Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private It's All a Matter of Milkshakes

Dasha's Diner was one of those places that used to be a secret. The kinda place that served great food and nice drinks without breaking your credit account. Naturally, that lasted for all of a couple months, before some clout-chasing Coruscanti blabbed all over the Holonet and wham, now everyone was there. At least, it seemed like everyone. Alysanne had never had to queue for half an hour just to reach the counter, that was for sure.

By the time she'd got there, her limited patience had worn down to the last slender thread. Any good mood or smile that she'd shown before had been brutally dragged out and left to die in the cool Coruscant afternoon. A flustered guy behind the counter, barely older than her, looked her over from behind his screen.

"Double-chocolate milkshake, extra syrup, extra milk, cream and with a caramel shard on top," Alysanne demanded, hands pushing on the edge of the counter.

"Aren't you a little young to be ordering all that sugar?" the guy asked. Her eyes widened in shock. Was she being insulted by him, a boy with a wispy moustache?

"I'm paying, I'll order what I bloody want," she growled at him, daring him to say something in return. "Get me my sugary slop. And a large fries. Please." Every word was like a dagger. Truly, she had done well to defeat that most horrid of foes: a minimum wage worker that was nearing the edge. She took a number and looked around for somewhere to sit, only to find the entire place was filled with teens. Talking. Laughing. Dating. A truly revolting state of affairs.

Luckily, there was one booth free, wedged on the other side of the doors. Moving quickly, Alysanne strode over towards it, wanting to make sure that nobody else grabbed it first. Nobody. She didn't care if she had to shove someone's grandparent, or baby sister, aside. She was having that booth. When she arrived, she almost threw herself into that squeaky, red, imitation-leather seat. Now, all she had to hope for was that nobody decided to with her.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Alysanne Alysanne

Coruscant, he hadn't missed coming here by the very least. Back in the gang days, he came here regularly for business. And that wasn't always the most legal you'd find on the planet. At least now he was visiting in better circumstances, with people around him he knew he could trust with his life.

The reason for even being on this planet was to train and visit the old Jedi temple, one of which was a shadow of its former self. He had come with a few other padawans and knights who were given the task of watching over them as well as the temporary job of being their mentors for the time being. They weren't trouble by the very least, but sometimes their curiosities could get the better of them, especially during training.

Today, Silas had been given a day off to do some of his own personal development. He didn't have to do this, but if he wanted to make the most of his power he needed to sacrifice a bit of himself to get where he wanted to be. Personal time was one of them, that was filled with mostly exercise and development of the force. Right now, he was doing just that, jogging around the streets of Coruscant to his heart's content.

Keeping to the areas he knew were safer than most, he decided to come to a stop after an hour of nonstop movement. Not because he was tired, but the fact he didn't want to push himself too hard. Silas steadied his breathing as he leaned up against the wall of a diner, both hands on his hips to help regain some much needed air. Curiously, his head turned to the entrance and looked inside, visibly seeing how busy it was inside the comfy looking diner before him. It wouldn't hurt to grab some water...

Silas pushed the doors open and waited in the line like everyone else, looking around for any empty seats he could snag for a sitdown. Although, at the front of the line an obnoxious voice would grab his attention. In Coruscant's name, how could she be so rude? the man was only trying to do his job. Watching her with a raised brow until she sat down, it didn't take long for him to reach the front.

"Water, with ice please" he said with a friendly smile as he shot a look back to the girl "And please, keep the change. You're doing a great job..." he stated to the man, one of which was replied with a nod of respect from the man. After he had slid his water over to him, he glared across the line of seats and saw no space, other than one with the mouthy girl inside. Silas gave himself a little sigh before walking over to where she was sitting, taking a small sip of his water before he decided to speak

"Hello miss, mind if I sit here?" he asked politely, even though it was bound to be met with hostility.

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