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Is this a Dathomirian horror holoflick?

Dathomirians were well-known to be using Force-sensitive actors to play the villains in horror holoflicks, most of which feature some supernatural features. Cathul was approached several times by Dathomirian and non-Dathomirian filmmakers but for different purposes. She turned down Tenloss Corporation for different reasons from turning down Dathomiri Studios: the former because she was not interested in holoporn (in fact Tenloss making her beskar'gam would assuredly have resulted in her likeness being featured in holoporn) and the latter because the filmmaking crew was inexperienced. When her newest patient, [member="Lilith Sedarri"], arrived at her clinic on Mandalore, Cathul had nothing but this Dathomirian witch costume with its associated pointy hat typical of such holomovies.

"Witch doctor, the patient, Lilith Sedarri, has arrived" M-6PO told Cathul.

"Bring her in"

She heard her cries in the Force, what good would seeing a witch do to her? Will Lilith listen to Cathul about how quantum physics (quantum mechanics and quantum field theory to be more precise) actually play a role in how Force-powers work? This is a novel theory that is obscure because it is, well, novel.


Well-Known Member
Mandalore. Located in the depth of Clan space, she felt slightly on edge. She didn't feel as if she was in immediate danger but everyone had heard about the Mandalorian Clans. Gathered together under a new Mand'alor, Ra Vizsla, the Clans had ravaged several planets held by various factions. The tales and histories of their heroic and savage feats of strength were spread galaxy wide by the holo-news network. It almost excited her despite her worry. She'd never met a Mandalorian before, but according to the latest tabloid they were just as fierce and passionate in their personal lives as they were in battle. She shook her head slightly at the thoughts crossing her mind. It was then that she'd heard her name called at the small clinic and rose. She pressed her hands to the dress she was wearing, flattening the wrinkles she'd accumulated as she waited. Smiling at the attendant she bowed her head respectfully and followed her deeper into the clinic.

It was an odd place to learn about the Force, to be entirely honest, she'd balked at the idea of travelling to Mandalore during such a tense time between the Clans and other factions in the universe. She'd shrugged it off. Her goal was to learn about the Force, wherever that may take her. So far she'd only been a few places, but she loved travelling, and learning. It was the latter that brought her to the clinic today, the appointment a ruse to learn more about the Force. She didn't truly require therapy but it couldn't hurt to let the doctors think she did, at least for now. During her studies Lilith had come across mention of a witch who practiced here and it was that which drew her, more than the supposed passions and behaviors of Mandalorians. As Lilith was ushered into the room she saw what she assumed to be the doctor, seated at a desk, the room furnished with comfortable furniture, a warm fuzzy feeling emanating from the walls. It was almost as if this place danced with living, breathing power. It was this power that sent a shiver down her spine. She could feel it here, on Mandalore, a subtle savagery thrashing beneath the surface. It was that energy which must have carried itself into the blood of its children, why the Mandalorians were so drawn to war and conflict. Her eyes traced along the walls, admiring the decoration at first but then finally coming to rest on the Twi'lek there. She curtsied, dipping as she did so.

"Doctor Thuku? Lilith." She said, introducing herself.

[member="Cathul Thuku"]​
"I think I have what you need to cure your problems: knowledge about the Force! Now, if I may begin, Dathomiri magic is but one way to look at the Force, closer to the wand-and-broomstick wizards and witches the Dathomirian horror holoflick studios always are keen to show us, where the main villains are played almost exclusively by Force-sensitives. The Witches always talk about spirit ichor but I have the impression that the spirit ichor are actually quantized, or even the manifestation of quantum operators, and that quantum physics can shed light on exactly how the Force acts. To me there are classical and quantum uses of the Force; I'll get to that later"

Among Witches, Cathul has become the go-to girl for all things related to quantum mechanics, even though most reasons that would push a Witch to ask about quantum mechanics is not for spellweaving, but for collaborating with NFUs in tech development. Even with the Force, something that is observable is a described by Hermitian operators. Which means that, according to the quantum theory of the Force, observables are Hermitian operators and can only assume eigenvalues when observed. And, from there, one can guess there are Hermitian and non-Hermitian spirit ichor. With quantum magic, you have to understand that the main parameters of a problem are essentially captured in the Hamiltonian if the problem is non-relativistic and the Lagrangian if the problem is relativistic. And there are things you cannot observe simultaneously with arbitrary precision; the precision you can get on each observable depends on their commutator. (That is, there are some varieties of spirit ichor that don't get along with each other but it's a question of mathematics to determine whether such is the case) And classical spells still apply so long as one does not violate the laws of physics.

[member="Lilith Sedarri"]


Well-Known Member
Lilith was slightly surprised at how quickly the conversation had taken a deep turn. Standing there, somewhat caught off guard, she absorbed what the woman was saying. It wasn't that she was particularly overwhelmed, but the concepts that the Twi'lek was speaking about were highly subjective. If what she was saying was close to the truth, it had much deeper implications about matter, about existence, and about the nature of the Force. What was it she had read? The Force was a living and breathing thing. For all intents and purposes, the Force was a living force. Sure, there were debates about what exactly the source was, some claimed midi-chlorians, other claimed that the midi-chlorians were merely a vessel used by the force or created by the force to commune with other sentient beings. What it sounded like this witch was saying that it all came down to... physics?

Lilith didn't exactly agree, but it had piqued her interest. Collecting herself after being bombarded with so much information in such a short time period, she pressed her hands against her dress once more, smoothing out some ruffles as she moved forward to a chair positioned in front of the desk. Delicately seating herself, she paused in thought before speaking.

"So what you hypothesize is that the force is quantitative, limited by a system of numbers and mass? It seems strange to me that it could be so simple. The Force as we know it and as we understand it, which is quite limited aside from its application..." She paused, looking for the words. "It's so primal! The Jedi have traced the Force to Midi-chlorians, but even then they've never discovered precisely how they're related other than general rule of thumb. You mean to say that the Force, is quantifiable? By what definition? By Midi-chlorian count? By molecules and atoms?"

She raised her hand to her temples, gently massaging them before brushing a stray lock of her blonde hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

[member="Cathul Thuku"]​
"When we say something is quantized, we mean that it is available in discrete quantities, that is, in blocks that cannot be further subdivided. Witches talk about spirit ichor but their spirit ichor come in many, many different varieties: charge, elementary particles, mass, spin, even momenta (linear and angular), well, any physical - and chemical - observable quantity you can think about. Midichlorians are microsocpic agents that allow living things to bend the laws of physics to their will. And chemistry if you are talking about spells like Force-fertilizer, which allows accelerated growth of plants, pyrokinesis, or Force-alcohol"

Cathul was simply put very, very different from your run-of-the-mill Witch. Witches usually didn't like science much, or even have that much scientific knowledge, and thought very little about how the action of the Force actually has scientific grounding most of the time. But intellect gave Force-users that much more fear factor. Sure she would be able to cure some cancers by just tacking on bremsstrahlung inside a tumor, or to phase through walls by making use of quantum tunneling effects. But Force-radiation, Force-phasing, Force-refraction... these are the epitome of quantum spells. Pyrokinesis could be a classical spell if you consider solely the manipulation aspect so long as you are not talking about the creation of the fire. But quantum physics could give a new twist to pyrokinesis in that it will increase or decrease an object's temperature without making it go on fire. All she has to do is to add or remove, in the case of a solid, thermal oscillation quanta (if the Debye model of a solid is correct)... doing so on liquids is the part that is least understood. She wants something to melt, she keeps adding thermal oscillation quanta until the rotational degrees of freedom kick in.

[member="Lilith Sedarri"]

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