being a little girl. He would support her, help her grow, and even be something to fall back on, but he would allow her to be her ow person. "I've thought about it, but I want them to be independent."

Alric said the words with a smile on her face.

"Despite my having just bought a new apartment I do actually own many homes." It was true, though he had given most over to Lily and Rose. "She stays there, I visit her whenever I can and she visits me. For now I think thats best, It will allow her to grow."

That was what was important to him, that his children grew. He suspected that such was the case for many parents. They wanted their children to be happy, healthy, and mature. For Alric he had made many mistakes, now was the time to make up for them. Half turning towards Danger he smiled and looked down at her. "Want to see one of her messages?"

He referred to Rose of course.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Independance was one of the main traits she respected. Which is why she was intrigued to see just what Rose was getting into. Erkard did send updates, but it wasn't the same as hearing it from Rose herself. However, Danger never actually expected to see one of those holomessges.

So Alric would be able to see the faint wash of surprise at the offer, but the way her expression would soften and how her lips went curving into a faint smile would reveal her pleasure at the offer.

"I'd like that." came her reply. While she had seen Lily, she had yet to meet Rose. Curious, considering Rose was named after her.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He smiled at Danger, and then slowly loosened himself from the slight grasp she had in his hair. He pulled away and from his jacket retrieved a small flat communicator. The former Titan placed it on the table before the couch, then motioned for Danger to come over. Slowly he leaned over and pressed a small key on the communicator.

Within seconds an image appeared, it was Rose, standing in what looked to be a mash up of a flak jacket, a metal breastplate, and odd cargo pants. Her hair was tucked into a neat ponytail, there was a knife hanging from the flak jacket, a blaster holstered on her thigh and there was a pair of glasses over her fair that could barely be seen to project a small HUD. There was a smile on her face, her hands were bunched up at her sides. She looked like she had been drenched from head to toe.

"Hey dad." Her voice rang out within the room as she shifted slightly. "I'm on the ninth world of my trip now. It's a jungle planet, hot as all hell and humid."

She looked as though she was rather grumpy about that. "I found some sort of ruin here, I think it's an old Jedi Temple but I can't really recognize any of the markings."

A shrug rolled over her shoulder.

"I'm doing good. The stuff Uncle Kiran gave me has been a lot of help, the glove especially, a few times I had to move rocks and boulders out of my way, once or twice I even pulled a tree out of the ground!" She chuckled, her head tilting back as a hand ran through her hair. "I think I'm gonna go somewhere cold next."

Rose giggled at the prospect of that, though it was in excitement rather than out of humor. Suddenly her expression turned serious.

"I miss you." Her head shook. "But I'm not ready to come home yet. I'm having fun here, discovering things, finding out who I am. It's dangerous, but I know its the right thing to do. I don't want you guys to worry, I'll be okay out here."

She offered a small smile. "I have to go, I have to start a fire before nightfall, keep the snakes away. I love you."

Another small smile, an then Rose reached over and shut off the Camera.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Danger had sunk down onto the couch so as to have a better view of the recording. Her eyes would search beyond the message, reading between the lines. It was odd, perhaps, because this was the first time actually getting and up and close look at Rose. Most of the other holo film intel came from security cameras or taken from Erkard's own logs.

This was different.

She was still skinny, you could see it in the angles of her face. She got her cheekbones from Alric, certainly the red hair from her mother. But the bright blue eyes, those were definitely her father's.

There was weariness etched upon her features, certainly physical labor made things taxing, but there was also an underlying grit that made her smile. It was that grit that would ease the worry. She'd be okay.

Danger could understand not being ready to come home yet, she had also traveled the 'Verse when she was younger. Granted, things changed... All one could do now was wait.

"Rose will do just fine. She has your grit." Danger finally told him.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He made a noise in the affirmative.

Alric simply stared at the image of his daughter there on the hologram, leaning forward to shut off the camera. He missed his daughter, there was no question in that, he missed her with every fiber of his being. Yet he knew that he was okay, that she was doing the right thing for himself. A sigh escaped his lips, and slowly he wandered around the table to go and seat himself beside Danger, leaving the image of Rose up on the screen.

"I know." He said finally. "I still miss her."

He missed them both really, he yearned to have them all together again. "I think she was on Tatooine at one point, or close to it at least."

It wouldn't surprise him if she came back that way eventually, though of course where she went was a mystery to everyone but Rose herself, and maybe Lily.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

"I'll keep my eye out then," Danger told him, watching him sink into the couch beside her. She gave a faint grin, leaning back against the couch. Her arm came up to perch along the backrest, her hand coming up to brace her head upon her fingers, pads to forehead and chin.

One could see that Alric Kuhn held a special place for his daughters. There was love there, along with a deep ache. She still didn't understand why he would have left the girls to begin with; why did he and Silara simply disappear without taking the girls with them? Oh the worry about Obauldi was there, what that it came out of the blue, but... she just didn't see it as something Alric would have decided upon. Could it have been Silara?

It made one wonder.

"Don't worry... I won't bother her none." she added with a wry quirk of the corner of her mouth, bringing her legs up to tuck under herself. Her free hand went on to smooth over her skirt, keeping it in place. Funny, how things come to full circle. That's just life she supposed.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He chuckled. "Why?"

There was no reason to stay away, at least not that he saw.

"They're adults." Sure there had been mistakes, but that didn't mean that Danger had to stay away, that she could never meet them. "They know who you are, Danger. Or rather, they know of you."

He smiled slightly, nostalgia coming over them. "I used to tell them stories, bed time stories. How I trekked through the deserts of Tatooine, how I took down an evil cult. It was a tad indulged mind you, mixed with truths, but they were stories of us, with parts left out."

The last thing went without saying of course. He had not told them everything, far from it, but he had spun fanciful tales mixed and dazzled with the truths of his life. What he had done and where they had gone. Rose and Lily had always enjoyed those stories, Rose in particular. Perhaps that was why she was in the outer rim now.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Danger gave a sharp arch of her eyebrow.

"Indulged did you?" looking at him with the expression of a woman who was well aware of what kind of tall tale Alric could weave. It was exaggerated when they had dealt with the Star Cabal, but bullpoodoo none the less.

"And just what percentage of truth was it to your stories?" she asked, her tone indicating that she was sure it was in the higher double digits. She made herself more comfortable on the couch, adding wryly, "Just so I make sure I know which version of the truth I should stick to."

Truth be told, she was curious. Just what did he tell the twins of her? What did they know?

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He shrugged.

"There wasn't much to be hidden." Alric said quietly. "I left out the killing, the parts about what happened with the Tuskens, at least the worst of it, The...more detailed things of what you and I went through."

She would know what he meant. "Neither Lily or Rose were really ever much for romance. They liked the action, the adventure of the whole tale. I told them we were chased by a Krayt Dragon."

He smiled slightly as Nostalgia hit him. He remembered indulging in the action of the story like that, how Lily and Rose had reacted. he smirked slightly, looking over at Danger.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

She knew what he meant, and no, she didn't expect him to detail the gritter details. However, the addition of being chased by a Krayt Dragon prompted a half snort chuckle.

"Oh really? A Kryat Dragon?" she gave a shake of her head, closing her eyes, settling back. The corner of her mouth perked in mild amusement. It was nice actually, hearing him talk about the girls. About the tales he wove, even if she knew they were tinged with hyperbole.

"And just how did you manage to save our skins then?" she'd ask, mock inquiry in her voice as she edged it with dramatic flair.

"Go on Alric...what happened next?" she said with a soft request, but it was said with more sincerity than a tease. She was curious about the experience his daughters had been subject to. The storytelling. The way his voice would inflect and dip, how he might paint a scene.

Things were seen through nostalgia as the years pass, and while she was aware of the brutal truth of what they had experienced, she wanted him to tell her the story as he had done to Rose and Lily.

And maybe, understand them a bit better.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He smiled. "Well that's easy, Danger."

There had been many retellings of this story, many nights in which he had sat with both of his daughters and told them all about his adventures. He remembered those nights well, they were some of his favorite. A soft smile touched his lips as he dove deep into the nostalgia, his eyes focusing on Danger for a moment as he snapped himself out of it.

"You were carrying explosive at the time, because of course thats what the people of Tatooine do." Not too far from the truth really. "While the Krayt Dragon roared you managed to throw one of those explosives into it's mouth."

Alric had no idea if that would actually work, but he assumed that it would be a substandard method of killing such an enormous creature, even if it was a bit far fetched. Still, it had made for a good story, which in the end had been all that mattered to Alric and his Daughters.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Her short laugh would suggest it was a rather foolhardy way to go about it, and it was confirmed to a degree when she said, "I must of had a deathwish."

Chuckling low, Danger swung her legs out from under her then brought them up. Extending them out so she could lay down lengthwise on the couch. Only difference is that this time around, she would use Alric's lap as a pillow. Her head came down, sinking against his lap as she lay on her back, her curvy legs moving to settle on top of the opposite armrest.

Her eyes slid open into small slits, and mild amusement glittered in her green eyes as she stared up at him.

"Okay... start from the beginning. " she asked him, making herself comfortable, a crooked smile creeping over her face. "So you came to Tatooine..."

For a moment, it was as if the years fell away from the Queen of Trade. One would see the girl that used to be there, the one who was far more trusting, far more jovial than the shrewd businesswoman the 'verse knew her as.

And maybe, for that moment, she was.

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