Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Is anyone willing to train this guy?

Now, rather than grandfathering Solan's rank to this character, and keeping him archived for later, I am looking to work through the ranks again. But the situation is a bit strange in that I need a master who is more a teacher than a guide and authority figure like what is normally done between student and master.

The reason for this, is that Edric is a ruler first and while he will be up and about (likely to join some larger government be it dark or light sided which will likely depend on the master) his first duty will always be as that Ruler he is. Does this mean I am asking for a teacher without adventures? God no, infact I spent alot of time making up Kesh in such a way that it can survive without Edric should he leave the planet to go on escapades and building up a loyal armed force so that none can try and seize it while hes gone.

In short, I need a master who can teach Edric without expecting a subservient student who is able to devote themselves to that master like normal. Adventures are always a plus and very easy to do even if Edric is a king so no worries there.

PS: With the recent events in my life, I will be extremely active when not working, so an active master is a plus...

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