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Knight Houses of Iokath

The Eternal Remnant lives. The Knights of Zakuul have survived on the world of Iokath and formed a new society and government of neutral Force Users, prosperity, justice and order.

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The Smiling Myrmidon


The Eternal Empire is gone. The Order of Zildrog defeated. The Galaxy has moved on and only brief chapters in history books state about the Empire which came, conquered and disappeared. An antagonist the Will of the Force disagreed with and got therefore crushed by the most unlikely of coalitions. Today there is actually a realm which bears the name of the realm of old, but they have little in common.

In the vast reaches of space the spirit of Zakuul survived. Followers of the values of the Eternal Empire, the Knights of Zakuul remained alive and carried on their ideology, the flame of the dragon was kept aflame. Iokath was the secret origin of the power of Zakuul, its technology fueling the original warmachine and giving them an edge over the domains of the Republic and Sith. And it was empty. So the remnants of the once glorious Empire spanning thousands of worlds gathered on this remote and unique world, the location salvaged from records of the terrorist alliance.

With the imperial family gone, the remnants united in houses, not bloodlines, but units of merit and skill, specializing in certain aspects but all adhering to the traditions, trainings and doctrines of the Knights of Zakuul. They were hidden and time was on their side. The rifts which once existed, were gone. The Knights, the Scions and Horizon Guard now doing their parts, side by side. The memory of Valkorion was a distant taste and his suspected involvement with the Sith which became more obvious over the years degraded his reverence from god-like status to being a prophet of Izax himself. The old Zakuulan Pantheon experienced a rebirth.

Due to the near-infinite amount of energy output which was possible on Iokath, the majority of the military would still be supplied by droids, Skytroopers. Very capable automated soldiers, far superior in their programming to ordinary battle droids like the B1 series. The ships which once existed were slowly being rebuild, the mighty flagship spearheading the newly founded fleet of GEMINI units. But not everything was droid based. Commando Units, security forces and intelligence agents were sentient, their species did not matter, only their skill did.

A new society was founded over the centuries, based on prosperity and justice. Decadence was not unknown, but it was frowned upon. Education and enlightenment were two key tenets which dictated the life of everyone, each individual knew it was part of a bigger picture and that their contribution mattered. Hard labor was sourced to droids for the sentients to focus their time on research and progress, on education and enlightenment, on defense and justice.

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The Smiling Myrmidon


Hello and Welcome!

With the manifold possibilities here on this board I have thought to create my own little contribution based on my favorite Star Wars Faction. I just joined a few days ago and took my time to look at the setting and opportunities which could be realized and I was amazed! Therefore I moved into deep meditation if I should try to launch this and just doing it now.

What is this faction about?
About the original Eternal Empire and the Knights of Zakuul, pretty much that sums it up. The faction existed as part of two expansions for the MMORPG The Old Republic and I loved their aesthetics and theme, even though the story telling kinda was meh and killing them was quite sad. They left a lot open in regards to background and I want to fill certain things here and give it an up to date touch. More creative writers are very welcome! This is not limited to Zakuul and I would really like to see more unique Knight Houses join the cause.

What options do I have in regards to character creation?
  • Knights:We just refer to them as Knights of House XYZ now, but their aesthetics and idea are based on the Knights of Zakuul. Enforcers of justice, warriors for the Eternal Empire, Gray Force users who see the Force as a tool. Usually equipped with Lightsaber pike and shield they are much like hoplites but with space magic.
    • Knight House creation: Additionally I want to offer the possibility, because Knights should have heraldry, to create your own Knight Houses with certain specialisations. Be it like siege warfare, experimental weapons, investigation, undercover work - whatever floats your boat and makes your experience more fun to enjoy!
  • Scions: Whereas Knights are more combat focused, using their weapons and the Force to aid in their physical prowess, the Scions are the second path. Basically what the Consular is for the Jedi, but more focused around the faction and reinforcing powers like Battle Meditation and Farsight are their main traits. But those are no restrictions, just the general NPC theme!
  • Horizon Guard: They are basically the SpecOps and are elite soldiers, with extensive special operations training they are meant to act like an elite unit for infiltration, exfiltration, sabotage, shock troops and so on.
  • Commando: The standing NFU army of the houses, small in numbers but highly trained and versatile. They are usually used to secure and defend positions or guard certain locations.
  • Overwatch: The security forces of the interior and spies. They are responsible for monitoring friend and foe alike, do not be fooled by the claims of community and elevated society. Everyone is strictly monitored and checked. Overwatch has total control.

  • Exarchs: The leaders of each house, cybernetically enhanced super soldiers, these individuals are the most powerful Force users and warriors in the domain of the Eternal Remnant. Only second to the High Justice, they are fearsome individuals, strong and zealous in their pursuit of protecting and maintaining justice as well as spreading the doctrines of old Zakuul.

What is our Roleplay Focus and Appeal?

I hope to find people who are interested in either the aesthetics of Zakuul, who are bored of the average Jedi and Sith force user organisation (hail you Imperial Knights, but we are more shiny) or who have the strong like for actual, chivalric Knights in space with glowsticks. You can go full custom for the latter if you are interested.

The idea here is to cater the needs for a less imperial, less Force religion based faction which is very neutral and does not hesitate to get its hand dirty for the greater good. Research and technological progress are a focus as well, so scientists, doctors are welcome too!

There is the possibility to play as a droid character too, but that is very narrow and needs a dedicated clanker-lover to be satisfied I guess.

To sum it up: For FUs we offer a Gray and militarised path which can be made more Knightly, for NFUs you can do anything from scientists to company owners, from the average soldier to elite commando forces and from spies to intelligence network directors. A lot around.

The stories will be focused to give everyone a chance to have fun and enjoy the setting, exploring Iokath and the Unknown Regions as well as getting into the thick of it and playing with the big guns with the big boys.

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