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Ironwolf III-class Star Destroyer

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Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm



  • Classification: Star Destroyer
  • Length: 1600m
  • Width: 900m
  • Height: 450m
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: Class 0.6 (Class 15.0 Backup)
  • Crew: 37,885
    Minimum Crew: 5,000

[*]Passengers: 9,700
[*]Cargo Capacity: 36,000 metric tonnes
[*]Consumables: 6 years

[*]Environmental Systems:

[*]Medical Bay
[*]Navigation System
[*]Ray Shields

[*]Propulsion Systems:

[*]Ion Drives
[*]Maneuvering Jets

[*]Sensor and Targeting Systems:


[*]Warhead Armament:

[*]Total: 300

[*]Defensive Armament:

[*]Overall Total: 1480

[*]Reinforced Hull



  • 2x Squadron
  • Many x Infantry, and vehicle, transports.

  • Strengths:
    [+] Offensive Capabilities: With a variety of powerful weaponry, the Ironwolf III boasts astonishing firepower.
  • [+] Defensive Capabilities: Equipped with redundant deflector shields, and a reinforced hull, the Ironwolf III possesses incredible defenses.

  • [-] Bridge Tower: The Ironwolf III's bridge tower serves as a glaring target for enemy vessels.
  • [-] Firing-Arc: Few of the Ironwolf III's weapons can fire on targets to its rear.


The Ironwolf III-class Star Destroyer was an improved variant of the Ironwolf II-class Star Destroyer. Designed by Iron Wrath Industries, and produced by the Iron Empire; it was a warship conceived for planetary defense, planetary assault, troop transport, and ship-to-ship combat. It saw use as part of the Iron Imperial Navy, serving the role of an Elite Star Destroyer. It was visually distinctive from its predecessors., due to its black painted hull.

The Ironwolf III's defensiveness capabilities were identical to that of the Ironwolf II. It was equipped with primary deflector shields, redundant deflector shields, and a reinforced hull. As typical for the line, its primary shield generators sat nestled within the Ironwolf III itself, and the redundant shield generators stood atop its bridge tower.

In addition to the weaponry already present on the Ironwolf and Ironwolf II's, the Ironwolf III featured 40 Mass Driver Batteries, 1 Hyper Velocity Cannon, and 40 Quad Laser Cannons. These allowed the Star Destroyer to engage enemy vessels at any range. However, like it's predecessors, it was most effective in close-to-mid range combat.

Similarly to the Ironwolf, and Ironwolf II, this combination of offensive weaponry, and defensive equipment, left the Ironwolf III-class Star Destroyer with limited space to transport starfighters. As such, it could house only two squadrons, for a total of 24 craft.
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