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Character Issachar The Unbreakable


Issachar "The Unbreakable"

The Mandalorian Enclave

RANK: Foundling, Vod

SPECIES: Annoo-dat Prime

AGE: The species equivalent of 50

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 8'9"

WEIGHT: 640 Pounds

EYES: Black

HAIR: Black with small flecks of grey



  • Skilled at his Job: He is a Mandalorian, so he already has to be good at combat. But even beyond that, he is a natural tinkerer. Anything he touches he seems to understand how it works, and can modify it to his needs. He also is a decent pilot, and also has some natural charisma.
  • Strong Man: With four arms alone he is naturally stronger than most species in the galaxy. But with the way his species is genetically, and the fact he is in the upper percents of them strength wise, he is notoriously strong.

  • Hard, Hot Headed: His beliefs are held above any others, and if someone wishes to try and "correct" them he will fight tooth and nail to keep them. He also is very arrogant and confident, and nothing can stop him if he believes he is right or going to win.
  • Big Frame: He is absolutely huge, and is already a big target outside of armor. He is not very good at hiding or Stealth of any kind, and sticks out like a sore thumb.

Issachar is massive, even for his species. He is rather muscular, his well built frame covered in small wrinkles and minor scars. The most prevalent scar is over his left two eyes, which have been replaced with two white cybernetics. His head horns have been shortened by sanding, two sweeping back near his crown while two more are closer to his temples. He keeps his hair cut down to his shoulders, though most of the time he has it tied in a ronin bun.

Issachar does not remember much of his younger life, he remembers nothing before his time as a Foundling. All he remembers is that he was in one of the many small fringe groups of Mandalorian society, being trained for all forms of weaponry and combat he could learn from them. He always had a connection to the one who had found him, an older Mandalorian by the name of Krath, who in turn had a fondness for the young alien. He saw potential in the quickly growing boy, not just physically but with the quick learning and the intellect he had. Krath had taught the young Issachar how to modify his weapons and armor to suit the owners own needs. That had a profound effect on the young Annoo-dat Prime, who never had a piece of stock gear after that lesson. He and Krath were often found doing jobs as partners, the clan of two working together like they were of one mind between two bodies.
That was until, one day, the pair encountered a user of the dark side of the Force. They understood the risk they took with not retreating from the battle, but the chance to gain the honor of killing a member of the ancient enemy was irresistible to the pair. The fight was long and grueling, but Issachar was pushed over the edge when Krath was finally felled by a beheading by the red hot blade of the saber. The huge Mandalorian's vision went red and he had lost all thought beyond the intent to kill. The young Sith either overestimated his own skills or underestimated the Mandalorian, but when he snapped too Issachar found the combatant had lost the use of one of his arms and met his end by having his skull crushed between the hands of the Annoo-dat Prime.
Issachar took the saber from the fallen foe and the armor of the man who was like a father to him, and brought them back to his ship. The saber he stored as a trophy, one he knew would not be the last. With Krath's armor he instead melted down, and melting his own armor down, used the pair to create a new, pure Beskar'gam. Knowing Krath was always with him now, Issachar now knew his life's purpose: to rid the galaxy of the Sith plauge for once and for all.

Mandalore's Fist
Mandalorian Armor (WIP)
Modified M.I. 'Sunstroke' Jetpack
Modified Firebrand Thermite Grenade Launcher
Modified Voxyn Charric Rifle
Modified M.I. Model 38 Blaster Rifle
Modified EF-M401E Enforcer Series Scattergun - 'Rampage' Edition
Modified Twin Vornskr Revolver
Haon's Twin Mandalorian Heavy Blasters
Two custom two handed Beskads

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