Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into Darkness Fell His Star

The planet Taris had always been a phenomenon that Ultimatum had wished to explore. Perhaps he would get the chance, after he had chased down the bounty that he had picked up on the HoloNet. He wondered what exactly the man had done, there was information on the general idea of what he had done, but not the specifics. It was those that would have told Ultimatum what kind of man he was dealing with, but instead he would have to find out on planet.

He had checked his armaments before leaving Mustafar, he had a sniper rifle set to stun though that could be changed fairly easily, his blaster pistol, and then he had the ship, the Fate. He had made this ship for the sole purpose of attacking ground targets for opening a landing position. He hoped that it would be enough. He wanted to take this guy alive if possible. Let the others do what they would to the guy, a corpse was only dead.

He would arrive on the surface of the planet soon. From there he would begin a hunt for more exact information, no need to jump ahead in the steps.

[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
Cryil aproaches Taris Looking at the planet, his ship The Eclair depolyed it S-Foils ready to head into the atmosphere. The bounty was on Taris, that was all the information that was needed. While the exact location was unknown he knew that his prey wouldn't escape. Cryil looks at his Sniper and Blaster then over to his Brother Growl "let's end this quickly and get paid"
Growl begins loading his rifle as Cyril speaks to him and replies "We can do this two ways,either go to major cities and ask around for a man selling those Hawks or we pay our way through snitches and find out his location.Either way we are killing him and getting paid so i'll leave it to you to decide brother."Growl finishes loading his rifle and awaits his brothers decision.
Growl would reply "Fair enough" and put his helmet on.He was prepared for what would come next on this hunt,whether he or his brother lose their lives did not scare him one bit,hell Growl felt confident that they had beaten the other hunters here and were going to have easy pickings.
Ultimatum sent the ship downward, or at least he sent the command to bring the ship to the surface. He wasn't piloting. PU-01, or Pilot Unite 01, was the pilot of the Fate. Ultimatum was the passenger, along with AU-01 and MU-01, Assault unit and Medical unit respectively. They were prepared for battle, but there wasn't supposed to be much in the way of fighting for these guys, Ultimatum was the only one who expected to fight.

He was armed with his silenced pistol and sniper, not much given the possibility of a firefight along with a melee combat. However he trusted the Phrik body to handle whatever punishment may come. He had survived worse that this man could throw at him anyways, he assumed.

The ship was quick to make its decent, the pilot knowing completely the abilities of the ship of what it could and could not handle. Ultimatum had classified areas that he had found to be incapable of housing the quarry. There were the areas that he had checked with the HoloNet, looking through police files and other authorities. His searches had led him to believe that the man he hunted had made the all too common mistake of moving out into wilderness in order to avoid contact from people inside the city, hoping to escape any attempts by authorities to find him. The fact that made this a mistake was that in the wilderness certain scanners could find him more easily.

He had chosen the planet well however, the size of the man was not unique to his species, a large number of species on this planet that fit his general size. Ultimatum had to make a guess and would probably make multiple landings. He already had the first landing site, a single being of about the right size. He would be landing to check it out in five minute to ten minutes, he doubted that the first one would be correct, as it would prove to be.

[member="Cryil Lynn"] [member="Growl"]
Keely couldn't quite suppress the grin on her face as she engaged the security locks on the Big Girl. The huntress had never been to Taris, and the prospect of tracking a prey across unfamiliar territory was already getting her blood pumping. Her bounty wasn't an incredibly high profile mark, and was designated as an "open target" on the HoloNet. This almost guaranteed a race with other hunters, and she'd take that stimulation over a vacation any day.

The huntress asked around the settlement, and it didn't take all that long to find a trail. Whoever her bounty was, he was leaving a neon trail in his wake. A man matching his description had been throwing credits around not too long ago, buying a beginner survivalist's kit and a speeder rental. It seemed like her man was planning on hiding out in the wilderness; he either knew he was being hunted, or he was a budding survivalist. Keely put good cred on the former.

Good... May have to fight for it, after all...

After taking a moment to peruse the meager selection, Keely rented a decent swoop bike, twisting a hefty discount with some harsh diplomacy.

Checking over her gear a final time, she took off after her prey, her helmet's sensors quickly picking up sloppy scorch trail to follow. With an almost feral smile, she pushed her swoop just a little bit faster.

"I'm comin' for ya, Sweety."

[member="Ultimatum"] - [member="Growl"] - [member="Cryil Lynn"]
The Eclair flew into a Spaceport in the undercity landing quickly and swiftly, Turning to Growl "get the location I'll stay here and prepare for the chase" Cryil opens the door for Growl Signaling for him to leave, then turns back to the pilot seat and sits back down and opens up the holonet and starts doing research on where the target could be.

After a few moments of searching he opens up comms "There is a bar four blocks down they might have the information we need. Of course knowing you, you already have a plan. Good luck".
leaves the Eclair and heads to the bar his older brother Cryil mentioned.Upon arriving he noticed a man with a few hundred credits sitting on the table and a blaster at his side.Growl thought to himself "This is our best bet".Growl approached the man and asked him "Has someone attempted to sell you exotic bird feathers or meat recently?".The man stared at growl a bit confused and replied as he held his hand out "I don't recall anything like that but maybe a few credits will jog my memory".Growl frowns a bit and draws his pistol placing it against the mans chest "Maybe some .45 ACP will do the trick instead?".

The man held his hand up saying "All right all right just calm down.He was here about a day ago and offered me some Shriek Hawk feathers,I refused and he left."

Growl could tell he was being honest but he could also sense the man was hiding something to save his own skin. "Where did he say he was going?" growl asked as he pressed his pistol harder into the mans chest.

The man kind of holds his head in his hands and says "Alright alright.The guy said if I changed my mind I could find him at one of his hideouts in the wilderness".Growl would shove the man into the wall behind him and demand in a threatening tone "Where!" as he holds his datapad out.

The informant marks the location of the 2 hideouts he knows of and Growl holsters his weapon releasing the man."Pleasure doing business" he says as he begins walking back to the Eclair.Growl notifies his brother of his success via his comm link saying "I got two hot spots big brother on my way back now".

[member="Keely"] [member="Ultimatum"]
As the ship neared the ground the side door of the Fate opened and Ultimatum looked out, AU manned the rotary cannon on the side. He didn't see anything at first, but then the wild running of an animal tossed up enough brush and dust to tell Ultimatum it wasn't the person he was looking for. Time to move onto the next location.

Ultimatum shook his head, it was exactly that which would slow this hunt down, Taris had too many creatures that were about the size of a man. He decided to modify the search for height base organics only, at least that would rule out most creatures, but then if the man was bent over or lying down it was likely that they would fly right over him without noticing.

His thoughts were disturbed by multiple pings on the scanners. A good dozen hits in a concentrated area. There wasn't supposed to be a village in this area was there? Ultimatum brought of terrain maps in his mind and confirmed that there were not any human outposts for some kilometers in any direction. What was this doing here? Perhaps his target had brought friends? But why? That would only slow down his retreat and make it more obvious.

Ultimatum once more began landing procedures, hoping that he had found the quarry, though he would soon learn that he had not.

[member="Growl"] [member="Cryil Lynn"] [member="Keely"]
Growl once arriving to their ship says to his brother Cryil "We should just leave,this bounty isn't paying off enough to be worth this much hassle.Besides I need to go talk to some people soon and I can't have them waiting". Growl would sit in the co pilots seat of Cryil's ship and wait for his response.

[member="Cryil Lynn"]
The ship headed slowly towards the ground, Ultimatum didn't expect to be stealthy the ship was too loud and the dust that would be kicked up by the repulsor coils would quickly tell anyone nearby that the ship was coming. He wanted a steady target for AU to shoot from if needed. The droid stepped near the door, preparing to pull the rotary cannon down and to begin firing on the enemy when the door opened.

However, a sudden jolt through AU back and the droid hit the ground while Ultimatum struck the other side of the ship. He shook himself as he yelled out, "Pilot! What was that? Turbulence?"

He motioned for MU to get to work on checking AU for any immediate damage. While he listened to PU-01, "Negative sir. Wind is about point five kilometers an hour at the moment. The disturbance came from the ground. No damage to shields sir." That answered Ultimatum's unasked question of enemy fire. What could it be then? A kinetic cannon? Perhaps a repulsor coil set in the ground to project outwards? The opposite of a Tractor Beam?

No. Foolish Ultimatum. He realized what it was more than likely and he grimaced. It was so simple that he had forgotten it. It had been the Force. What did this guy have Sith with him now? He was wrong and he did not know. He didn't know just how wrong he was. The man that he was searching for was far away, almost twelve kilometers, hiding in a makeshift hut while he prepared to move for some more stable buildings that were abandoned nearby. He was so pleased with himself, he had avoided capture and was now free to make his living here.

Ultimatum meanwhile was ordering, "Take us down to the surface now. Drop as quickly as we can and keep us steady!"

He got a strained affirmative before the intercom shut off. Ultimatum walked past MU, who was finishing his check of AU. The medical droid gave a thumbs up as it started helping the assault droid to its feet. Ultimatum nodded before moving to the sliding door and pushing the manual release. The door unlocked and Ultimatum pushed it to the side with his unnatural strength. He looked down, a good seven meters to the ground, plenty safe.

He jumped out of the ship and fell the last meters to the ground. He rolled when he hit, the softish ground absorbing most of the impact. He came to his feet right before being pushed back by an invisible force. He slammed into a tree before being able to focus on his enemy. It was a strange creature indeed hulking and appearing to be mutated out of proportion. It appeared to be some sort of Rakghoul variant, however it walked on two legs and stood completely upright. Ultimatum was unsure as to how to respond, whether he should attack the creature or not when he remembered and said over the holo to PU, "Abort! Go go! Hold Position one klick out!"

"Roger sir, good hunting."

Ultimatum could have sworn he heard AU in the background curse her bad luck at not being able to shoot anything, however he had to turn his attention to the beast before him. The creature lifted its hand and Ultimatum was drawn up into the air. It then spoke in gravely, but understandable, Basic, "Metal thing not supposed to be here. What does metal thing want?"

Ultimatum asked, "What are you?" He then sent out an emergency signal, hoping to call someone else to distract the strange creatures, he noted in the background more of these animals as well. The signal only lasted for a few moments before it was flicked off, he could almost see the intelligence in the eyes of this creature.

"Metal thing not try that again. We are free, we no longer fear human and alien. We are free of fear." He dropped Ultimatum to the ground and the droid was left wondering as to why. "Come metal thing answer question."

"I am looking for someone. A near human. He was supposed to be living near here."

The ugly creature turned and began speaking in some sort of language to the others. Ultimatum stayed put, betting that any attempt to run would be taken badly. Damn and this had been such a promising hunt.

[member="Keely"] [member="Cryil Lynn"] [member="Growl"]
The creatures continued to talk for a good minute, Ultimatum stayed still, waiting to see if they would try to attack. He bet that he could defend himself, unless these creatures proved to be as dangerous as they had been thus far. He wished he had the element of surprise, instead it had been the other way around. Under other circumstances he would have tried to talk with them and find out what they were, but right now he was more cautious and wanted to somehow insure his strength. He did not want to kill his enemies, these did not seem the most intelligent. But smart enough to be a problem.

"Metal thing come. More questions. Why you land here? You looking for Nekghoul camp?" The first creature asked, lifting its hand and Ultimatum was pulled towards the beast. For the first time the droid felt somewhat powerless. It was a strange feeling and one that he did not particularly enjoy.

"As I told you before, I am hunting for a near human. He was said to be living near here. I was not looking for you or your people." Ultimatum wondered what a Nekghoul was, perhaps related to the Rakghoul of this planet? It was a question that would need to be asked now that he had little else to do. He wondered if his quarry had already run off. It did not matter, Ultimatum was a prisoner now and there was nothing that could be done for him at the moment. He looked forward to breaking free and perhaps talking with them. A more polite host would have been preferred but not everything went as hoped.
The Nekghoul did not accept the answer, they must have been used to seeing organics hunt them. But they said that they no longer feared the humans and other organics. "Metal thing lie. You come with us." They did not wait for an answer, the other turned and began walking to their camp, after a few words from their apparent leader. The leader then turned back to Ultimatum stretched his hand and the droid was drawn until one of the metal arms was grasped tightly in the creature's grip. Ultimatum had no doubt that this creature could rip his arm off with little trouble.

Ultimatum did not resist as the Nekghoul walked him quickly to the camp and brought him into what appeared to be a primitive cell. It probably would have been used to keep already weak or beaten captives, looking at the strength of the materials. But then again, with these organics, people running was probably not a problem. Ultimatum was pushed into the cell and it was closed and locked behind him. Looking around he bet that he could break out easily enough, but it would be escaping the Nekghouls.

"Metal thing. Where you from?" The question surprised the droid. He did not expect it. He kept his guard up as replied, half expecting some sort of trickery.


The Nekghoul looked somewhat quizzically for a moment or two before copying, "Mus-ta-far. Where that?"

"Far away. The other side of the galaxy. Very different planet, mostly covered in molten metal and rock. Very hot."

The creature seemed to ponder this. "There are many planets that life come from?"

Ultimatum smiled at this, despite the danger he felt that perhaps this was not a people intended on destruction, just overly cautious. "Millions. And there are millions of forms of life for every planet."

"And all hate us."

"Not necessarily. There are only a select few that want your destruction. There is a place for all species, whether or not organics agree with it. I do not want your destruction."

"You drew weapon on us. You came near our camp."

"After you had pushed at my craft, I had guested that it was some sort of weapon that my quarry had been using. I am sorry for drawing my weapon in haste."

"Perhaps." The creature turned and walked off, leaving Ultimatum alone in the cell. He wondered though what it was like for them. Much like most organics he assumed, wanting security but unable to find it thanks to other organics. He decided not to force an escape. He could wait.
It was a few hours before someone at last returned, it appeared to be the same Nekghoul from before. Ultimatum watched it silently as it walked to the cage and stared for a few minutes. The droid could not read the organic's expression, so strange the face was. It seemed to be an eternity where the two simply gazed upon one another before something broke the silence. Th Nekghoul sat down, and after a moment spoke, "You say not all hate us. You are one?"

Ultimatum nodded thoughtfully, he wondered where this was going. It was most interesting and unexpected. He wondered why they were opening up so quickly, it was not very logical, but then again these were very unique beings. It was as if some greater being were making them more willing to speak to the droid than would normally be the case.

Whatever the reason, the Nekghoul continued, "Then metal thing care for us?"

Ultimatum stopped to think about that. Did he care for any organic? Well. That was an interesting question. What he was doing, was he doing that for the organics that he cared for or for the programming that he had put within himself? What was his motive? He could not claim to care for organics if he was not working to save them for their own being. "This brings up a question of myself. Please give me a moment." The Nekghoul waved somewhat dismissively before standing and walking away.

Ultimatum turned his thoughts inward. Why was he doing what he planned? Was he a righteous guardian of life? Or was he simply a follower of a supposedly predestined life? Well he could not be the latter, he had changed that often enough that it meant that he was not a being driven by a fate predetermined. He was in control of his life, no one else could command him into a life that he did not agree with. He was free. Which meant that he truly cared for organics. Yet, he did not particularly like the beings that ruined their environments and destroyed their own lives. But he had just proven that he cared for them. What a quandary. He would have to ask someone about it.

Maybe someone who was a friend could help him understand it. These conflicts were not normal to a droid, perhaps an organic understood it better. He would need to speak to someone, maybe Kay or Ryn. Maybe, once he was out of here.

The Nekghoul returned, frowning somewhat. Ultimatum responded thankfully, "Apologies. Yes I care for your kind."

The organic's face seemed to brighter. "Can metal thing give shelter? We hunted by human, need safe place. You offer?"

For a moment Ultimatum was stunned, why were they asking for shelter? They were plenty strong. Their abilities were more than could be said for his own. But then again, humans and most organics were very good at overcoming strengths and finding weaknesses to exploit. He wondered if this was perhaps the last group of Nekghouls in existence. That was probably an exaggeration, but certainly if there had been many more there would be more information about them on the HoloNet.

"Yes, I can give you a safehaven. Do we need to leave now? Or is this a future theoretical situation?"

The Nekghoul shook his head emphatically, "We prepare to leave. Stay no longer. Gather supply and belongings. Then we leave. You have ship? Like one before?"

Ultimatum would have grinned, it would be a tight fit but completely possible. The droid was once more glad he had built a refresher into the designs, just to make certain. The droid nodded politely before standing as the Nekghoul held out its hand. The lock burst off the cage as if it had been ripped off. The organic then turned and walked out into the clearing of the small camp. He spoke several growls that Ultimatum could not understand before turning back to the droid. "Metal thing call ship now?"

"Of course." The droid decided to allow a certain amount of theatrics for the organic's benefit. He spoke aloud over the comm, "Fate, this is Ultimatum. Come to my beacon now. Give us a fly-by for threat detection, then land for pickup. All organic within a ten meter radius are friendly, understood." He got an affirmative click followed by the distant sound of thunder that was the ship's engines. A few minutes later the ship screamed overhead moving as fast as possible within the atmosphere, to avoid most shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft weapons. Then it turned and circled for a few moments, PU-01 was probably deciding on a landing spot before putting the ship down.

The doors opened and AU-01 had the minigun already aimed out, the droid almost pulled the trigger, but Ultimatum had sent the all clear signal. The droid then turned back to the group of Nekghouls, most of whom had been watching the ship's arrival. A few clapped while others turned back to their work. Ultimatum allowed them to work at their pace, he did not want to rush them. Though they worked very quickly without any influence on his part.
The Nekghouls were finished and ready to move out. They were much quicker than he would have anticipated. It was when they were about halfway through the deconstruction of their metal tend like structures that he realized they were intended to be broken down and built again in a short time. They must be nomadic, it made sense if they were hunted and killed by other species. However, instead of pulling the metal and various materials that made up their domiciles together, they spread the stuff over an area. They took the wood that had been used for fire and spread it as well.

When they were ready each had a bag that must have been five feet long and probably two feet thick. They did not appear to have much in truth, probably just large things. Maybe tools and hunting equipment? Perhaps he could ask once they had left. Looked like he would not be hunting any bounty today. That was alright, this was an interesting development and perhaps a fateful one. The droid did not believe in destiny, not since he had discovered his original one. He could change his purpose in life in an instant, what did that mean for his fate? Well, he could forge his own fate, which meant that predestination was in no way controlling him. Unlike what his master had intended. His birth right would have been ultimatum failure, almost reaching his purpose and then being destroyed.

The Nekghoul smiled at Ultimatum before putting a clawed hand on the droid's shoulder, "Thank you metal thing. May we travel stars together until death."

The droid nodded grinning back while replying, "May it be."

The Fate lifted off and within minutes was out of the planet's atmosphere. They left the system and into their next chapter together.

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