Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Issaal Numara

Interpreter of Visions

Issaal Numara

AlignmentLawful Good
Age57 Years
Force SensitiveYes
Faction New Jedi Order
RankJedi Master
Gender Female
Height5 Feet, 9 Inch
Weight154 pounds
Image SourceAnna Christenson


Issaal Numara is an elderly Mirialan, her age evident in the deep lines etched into her sage-like features. Her once-vibrant green skin has faded slightly over the years, giving her a more earthy appearance. Her most striking features are the intricate tattoos that adorn her face and arms, each a testament to her spiritual and life experiences. The tattoos, usually reserved for marking significant milestones, are a blend of swirling patterns and symbols, in hues of dark green and black, that crisscross her cheeks and forehead. They tell the story of a long and profound journey through the Force.

She is draped in flowing purple robes that sweep gracefully around her as she moves, giving her an aura of wisdom and authority. The robes are well-worn, revealing her lifetime of devotion to her beliefs. A traditional habit sits on her head, woven from the same purple fabric, adding an extra layer of spiritual significance to her attire, a testament to her unshakable commitment to the order.



Issaal Numara possesses a personality that embodies kindness and empathy in their purest forms. Her heart is a wellspring of compassion, and her actions consistently reflect her deep concern for the well-being of those around her. She approaches all beings, regardless of their background or species, with an open heart and a willingness to listen. Her wisdom is derived from a lifetime of service and contemplation, allowing her to provide counsel that soothes troubled minds and guides lost souls onto a path of healing and enlightenment.

Issaal's voice is a powerful instrument of her empathy and soothing presence. When she speaks, it is as if the very essence of tranquillity flows from her words, wrapping those who hear her in a comforting embrace. Her melodic, calming tone has the remarkable ability to dissolve tensions and fears, bringing a sense of serenity to even the most tumultuous of moments. Her voice is a beacon of hope and reassurance, and it has the rare quality of making anyone feel understood, accepted, and loved.


▲Master Consular.
▲Strong connection with the force.

▼ Rule follower.
▼ Limited Combat Skills.



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