It will be fun, they said. You'll improve your workplace environment, they said. x)
Vrag The Second Seal, broken. Character Bio Feb 3, 2015 #1 It will be fun, they said. You'll improve your workplace environment, they said. x)
Via Dolorosa Amans In Tenebris Character Bio Feb 3, 2015 #2 hmm.......the links don't work for me...unless that's the pointe then boo...the jokes on me.
Vrag The Second Seal, broken. Character Bio Feb 3, 2015 #3 [member="Xhexania"] yeah, that was a fail on my part (and some laziness too xD) they're fixed now
Via Dolorosa Amans In Tenebris Character Bio Feb 3, 2015 #4 they remind me of something that should be on the TARDIS
Vrag The Second Seal, broken. Character Bio Feb 3, 2015 #5 really? why? it's just your garden-variety keyboard. x)